Does Fox News ignore Pentagon notification policies?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Watching multiple sources as I do, today during news coverage of the two-star General shot down by Afganistan 'friendlies' I noticed something odd. On CNN and Wolf Blitzer's show, he was interviewing some Rear Admiral Pentagon spokesman about the General. When Blitzer asked for his name the spokeman cited notification and next of kin policies as well as the Pentagon waiting 24 hours even after nex of kin have been notified out of respect. Blitzer then mentioned how AP had already released the name and asked if this changed the spokesman position, it didn't. Then switching to Fox, "The Five" was on and Shepard Smith did a quick news break mention of the General and gave his name as well as quite a bit of biographical information along with a portrait pic.

If not an hour before Blitzer was cited 24 hour delays for respect, why did Fox News give the name?
They got it from the AP.

So why isn't the question "does the AP ignore.." blah blah blah?

CNN, and Wolf Blitzer had it from AP too and asked the Pentagon spokesman if he'd then release the name knowing that, he said no. And CNN didn't then release the name. Fox did getting it fromt he same source.
It was already public knowledge due to the AP. So start a thread about them if you've got a beef.

That doesn't play as well with Fox haters...

I don't hate Fox News. I prefer them with the Gaza coverage and have said so. But when someone screws up, being impartial I'll call them on it regardless of who it is. Conversely, Fox lovers like you seem to be have no objectivity or credibility whatsoever being nothing more than a fanboy.
It was already public knowledge due to the AP. So start a thread about them if you've got a beef.

That doesn't play as well with Fox haters...

I don't hate Fox News. I prefer them with the Gaza coverage and have said so. But when someone screws up, being impartial I'll call them on it regardless of who it is. Conversely, Fox lovers like you seem to be have no objectivity or credibility whatsoever being nothing more than a fanboy.

Appears to be some kind of cognitive distortion or misperception on you part............:dunno:.
It was already public knowledge due to the AP. So start a thread about them if you've got a beef.

That doesn't play as well with Fox haters...

I don't hate Fox News. I prefer them with the Gaza coverage and have said so. But when someone screws up, being impartial I'll call them on it regardless of who it is. Conversely, Fox lovers like you seem to be have no objectivity or credibility whatsoever being nothing more than a fanboy.

Uh yeah... I wasn't necessarily singling you out, bub. Got something on your conscience? Touch a nerve?

As for me, I haven't watched Fox News for more than six years now. Got tired of hearing the same shit over and over again. Couldn't stomach that windbag O'Reilly or that douche bag Hannity any more.

So my credibility is still in tact...

As for yours...

You may want to quit jumping to conclusions, it could damage your credibility otherwise...

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