Does God support the separation of Church and State?


Aug 5, 2012
Please tell me what faith you belong to and why. I think this discussion gets pushed aside besides on several other aspects. Although I'd like to see what it this discussion could lead to. And finally, if you present that he does or does not please tell me if you're willing to support it or not support it and why.
I was raised LDS. As such I was taught to respect the separation of church and state. Too much potential for corruption. The people in authority couldn't be trusted to govern in a sufficiently godly way. Power corrupts and all that. Better to have checks and balances between church and state too.
LOL - why ask what religion we are? Shouldn't you ask what citizenship we hold?

I am an American: I believe GOD supports free will and so supports the American refusal to endorse any religion over any other or place restrictions on the practice of religions. Most Americans of whatever faith or denomination tend to agree with our Constitution as written.
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I was raised LDS. As such I was taught to respect the separation of church and state. Too much potential for corruption. The people in authority couldn't be trusted to govern in a sufficiently godly way. Power corrupts and all that. Better to have checks and balances between church and state too.

You already hit the good point. LOL.
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LOL - why ask what religion we are? Shouldn't you ask what citizenship we hold?

I am an American: I believe GOD supports free will and so supports the American refusal to endorse any religion over any other or place restrictions on the practice of religions. Most Americans of whatever faith or denomination tend to agree with our Constitution as written.

Can you back it up with your Torah? I know people will say they believe God this and that, but i want references from your religion. I'm speaking strictly of God. Not yet will we get into the country fiasco.
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What conditions can make it possible to integrate them with minimal corruption?
I'm an agnostic-theist. I believe that God exists but is unknowable in the sense of definite attributes. I do not believe God to be a spaghetti monster orbiting the earth as what I know of God, does not represent the qualities of a spaghetti monster. I am obviously areligious because I believe that religion cannot adequately define God.
With GOD there is only one true religion and you cannot separate your religious belief from you daily life because it is a way of life. But as religions exist today with so many beliefs church and state has to be separated. But is it really? For instance, I don't believe in abortions and if I was president I could not sign it into law. or on gay marriage because I do not have the right to make that choice. As a private citizen I could never cast a vote for or against abortions or gay marriage.
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I'm Catholic. Do I think God supports the separation of Church and state?

Well... I couldn't possibly hope to answer for or speak for God now could I. But I don't think he is capable of hate, and I don't think his people have any right to judge their brothers and sisters.

And no government has that right either. So I suppose I do believe that the government should be separated from any Church matters.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
17. And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's-Putting it in this general form, it was impossible for sedition itself to dispute it, and yet it dissolved the snare.

and to God the things that are God's-How much is there in this profound but to them startling addition to the maxim, and how incomparable is the whole for fulness, brevity, clearness, weight!

and they marvelled at him-"at His answer, and held their peace" (Lu 20:26), "and left Him, and went their way" (Mt 22:22).

The Resurrection (Mr 12:18-27).

12:13-17 The enemies of Christ would be thought desirous to know their duty, when really they hoped that which soever side he took of the question, they might find occasion to accuse him. Nothing is more likely to insnare the followers of Christ, than bringing them to meddle with disputes about worldly politics. Jesus avoided the snare, by referring to the submission they had already made as a nation; and all that heard him, marvelled at the great wisdom of his answer. Many will praise the words of a sermon, who will not be commanded by the doctrines of it.

Mark 12:17 Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him.

Clearly Jesus approved of the separation of Church and State.
I'm an agnostic-theist. I believe that God exists but is unknowable in the sense of definite attributes. I do not believe God to be a spaghetti monster orbiting the earth as what I know of God, does not represent the qualities of a spaghetti monster. I am obviously areligious because I believe that religion cannot adequately define God.

True religion do define god but man's interpretation of religion cannot define who god is. In the Christian religion there are many gods with many beliefs. But in reality only one true god and one true religion and every denomination believe their's the true one.
Please tell me what faith you belong to and why. I think this discussion gets pushed aside besides on several other aspects. Although I'd like to see what it this discussion could lead to. And finally, if you present that he does or does not please tell me if you're willing to support it or not support it and why.

As there is no ‘god,’ the answer is no.

And because religion and god are creations of man, all the more reason to codify the doctrine of separation of church and state in the Constitution.
Please tell me what faith you belong to and why. I think this discussion gets pushed aside besides on several other aspects. Although I'd like to see what it this discussion could lead to. And finally, if you present that he does or does not please tell me if you're willing to support it or not support it and why.

Man created God. Therefore, it is only a question of does Man support separation of church and State. And that depends on where you live, basically. Some States are theocracies, some are not. I say allow each state to decide for itself and don't worry about any but the place where you choose to live.
I'm Catholic. Do I think God supports the separation of Church and state?

Well... I couldn't possibly hope to answer for or speak for God now could I. But I don't think he is capable of hate, and I don't think his people have any right to judge their brothers and sisters.

And no government has that right either. So I suppose I do believe that the government should be separated from any Church matters.

If you were really a christian you could speak for god and you would know him because he has made himself know in the bible.
I'm Catholic. Do I think God supports the separation of Church and state?

Well... I couldn't possibly hope to answer for or speak for God now could I. But I don't think he is capable of hate, and I don't think his people have any right to judge their brothers and sisters.

And no government has that right either. So I suppose I do believe that the government should be separated from any Church matters.

If you were really a christian you could speak for god and you would know him because he has made himself know in the bible.

I just spoke for him by saying he is not capable of hate and that it is not the place of simple humans to judge their brothers and sisters. How dare you judge my faith?
LOL, there's quite a lot of atheists here. I'm trying to get answers from a 'believers' perspective. Although I'd still enjoy your opinions, but not on whether you believe there is a God or not.
Please tell me what faith you belong to and why. I think this discussion gets pushed aside besides on several other aspects. Although I'd like to see what it this discussion could lead to. And finally, if you present that he does or does not please tell me if you're willing to support it or not support it and why.

Man created God. Therefore, it is only a question of does Man support separation of church and State. And that depends on where you live, basically. Some States are theocracies, some are not. I say allow each state to decide for itself and don't worry about any but the place where you choose to live.

Even if you aren't religious, I think you could appreciate an integrated church and state. Unless you look at insignificant things of life. In the end it will come back to more important aspects. What you say?
I'm Catholic. Do I think God supports the separation of Church and state?

Well... I couldn't possibly hope to answer for or speak for God now could I. But I don't think he is capable of hate, and I don't think his people have any right to judge their brothers and sisters.

And no government has that right either. So I suppose I do believe that the government should be separated from any Church matters.

That's understandable, but integrated church and state systems aren't just about judging people though. I think the people should also be integrated in a non separated state. Eminent leaders can be effective if trusted by their people.
With GOD there is only one true religion and you cannot separate your religious belief from you daily life because it is a way of life. But as religions exist today with so many beliefs church and state has to be separated. But is it really? For instance, I don't believe in abortions and if I was president I could not sign it into law. or on gay marriage because I do not have the right to make that choice. As a private citizen I could never cast a vote for or against abortions or gay marriage.

Your first sentence is true, it is a way of life. It's still integrated in most Islamic countries. The last part is a good question but requires further discussion.

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