does Hamas need to be rooted out completely?

yes, and there's other stuff about 9/11 that was extremely suspicious; like the Pentagon airplane crashing into the records department over there.

Why is WTC-7 proof?
What records department was in the Pentagon?
Did the CIA tell the terrorists where to crash the plane?
Was it even a plane? Where they all real planes? Fakes planes?
Tell me what you know.
Why is WTC-7 proof?
What records department was in the Pentagon?
Did the CIA tell the terrorists where to crash the plane?
Was it even a plane? Where they all real planes? Fakes planes?
Tell me what you know.
WTC-7 went down without any plane crashing into it.
also :

Not to forget Yom Kippur.
Netandyahoo will be as successful as was W in his war if Israel has to "root out hamas" to win.
Outside the Middle East, memories are short. Israelis, however, remember that a ceasefire existed on October 6, 2023, and not a single civilian in Gaza was in any danger. It was Hamas that provoked a war by sending some 3,000 terrorists to massacre 1,200 Israelis and take 240 hostages the next day. From that point on, Hamas was responsible for the death and destruction in Gaza that followed.

Hamas’s leaders knew what the response of Israel would be and yet did nothing to warn or prepare the civilian population. They stole millions of dollars in foreign aid earmarked for public welfare to build their network of tunnels to provide the means to murder Israelis and escape from retribution. Not a dime was spent to build shelters for civilians.

Hamas purposely stashed weapons, built tunnel entrances, and fired rockets from apartments, hospitals, mosques, refugee camps, and schools, unconcerned that by doing so, they made each a legitimate military target. Furthermore, they did everything possible to prevent civilians from leaving. They knew Israel was put in an impossible position: if the military did not attack those positions, the terrorists would be safe and could continue their attacks, and if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) acted, the civilians they used as shields would die, and the press and the international community would pillory Israel. From Hamas’s perspective, it is a win-win scenario.

The urgent calls for a ceasefire have intensified following Israel’s preparations to launch an offensive in Rafah, the last stronghold of the terrorists. With more than one million civilians seeking refuge in the area, there are grim predictions of potential casualties. In one apocalyptic report, the New York Times said 85,000 Palestinians could die from injuries and disease over the next six months (Stephanie Nolen, “War and Illness Could Kill 85,000 Gazans in 6 Months,” New York Times, February 21, 2024).

This could all end now, right this minute, if Hamas laid down their arms and the hostages were released. And what they mean by ‘ceasefire’ applies to Israel only. :blues:
Although it doesn't happen often, here is how a "war" ends: One side surrenders. It lays down its arms. It releases all POW's and/or hostages. Usually it is required that they pay reparations for the damage they caused in the war.

The side that surrenders has NO BARGAINING POWER after the cessation of hostilities. Does anyone think that the National Socialists in Germany were "negotiating" after the German surrender? How much power did the Emperor have in Japan in negotiating the terms of the peace? None.

In this case, the Palestinians can't pay reparations because they are a "welfare" state, totally dependent on handouts from the rest of the world, a status which will continue emphatically and indefinitely after the cessation of hostilities.

Some sort of martial law or serious occupation is the only outcome that is tolerable.

The American President needs to say this, possibly in the SOTU. If not, then in an address before the U.N. General Assembly.

No, wait! I was thinking of a President with balls. Sorry.
WTC-7 went down without any plane crashing into it.

Right. Burning chunks of WTC-1 crashed into it, causing massive structural damage
and a fire that burned out of control for hours.

What did you think caused it to collapse?
controlled demolition, as part of a false flag done by the US.
a justification for trillions spent on 'defense' (wars abroad really).

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