Does Israel demolish homes of Jewish criminals (as well as Arab criminals)?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Will the family of these radical Jews get their homes demolished and if not , why not?

The Lehava group organizes demonstrations to protest intermarriage and Jewish coexistence with Arabs.
Photo Credit: Flash 90
Three members of the extremist Lehava organization, ages 18 to 22, were arrested Wednesday in connection with the torching of a mixed Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem on November 29. Brothers Nachman and Shlomo Twitto, and Yitzchak Gabai were arrested in joint operation by Israel Police and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency.)
A playground and two first-grade classrooms at the Max Rayne Hand in Hand School were set ablaze in the attack. Grafitti spray-painted on the wall of the Jerusalem school in glaring scarlet read, “Down with assimilation,” “Death to the Arabs,” and “There is no co-existence with cancer.”

The Jewish Press 3 Arrested in Arson at Jerusalem 8217 s Mixed Jewish-Arab School
So these 3 just walked hey? The Pals never make it to the ambulance or out of the ambulance either. So you have to kill someone to have your house destroyed. I bet not one Jewish person found guilty of murder ever got their family home destroyed, if you can even produce one, I'll eat my words.

Three Jewish extremists admit to burning teen Mohammed Abu Khder
The attack is believed to have been in revenge for the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank last month, and the twin attacks have ratcheted up tensions throughout Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Authorities have placed a gag order on most aspects of the investigation into Abu Khder’s murder.
But Honenu, a legal organisation which defends right-wing Jewish extremists, said it was representing six people — three of them minors — whose remand was extended by the Petah Tikva magistrates court, just outside Tel Aviv, on Sunday.

Three Jewish extremists admit to burning teen Mohammed Abu Khder

So what is the status of these boys are they in juvenile detention as I hear you lock 10 years old Pals up, where are these boys now?
And here is the Mother of one of those three who torched the school:

lawyer, radical right-wing neo-Kahanist Itamar Ben Gvir of the Honenu organization‎, claimed the confessions of the three suspects were coerced. “[T]hey were subject to serious abuse by the Shin Bet, mental stress, sleep deprivation and threats by investigators that they would beat them if they don't confess. I doubt that the confessions will be considered admissible,” Ben Gvir claimed. Gabai was previously arrested in May on suspicion of incitement to racism and other charges after he allegedly put up signs attacking Christianity during Pope Francis' visit to Israel this spring.

His mother said today that Jews and Arabs should not be studying in mixed classes and she would have torched the Jewish-Arab school herself if it were not illegal to do so. “It’s disgusting that Jews and Arabs learn side by side. If we didn’t have a country governed by law, I would have done the same [as my son],” she told Ynet.
Three Sefardi Haredi Members Of The Right-Wing Neo-Kahanist Lehava Organization Indicted For Torching Jewish-Arab School -

I believe if things are so even and the arabs and Pals have the same rights in Israel, that the homes of these men who did this hate crime and the Mother who agreed with it should have their homes destroyed. Its only fair since you destroy Pal homes who are innocent. This will teach that group of Nazi Jews some punitive punishment, wouldn't it.
Only families of Palstinian terrorists get their homes demolished.
So these 3 just walked hey? The Pals never make it to the ambulance or out of the ambulance either. So you have to kill someone to have your house destroyed. I bet not one Jewish person found guilty of murder ever got their family home destroyed, if you can even produce one, I'll eat my words.

Three Jewish extremists admit to burning teen Mohammed Abu Khder
The attack is believed to have been in revenge for the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank last month, and the twin attacks have ratcheted up tensions throughout Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Authorities have placed a gag order on most aspects of the investigation into Abu Khder’s murder.
But Honenu, a legal organisation which defends right-wing Jewish extremists, said it was representing six people — three of them minors — whose remand was extended by the Petah Tikva magistrates court, just outside Tel Aviv, on Sunday.

Three Jewish extremists admit to burning teen Mohammed Abu Khder

So what is the status of these boys are they in juvenile detention as I hear you lock 10 years old Pals up, where are these boys now?

They didn't just walk away, Cheeses. They're awaiting trial.

Personally, I believe they're just bored confused kids with nothing to do and half a brain. And their parents are not the sharpest pencils, either.

But they didn't kill anyone, and they should not be treated like they did. Punishment should fit the crime. Let them sit some time and then give them a psychologist and a good kick in their rear, to never try something like that again, or the next time they try anything stupid, they'll meet Gregory the inmate in a more personal way.

The ones who killed that Arab kid should each sit the maximum, and their houses should be demolished if we're in for equality. Because they have blood on their hands, that is.

Which is unlike the example you offered above.
Only families of Palstinian terrorists get their homes demolished.

Israel, although, judges its own assholes and put them behind bars. Unlike the Palestinians, who praise them.

So it balances.

I don't agree. (in regards to home demolition)

I don't think innocent people should be punished for the actions of guilty people - regardless of how nasty they might be and regardless whether they are Palestinian or Israeli. It's like going back in time to a more primitive code of justice.
Most of those families praise their terrorists kids and encourage them to do it. So I dont shed any tears for them, they're far from innocents.

I simply don't think that punishment is useful. They'll just build the house and cheer when more Jews die on following attacks.

Best solution is taking away their citizenship (in case they're Jerusalemites) and refuse any kind of social secutiry payments.

Saw the reaction of the the last terrorist's wife when they told her her account won't be filled. She started whining about how unfair it is. That was sweet.
Most of those families praise their terrorists kids and encourage them to do it. So I dont shed any tears for them, they're far from innocents.

I simply don't think that punishment is useful. They'll just build the house and cheer when more Jews die on following attacks.

Best solution is taking away their citizenship (in case they're Jerusalemites) and refuse any kind of social secutiry payments.

Saw the reaction of the the last terrorist's wife when they told her her account won't be filled. She started whining about how unfair it is. That was sweet.

Taking away a familie's citizenship? That is way wrong. Each one is different and if they haven't committed a crime they should not be punished simply for having hateful beliefs.

When you say social security payments - what do you mean?
Most of those families praise their terrorists kids and encourage them to do it. So I dont shed any tears for them, they're far from innocents.

I simply don't think that punishment is useful. They'll just build the house and cheer when more Jews die on following attacks.

Best solution is taking away their citizenship (in case they're Jerusalemites) and refuse any kind of social secutiry payments.

Saw the reaction of the the last terrorist's wife when they told her her account won't be filled. She started whining about how unfair it is. That was sweet.

Taking away a familie's citizenship? That is way wrong. Each one is different and if they haven't committed a crime they should not be punished simply for having hateful beliefs.

When you say social security payments - what do you mean?

The wife won Israeli citizenship thanks to what we call "Family Union" policy. Since the husband was with blue ID, she had the right to "unite with him" on Israeli territory.

Husband is now dead. What reason does she have to stay, and why should we accept this? Those people who are here thanks to that crappy policy, only to have husbands later running people and stabbing innocents, I mean, seriously? keeping them here?? for what reason?

In Israel, once your husband or wife dies in national incident, you get payments from national security.
I think one of the women of the run-over terrorist, probably the last one.

If she had an idea or not, is irrelevant. She stayed here because her husband was here. Now when he's dead, there is no point, or reason, to prize her further.
She may of had no idea what her husband was up to. Which woman is this now?
Does Israel demolish homes of Jewish criminals (as well as Arab criminals)?

Whatever for?

The more Jewish homes, the better.

There is no practical reason for religiously-blind equal treatment in a nation-state that was created with the intent to establish a home for a particular religion.

Islam has a long, murderous history of keeping subject populations in thrall and in Dhimmitude.

I'll bet the Palestinians are pissed that they're the only Muslims subjected to payback for centuries of such treatment of Jews by the Muslims.

Within the context of Eretz Yisrael, it's the Muslims turn in the barrel, this millennium.
Does Israel demolish homes of Jewish criminals (as well as Arab criminals)?

Whatever for?

The more Jewish homes, the better.

There is no practical reason for religiously-blind equal treatment in a nation-state that was created with the intent to establish a home for a particular religion.

Islam has a long, murderous history of keeping subject populations in thrall and in Dhimmitude.

I'll bet the Palestinians are pissed that they're the only Muslims subjected to payback for centuries of such treatment of Jews by the Muslims.

Within the context of Eretz Yisrael, it's the Muslims turn in the barrel, this millennium.

Are you kidding. You just said it, a nation state created with the intent to establish a home for a particular religion . Thank you , you just dug your hole.
"There is no practical reason for religiously-blind equal treatment in a nation-state that was created with the intent to establish a home for a particular religion."

Thanks. So it was an invasion of Palestine by Europeans of a particular religion to create a home for those of that particular religion, when people of other religions (Christians and Muslims) were living there.
Are you kidding. You just said it, a nation state created with the intent to establish a home for a particular religion . Thank you , you just dug your hole.
Personally, I have never held otherwise.

The State of Israel was founded in 1948 with the express purpose, in its Declaration of Independence, that it was a homeland for the Jews.

The Avalon Project Declaration of Israel s Independence 1948

They come flat-out and declare that to the entire world, in that document and speech.

I have dug no hole for myself.

I have never pretended it to be otherwise.

You have me confused with somebody else in this narrow context.
"There is no practical reason for religiously-blind equal treatment in a nation-state that was created with the intent to establish a home for a particular religion."

Thanks. So it was an invasion of Palestine by Europeans of a particular religion to create a home for those of that particular religion, when people of other religions (Christians and Muslims) were living there.
As a means of cutting the Gordian Knot and putting an end to Whiney Drama Queen gyrations...

For argument's sake, let's just say...

Yeah, it was.

Now... waddya gonna do about it?

Nothing... it's been tried... time and again... by far better men... who all failed.

Things change.

Shit happens.

The region formerly known as Palestine (Old Palestine) has changed hands.

It's called "Israel" now... as it once was, long ago.

The old owners (and their heirs and assigns) are back.

And they kicked your asses, to take-back what was once theirs.

Time and again.

Helluva comeback story on their part.

And nothing but the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948 on your part.

You've lost.

Hugely, and repeatedly, and decisively - until your martial ambitions have become the stuff of stand-up comedy routines.

Accept it.

And go away.

Or die.

Either one is fine.

Your choice.
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"Now... waddya gonna do about it?"

Nothing, you are being honest. Your friend Toast denies it.

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