Does the 'Greatest Commandment' superceed the condemnation of homosexuality?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Does Yeshua's summing up of the greatest commandment with 'love your neighbor as yourself' override prohibitions against homosexuality? In other words, if you love your neighbor as you do yourself, does being gay get pushed aside? Or are you still screwed if you're gay even if you're also the greatest humanitarian ever?
Don't forget there were 2 commandments given by Jesus. Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.-paraphrased.

Unless someone belongs to a Christian Church, then Christians have no right to judge that person. They have no right to tell someone 'you are going to hell, if you don't straiten up.' or anything like that, unless the said person is a member of a Christian Church OR proclaims themselves to be a Christian.

Does God hate homosexuals: No
Is homosexuality a sin: No
Does God hate sin: Yes
Is homosexual acts a sin: Yes
Is telling your kids that Santa Claus exists a sin: Yes
Are all sins equal to God: Yes
Does God love homosexuals less than he loves people who tell their kids about Santa: No

I truly believe there will be people who considered themselves homosexual in Heaven. Some will be there who committed homosexual acts.

It's God's party, and no man can tell God who will be invited, or who will not be invited. That is a message Jesus taught in many of his lessons.
Why do you think that preaching against immoral behavior and loving someone are mutually exclusive?

It's precisely because we love people that we have to speak the truth to them and persuade them to repent. If we didn't care we wouldn't waste our time.
Why do you think that preaching against immoral behavior and loving someone are mutually exclusive?

It's precisely because we love people that we have to speak the truth to them and persuade them to repent. If we didn't care we wouldn't waste our time.

Loving others is not immoral. There's not a single ounce of scientific evidence to support the assertion that being homosexual is in any way harmful vs being heterosexual. And as a bisexual myself I'd argue than being bisexual is in fact our default state. Love is love, if you're distinguishing love from not-love or less-love based solely on a person's body than all your ideas of love are superficial and not actually love.
OK with me if some folks believe homosexuality is immoral.
That is a religious belief.
But we should never make law based on that religious belief.
Allowing others to force their religious beliefs on others can not be tolerated.
Amazing the number of mother hen busy bodies that have nothing other to do than to condemn another citizen for falling in love with someone of the same sex.
Must have something really wrong in their lives to stoop to such childish behavior.
You say there is no scientific evidence that homosexuality is harmful, but let me ask you a question.

Are you, a bisexual man, legally permitted to donate blood?

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