Does the media cover that? Pictures that were taken today

And they could have prevented all that if they didn't start that stupid redundant war back in 48'.


It was a Zionist land grab, pure and simple. Zionist terrorist organizations worked out detailed plans well in advance (Plan Dalet) to depopulate Arab land and take it over, while expelling the population. It is all in the Israeli archives, and has now been released. There is no unbreaking those eggs.

Jews were approximately 1/3 of the population of Palestine, BUT ONLY OWNED LESS THAN 7% OF THE LAND on the eve of al-Nakba. The rest was grabbed by force of arms.

You forget your very well documented history that shows the Ottomans were the first to INVITE European Jews to come and live in a barren Palestine. A Palestine devoid of any arab muslim life until the European Zionist Jews made it fertile. Then after WW1 the Ottoman empire lost its lands to the LoN who then became the legal owners. They once again extended INVATATIONS to the European Zionist Jews to settle in Palestine with the offer of a RESURRECTED NATIONAL HOME FOR THE JEWS. The itinerant arab muslims were offered homes in the surrounding arab muslim nations newly formed as promised. The demographics have no bearing on the formation of Israel as the arab muslim contingent had no claim to the land being itinerant farm labourers from the surrounding lands. The arab muslim population of indigenous Palestinians was less than that of the Christians and owned less than 1% of the land. It was the arab league that tried to grab all the land in 1948 because of some religious obligation called Dar al Harb.

Those are the documented facts as proven time and time again from unbiased sources. The same facts that you deny because they go against your vile ISLAMONAZI religious instruction.

As my holy book says "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN "
And they could have prevented all that if they didn't start that stupid redundant war back in 48'.


It was a Zionist land grab, pure and simple. Zionist terrorist organizations worked out detailed plans well in advance (Plan Dalet) to depopulate Arab land and take it over, while expelling the population. It is all in the Israeli archives, and has now been released. There is no unbreaking those eggs.

Jews were approximately 1/3 of the population of Palestine, BUT ONLY OWNED LESS THAN 7% OF THE LAND on the eve of al-Nakba. The rest was grabbed by force of arms.

The standard "JEWS OWNED ONLY 7%" A very nice bit of I/N propaganda which
leaves out the fact that the people who call themselves "Palestinians" owned almost
no land at all. Mendelian Genetics leaves lots of high school kids scratching their
heads, so does high school geometry--------and so many people are stupid enough to
fall for the 7 % nonsense and just stupidly assume that it MEANS that arabs
OWNED 93% ------yup like they own the Grand Canyon too. LOL ---- "THEY GRABBED
LAND BY FORCE OF ARMS" as in shoot outs from fortresses? Oh now I remember----
that BIG TIME ATTACK ON THE NEGEV ----cannons and bomber jets for the task of
STEALING THE DESERT-----which had a white picket fence around it with a sign
"arab land ---no trespassing"

Just try to remember------a straightline-----180 degrees a right angle 90 degrees
If you can keep those "GIVENS" in mind-----you can do the "proofs"

PS the 7% thing is silly precooked propaganda really overused
'land grab' <<< another meaningless phrase. DA JOOOOS GRABBED
DA DEAD SEA from that little old arab lady who owned it

anybody here own land? I own some----very little----it is measured in
feet. Land ownership is a complicated issue. Some peoples have no
concept of LAND ownership----but the concept has existed in the middle east
for thousands of years. -----thousands of years of buying and selling and
owning and not owning land. Most people in the world own NONE----
In 1948 jews owned a lot more land in Palestine than did arabs
depending on what we are calling Palestine today

I OWN LAND ABOUT 200 FT X 50 FT On this is my home, garage and workshop, I also "farm" about half of the remaining land to provide fresh seasonal produce for my family all year round. It shows just what you can do with a small piece of land.
The 7% figure is official UN. And by the way, Israel doesn't dispute it.

Genetics you'd better butt out of because you are embarrassing yourself before the clever geneticists who did that study.

And for the 48 war check out Wikipedia for an "unbiased" article. (NOT, but still more realistic than your version....)

So then what was the land ownership figures for the arab muslims according to the UN. Just to put this into perspective you understand, the figures are available from the Ottoman and British archives if the UN don't have them. Last I looked it was less than 1% so it seems that the Jews have a 6 to 1 advantage over the arab muslims in respect of actual legal ownership. So tell the arab muslims to get out of palestine
Ummm, no.

Again, you need to check the quality of your information.

like I said, for the genetics, deal with the geneticists, not me. The films I posted on the genetics thread show very clearly the geneticists talking about their findings, Dr. Oppenheim in particular.

What you are saying about land ownership can't be answered because it is more b.s.
At least present a source for reference.

If you by a car from a Ford dealership and it goes wrong you don't take it to Chrysler do you. So you brought the DNA argument to the board so you have to answer the questions. If you don't know the answers, or the evidence you used was out of date than you need to admit it and take heed of your failings.

So when it comes to showing the land ownership by arab muslims you refuse to answer because their ownership was much less than that of even the Christians. Because it proves the Jews have a greater claim to the land you claim it is B.S. The frame of reference is the Ottoman land register that details the land ownership by everyone in Palestine at the time of the end of WW2, from then on no land title was ever transferred.

It was a Zionist land grab, pure and simple. Zionist terrorist organizations worked out detailed plans well in advance (Plan Dalet) to depopulate Arab land and take it over, while expelling the population. It is all in the Israeli archives, and has now been released. There is no unbreaking those eggs.

Jews were approximately 1/3 of the population of Palestine, BUT ONLY OWNED LESS THAN 7% OF THE LAND on the eve of al-Nakba. The rest was grabbed by force of arms.

The standard "JEWS OWNED ONLY 7%" A very nice bit of I/N propaganda which
leaves out the fact that the people who call themselves "Palestinians" owned almost
no land at all. Mendelian Genetics leaves lots of high school kids scratching their
heads, so does high school geometry--------and so many people are stupid enough to
fall for the 7 % nonsense and just stupidly assume that it MEANS that arabs
OWNED 93% ------yup like they own the Grand Canyon too. LOL ---- "THEY GRABBED
LAND BY FORCE OF ARMS" as in shoot outs from fortresses? Oh now I remember----
that BIG TIME ATTACK ON THE NEGEV ----cannons and bomber jets for the task of
STEALING THE DESERT-----which had a white picket fence around it with a sign
"arab land ---no trespassing"

Just try to remember------a straightline-----180 degrees a right angle 90 degrees
If you can keep those "GIVENS" in mind-----you can do the "proofs"

PS the 7% thing is silly precooked propaganda really overused
'land grab' <<< another meaningless phrase. DA JOOOOS GRABBED
DA DEAD SEA from that little old arab lady who owned it

anybody here own land? I own some----very little----it is measured in
feet. Land ownership is a complicated issue. Some peoples have no
concept of LAND ownership----but the concept has existed in the middle east
for thousands of years. -----thousands of years of buying and selling and
owning and not owning land. Most people in the world own NONE----
In 1948 jews owned a lot more land in Palestine than did arabs
depending on what we are calling Palestine today

I OWN LAND ABOUT 200 FT X 50 FT On this is my home, garage and workshop, I also "farm" about half of the remaining land to provide fresh seasonal produce for my family all year round. It shows just what you can do with a small piece of land.
sounds idyllic, I bet you find loads of fossil over 10000 years old when you are digging:badgrin:

It was a Zionist land grab, pure and simple. Zionist terrorist organizations worked out detailed plans well in advance (Plan Dalet) to depopulate Arab land and take it over, while expelling the population. It is all in the Israeli archives, and has now been released. There is no unbreaking those eggs.

Jews were approximately 1/3 of the population of Palestine, BUT ONLY OWNED LESS THAN 7% OF THE LAND on the eve of al-Nakba. The rest was grabbed by force of arms.

The standard "JEWS OWNED ONLY 7%" A very nice bit of I/N propaganda which
leaves out the fact that the people who call themselves "Palestinians" owned almost
no land at all. Mendelian Genetics leaves lots of high school kids scratching their
heads, so does high school geometry--------and so many people are stupid enough to
fall for the 7 % nonsense and just stupidly assume that it MEANS that arabs
OWNED 93% ------yup like they own the Grand Canyon too. LOL ---- "THEY GRABBED
LAND BY FORCE OF ARMS" as in shoot outs from fortresses? Oh now I remember----
that BIG TIME ATTACK ON THE NEGEV ----cannons and bomber jets for the task of
STEALING THE DESERT-----which had a white picket fence around it with a sign
"arab land ---no trespassing"

Just try to remember------a straightline-----180 degrees a right angle 90 degrees
If you can keep those "GIVENS" in mind-----you can do the "proofs"

PS the 7% thing is silly precooked propaganda really overused
'land grab' <<< another meaningless phrase. DA JOOOOS GRABBED
DA DEAD SEA from that little old arab lady who owned it

anybody here own land? I own some----very little----it is measured in
feet. Land ownership is a complicated issue. Some peoples have no
concept of LAND ownership----but the concept has existed in the middle east
for thousands of years. -----thousands of years of buying and selling and
owning and not owning land. Most people in the world own NONE----
In 1948 jews owned a lot more land in Palestine than did arabs
depending on what we are calling Palestine today

I OWN LAND ABOUT 200 FT X 50 FT On this is my home, garage and workshop, I also "farm" about half of the remaining land to provide fresh seasonal produce for my family all year round. It shows just what you can do with a small piece of land.
I presume you would show your solidarity and disgust at the way this family is being treated.
BBC News - The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm

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