Is this thread on purpose? I mean your premise is so far fetched it is laughable. Donald Trump campaigned with Elon Musk and promised that Elon would head up the D.O.G.E. and what D.O.G.E. was going to do. And we the people elected Donald Trump with that knowledge fully in mind, so to say he is unelected is disingenuous.
Besides, do you so soon forget that there is already hundreds or more unelected people with their shadow crew of operatives in the thousands that have already had access to all of our information for oh, lets see, a hundred years almost? You have heard of the Internal Revenue Service, right? I used to practice before the IRS decades ago and they knew how much and where all your assets were back in the seventies!
How about the Federal Bureau of Investigation? NSA? ATF? CIA? ATF?
Please for the board, show us which one of the members of those organizations I mention are elected officials.