DOGE team, Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, ignore dealing with largest government waste: an ever-increasing national debt.

Congress has no interest in lowering debt. Neither do leftists.

That surely seems to be the case and why I support the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment which puts no limit on the amount of revenue Congress may raise or spend during the course of a fiscal year, nor prevents Congress from spending how it chooses. The FSBBA merely stops Congress from effectively adding to our national debt year after year after year and creates a very real moment of reality and accountability for the people of each state and their State Legislature and Governor, when they learn there is no free lunch coming from Washington D. C's cesspool.


"In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
Not having to deal with the dems holding the country hostage with the debt ceiling doesn’t mean we can’t cut spending
You do realize that what you are talking about is what the republicans habitually do, right?
You do realize that what you are talking about is what the republicans habitually do, right?
Your whataboutism is noted.

As long as you acknowledge the hypocrisy that fine.
An irrelevant thought most likely generated by a propagandizing media looking to divide and conquer by distraction.
You do realize that what you are talking about is what the republicans habitually do, right?
What are you talking about? Xiden and the dems suspended it and it’s still suspended since he took office
What are you talking about? Xiden and the dems suspended it and it’s still suspended since he took office
So it's suspended and he still spent less than tRump did. Think about what you are saying man.
Has Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy ever commented on adopting a federal balanced budget amendment? I can't seem to find any such quotes. Just curious if either has. If not, why?
Has Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy ever commented on adopting a federal balanced budget amendment? I can't seem to find any such quotes. Just curious if either has. If not, why?
Elon's goal is to cut $2 trillion from the budget, that would be roughly in balance, if congress agrees and passes the cuts.

Elon's goal is to cut $2 trillion from the budget, that would be roughly in balance, if congress agrees and passes the cuts.

I know what the goal is and it is a noble cause. I just am curious why the root cause of the symptoms they are addressing is not being confronted which is the allowance for Congress to increase the national debt year after year, and without any real moment of accountability for each State's Congressional Delegation when they do so.
I know what the goal is and it is a noble cause. I just am curious why the root cause of the symptoms they are addressing is not being confronted which is the allowance for Congress to increase the national debt year after year, and without any real moment of accountability for each State's Congressional Delegation when they do so.
The "root cause" of congress' inaction is no secret, its called "austerity". Austerity means cutting spending and that means less money in circulation, fewer subsidies, more hardship for constituents.
So, congress always "kicks the can down the road" hoping that the crash comes after they retire, or someone else cuts spending and loses elections.
The only "fiscal hawks" now are the 30 or so Republican "Freedom Caucus" members, who preach budget cutting but never do.
The battle between the Budget cutters and tax cutters should boil over soon, I hope its epic so voters understand, its now or the dollar collapses.
Trump is the self proclaimed "king of debt". That doesn't leave DOGE with any wiggle room.
I can't believe the amount of time I've know you, and the amount of time liberals still genuinely try to use the lie of a President is the root of spending...

I get it that a President signs these bills, however I also get that politics play a significant role.

In recent decades we have seen our budget, and spending process devolve into chaos. This is generally calculated by the left. It's how they wield power, in, or out of the majority. By turning our budget process into a series of CR's, liberals ensure that they produce thousands of pages of pure pork, and enrich themselves....Ripping off the people. I assume that since you are for higher taxation of the people, a plundering of their hard earned wealth, that you are for this process.

I OTOH, knowing this, and that Republican's are really no different other than talk, wave a Pox on them....

We need to get back to the normal budget process, regardless of the political pain, for the good of the country. Democrats should join this call for sanity.

Return the process to normal, with 12 separate appropriations, passed out of committees, with approval of the entire house, then Senate, and give us a damned budget that a blue collar man like me can look at and see that there is no pork in there, and only necessity, and any surplus paying down the debt. Then we can talk....Until then it's all subterfuge....
Has Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy ever commented on adopting a federal balanced budget amendment? I can't seem to find any such quotes. Just curious if either has. If not, why?
They may recommend a balanced budget amendment, but it would require a Constitutional Amendment, and they aren't happening any time soon.
I can't believe the amount of time I've know you, and the amount of time liberals still genuinely try to use the lie of a President is the root of spending...

I get it that a President signs these bills, however I also get that politics play a significant role.

In recent decades we have seen our budget, and spending process devolve into chaos. This is generally calculated by the left. It's how they wield power, in, or out of the majority. By turning our budget process into a series of CR's, liberals ensure that they produce thousands of pages of pure pork, and enrich themselves....Ripping off the people. I assume that since you are for higher taxation of the people, a plundering of their hard earned wealth, that you are for this process.

I OTOH, knowing this, and that Republican's are really no different other than talk, wave a Pox on them....

We need to get back to the normal budget process, regardless of the political pain, for the good of the country. Democrats should join this call for sanity.

Return the process to normal, with 12 separate appropriations, passed out of committees, with approval of the entire house, then Senate, and give us a damned budget that a blue collar man like me can look at and see that there is no pork in there, and only necessity, and any surplus paying down the debt. Then we can talk....Until then it's all subterfuge....
I see it as capitalism at work j. Love it, or leave it.
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