DOJ demands 1.3 million IP addresses of visitors to Antifa websites used to coordinate riots

It depends on what kind of VPN you use. Many of the free ones can be compromised. But some of the more secure ones like Nord and Express VPN do keep you anonymous.
Its better than browsing the web without anything.
Lol, yeah, yo just go on thinking that, dude.
Be careful. Given the postings here, browsing this site might get you classified as a white supremacist terrorist.
Inciting a riot is a serious charge.
That most certainly has to be proven in a court of law.

Indeed. I hope to see the people responsible there facing justice.

Do you not agree?
But NOT through UNCONSTITUTIONAL means...

The size of the request is a little unnerving.

I'm not familiar enough with the operations of such a site to know if it is called for.
that's the part that bothers me as well... this incident in January that they are trying to find people who attended could not have had 10,000 people in attendance at that rally and likely only a thousand or two from the whole Nation, yet they want to get the ip addresses which is basically your name and address if they pursued it further. and all sites you've visited and so much more now....FOR 1, 300, 000 /1.3 MILLION people....that's a HUGE over reach in to the privacy of well over a million people who never even attended the event! :eek:
Repubtards stole stole our right to privacy when they imposed the "Patriot Act" on US!

Use a Craigs List Burner Computer or Change your MAC address & go to nearest open WIFI to access the sites.
DOJ Demands 1.3 Million IP Addresses Of Visitors To Antifa Website Used To Coordinate Riots | Zero Hedge

In what is shaping up to be a contentious battle over privacy rights and free speech, the Department of Justice has formally requested that web hosting firm ‘DreamHost’ turn over 1.3 million IP addresses and other information to ‘unmask‘ visitors to the anti-Trump Antifa website ‘,’ as part of the investigation into crimes committed on and around January 20 by protesters. DreamHost has challenged the request, claiming the scope of data requested violates the first and fourth amendments because it is too broad.


And hopefully they find everyone of these pos losers who have harmed others, and destroyed property you ANTIFA .........ts are going to lose in the end you cowardly little bitches.

:laugh2: And after all the bullshit conspiracy threads you start freaking out over the NWO and our nation slowly being "1984'd" here you are siding with it. I'm shocked, I tell you...... just shocked......
DOJ Demands 1.3 Million IP Addresses Of Visitors To Antifa Website Used To Coordinate Riots | Zero Hedge

In what is shaping up to be a contentious battle over privacy rights and free speech, the Department of Justice has formally requested that web hosting firm ‘DreamHost’ turn over 1.3 million IP addresses and other information to ‘unmask‘ visitors to the anti-Trump Antifa website ‘,’ as part of the investigation into crimes committed on and around January 20 by protesters. DreamHost has challenged the request, claiming the scope of data requested violates the first and fourth amendments because it is too broad.


And hopefully they find everyone of these pos losers who have harmed others, and destroyed property you ANTIFA .........ts are going to lose in the end you cowardly little bitches.

:laugh2: And after all the bullshit conspiracy threads you start freaking out over the NWO and our nation slowly being "1984'd" here you are siding with it. I'm shocked, I tell you...... just shocked......

Aint my problem you live in a clueless world.
This all began because someone decided, as other elected officials have across the country, to cave in to partisan political pressures and seek to erase American history. History is not there for us to love or hate, but for us to learn from and seek to not repeat its mistakes.

Ok folks, here’s what REALLY happened in Charlottesville – and what everyone is missing
Yeah, I agree all except putting the driver to death because we still don't know what actually happened.
Get a cluel to reality LIBTARDS

We cannot run from conservatism. We cannot allow liberals to distort our views!
The left attempts to marginalize our beliefs, that’s how they shut down the unprepared. That is the one thing they always depend on. The fact is a fascist employs fascist techniques. They employ threat and violence. Fascists gain power by recruiting the youth and intimidation through the use of force. Once established as a power, they quickly control other areas which leads to increased power levels. That is not conservatism my friends, that is liberalism.

This is exactly how Antifa, BLM and a number of left wing groups are operating. Just because they are on the left does not mean that they cannot be Fascist, If they act as Fascist do they are indeed fascist and anti freedom, anti liberty, anti free market, Anti Individual. They stand against every single tenant that conservatives stand for, They stand against personal responsibility and the sovereignty of America itself. Is the Alt Right our friend? I would say no. Is Antifa our friend? No!

The Reality Of AntiFa - The Anti Fascist Fascists!

This all began because someone decided, as other elected officials have across the country, to cave in to partisan political pressures and seek to erase American history. History is not there for us to love or hate, but for us to learn from and seek to not repeat its mistakes.

Ok folks, here’s what REALLY happened in Charlottesville – and what everyone is missing
Yeah, I agree all except putting the driver to death because we still don't know what actually happened.

I don't believe in the death penalty . The law is too crooked as it is.
DOJ Demands 1.3 Million IP Addresses Of Visitors To Antifa Website Used To Coordinate Riots | Zero Hedge

In what is shaping up to be a contentious battle over privacy rights and free speech, the Department of Justice has formally requested that web hosting firm ‘DreamHost’ turn over 1.3 million IP addresses and other information to ‘unmask‘ visitors to the anti-Trump Antifa website ‘,’ as part of the investigation into crimes committed on and around January 20 by protesters. DreamHost has challenged the request, claiming the scope of data requested violates the first and fourth amendments because it is too broad.


And hopefully they find everyone of these pos losers who have harmed others, and destroyed property you ANTIFA .........ts are going to lose in the end you cowardly little bitches.

:laugh2: And after all the bullshit conspiracy threads you start freaking out over the NWO and our nation slowly being "1984'd" here you are siding with it. I'm shocked, I tell you...... just shocked......

Aint my problem you live in a clueless world.

It's not my problem you are a dishonest and dishonorable hypocrite
One wouldn't think conservatives would support this...

Conservatives are selective defenders of the constitution. They only care about it when it advantages them

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