DOJ Demands SALE of CNN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal

"CNBC confirmed the Justice Department's demand that Turner Broadcasting be sold before approval of the $85 billion merger. The DOJ action was first reported by the Financial Times.
Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal"

The Koch Brothers ought to buy CNN....



So the Department of Justice, which hasn’t blocked a merger in 40 years, is blocking a merger between Time-Warner and AT&T and demanding that Turner Broadcasting not be part of the deal. Surprising but it smacks of pettiness and abuse of power.

Still this is actually good news for everyone. It reduces corporate concentration in media outlets. In fact, all these mega conglomerates need to be broken up and sold off.

I don’t know why you think this is so joyous. You must think this is a bad think for CNN. It’s not. Gawd but you’re dumb.
CNN is still on the air?

Who knew?
ATT needs broken up, as does Time-Warner. This merger should not be allowed to happen, period; CNN or not.
ATT needs broken up, as does Time-Warner. This merger should not be allowed to happen, period; CNN or not.

Breaking up AT&T has already been tried.

It's too bad that the Colbert explanation has disappeared from the interwebs.
So the Department of Justice, which hasn’t blocked a merger in 40 years, is blocking a merger between Time-Warner and AT&T and demanding that Turner Broadcasting not be part of the deal. Surprising but it smacks of pettiness and abuse of power.

Still this is actually good news for everyone. It reduces corporate concentration in media outlets. In fact, all these mega conglomerates need to be broken up and sold off.

I don’t know why you think this is so joyous. You must think this is a bad think for CNN. It’s not. Gawd but you’re dumb.
the obama admin sued at&t to stop them from buying T mobile...
'THE ONION' ought to take them over, as they pretty much do the exact same thing. :p
I am betting the extreme rich Dems in Hollywood and Wall Street will buy know? Like Bezos bought the Washington Compost.

After all, the D party and the MSM are on the same team. The D Party can't do without it's communications department.
Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal

"CNBC confirmed the Justice Department's demand that Turner Broadcasting be sold before approval of the $85 billion merger. The DOJ action was first reported by the Financial Times.
Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal"

The Koch Brothers ought to buy CNN....

Because the Fascist Right does want to shut down those who dare disagree with them.
Ummm....Shouldn't the sale be up to the Commerce Dept?

Maybe the FCC?

What does Justice have to do with approving a sale?
Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal

"CNBC confirmed the Justice Department's demand that Turner Broadcasting be sold before approval of the $85 billion merger. The DOJ action was first reported by the Financial Times.
Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal"

The Koch Brothers ought to buy CNN....

Because the Fascist Right does want to shut down those who dare disagree with them.
Came out yesterday twitter and google was biased against infowars.
Take your foot out of your mouth and BING it :)
Ummm....Shouldn't the sale be up to the Commerce Dept?

Maybe the FCC?

What does Justice have to do with approving a sale?
They have their hands in this crap for a while.
My question is, why does the federal govt have ANY say?
Because the Fascist Right does want to shut down those who dare disagree with them.

Hey buttercup, the RIGHT is not the ONES:
- Using violence (riots, arson, terrorism, looting, destruction of property, physical attacks) to shut down free speech
- Whose Presidential Candidate was paying a group to send thugs to the opposition's rallies to beat and bloody his supporters

Once again, the Left accuses the Right of what they have already done and are doing.
What if TURNER BROADCASTING is sold to a group without POLITICAL IDEOLOGY they are trying to force on the country?

Will CNN turn into hard and unbiased news?

Time Warner shares were down 6 percent Wednesday after the Justice Department demanded that CNN's parent be sold before a merger with AT&T can be approved.

CNBC confirmed the Justice Department's demand that Turner Broadcasting or DirecTV be sold before approval of the $85 billion merger.

Time-Warner stock down after DOJ demands CNN to be sold as condition for AT&T deal
So the Department of Justice, which hasn’t blocked a merger in 40 years, is blocking a merger between Time-Warner and AT&T and demanding that Turner Broadcasting not be part of the deal. Surprising but it smacks of pettiness and abuse of power.

Still this is actually good news for everyone. It reduces corporate concentration in media outlets. In fact, all these mega conglomerates need to be broken up and sold off.

I don’t know why you think this is so joyous. You must think this is a bad think for CNN. It’s not. Gawd but you’re dumb.

You need to get up to speed, Holder and Obama got the DOJ smack dab in the middle of the American-US Airway merger in 2013.
I don't believe that it is constitutional for the government to interfere with an organization that is most certainly cataegorized as the "press". Everyone here on USMB knows that I'm no lover or supporter of CNN and liberal filth either. This is bizarre. The DOJ interjecting itself in a media affair is almost as confusing as congressman asking twitter and facebook to censor the alt-right on CSPAN last week.

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