DOJ Releases 400-Plus Pages of Lynch-Clinton Meeting Emails – After FBI Said No Records Existed


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.
The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.
their bluff was called. i love that.
Everybody has meetings.

The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

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The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

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They show the emails and law suit. What else do you need?
The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

Do you have any links that provide a neutral or even less far right news sources, I couldn't find any?
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FOIA Dump Reveals Collusion Between Lynch, FBI And Media To Bury Bill Clinton Meeting | Zero Hedge

you may not like the source, but the e-mails are in fact listed for you to read.
'DOJ Releases 400-Plus Pages of Lynch-Clinton Meeting Emails – After FBI Said No Records Existed'

Wait a minute....are you implying that Lynch, Hillary, and Comey LIED, protected Hillary from prosecution, and affected a cover-up?


Too bad most of American will never hear about it because the story will go in the 'round filing cabinet' next to the recycling bin in the Fake News, all-In, Democratic Party Ass-Covering media.
And we know the pilot reported exactly what the two discussed on that airplane on the tarmac - and it wasn't about their grandkids!
I have a motherly suggestion. If some members of the democratic party would start supporting
OUR PRESIDENT-----and stop the pile of bullshit that even the X pres---Obama has entered---this
Lynch thing could die a natural death
The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

CNS is not a news source, nutter butter
The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

CNS is not a news source, nutter butter

but were the pages released?

yes. they were.
The Clinton scandal continues to unravel. Comey is further exposed as a liar who covered up for Clinton.

The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016.

The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign.

The ACLJ notes that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records.

Do you have any links that provide a neutral or even less far right news sources, I couldn't find any?
except your Right News Right

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They show the emails and law suit. What else do you need?
For snowflakes truth only comes from CNN or some other fake news source. They are unable to use their own ability to commit logic because they have no such ability.
The vast majority of Democrat politicians belong in prison. Some of them belong in Guantanamo Bay.

you are insane hack.


Jillian-----I am so glad you are here ----to INFORM----What is going to come of the
Hillary / Loretta investigation? I do not go after TV news-----or read lots of
periodicals. What, actually, IS the Hillary / Loretta controversy
Oh----it's just other people who gossiped about it?-----ie the airport---ON THE EMPTY PLANE ---
ASIGNATION? (they leave plane doors unlocked?) -----I never thought of meeting a lover
on an empty plane--------sounds ROMANTIC -------do they leave the little plastic juice cups

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