DOJ Witchhunt for Zimmerman= FAIL: FBI investigated


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
FBI records: agents found no evidence that Zimmerman was racist | McClatchy

Too bad you race pimps have something called the FBI who already investigated Zimmerman:

After interviewing nearly three dozen people in the George Zimmerman murder case, the FBI found no evidence that racial bias was a motivating factor in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, records released Thursday show.

Even the lead detective in the case, Sanford Det. Chris Serino, told agents that he thought Zimmerman profiled Trayvon because of his attire and the circumstances — but not his race.

Serino saw Zimmerman as “having little hero complex, but not as a racist.”

Read more here: FBI records: agents found no evidence that Zimmerman was racist | McClatchy
The Martin family had better move on. They need to realize that their son did something extremely stupid that night. Fuck you Al Sharpton for turning this into a matter of race! Those poor parents...
What will the race whores and pimps demand next? A public hanging? Where's the rope? The blood-thirsty left needs rope.
The FBI investigation was put on hold during the state trial - but will now resume according to Eric Holder. The DOJ will use information from its own investigation along with information produced from the state trial.
It's with it.

In South Florida, legal experts said it’s going to be a formidable challenge for Attorney General Eric Holder to press forward with a hate-crime case against Zimmerman under U.S. civil rights laws, because Florida jurors found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder.

Jurors found that prosecutors failed to prove that Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman at a Sanford gated community, possessed “ill-will,” “hatred” or “spite” in the fatal shooting of Martin. Instead, the six female jurors found that Zimmerman acted in self-defense.


“If the state jury had been persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman caused bodily harm to Trayvon Martin because of Martin’s race, it would have almost certainly convicted Zimmerman of second-degree murder, which requires proof of ‘ill-will’ or ‘malice,’” said Scott Srebnick, a prominent federal criminal defense attorney in Miami. “So, to bring a federal civil-rights prosecution against Zimmerman, the attorney general would essentially be second-guessing the state jury’s verdict as opposed to vindicating a different or broader federal interest.”

Srebnick added: “I find it doubtful that the attorney general will pursue a prosecution on a civil rights theory simply out of displeasure with the state jury’s verdict.”

Brian Tannebaum, a Miami defense attorney and past president of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, agreed.

Miami Herald: Federal case would face

Let's not let the truth stand in the way of a good old fashioned lynching. HISPANICS , wake up.. The left and their PHONEY immigration stand is nothing more than votes for power. They don't give a crap about you.. you're useful in their lust for power.. Nothing more. They will lynch any one of you, if you don't fit in to their race narrative.
The FBI investigation was put on hold during the state trial - but will now resume according to Eric Holder. The DOJ will use information from its own investigation along with information produced from the state trial.

So the FBI and DOJ are one in the same?

The FBI reports to the Attorney General.

USDOJ: About: Department of Justice Agencies

...and what has the FBI reported?
If obama loses this and he will the effect for him will be catastrophic. obama already appears a clueless big mouth. If he persists in al sharpton's racist vendetta against an innocent man obama will show the world that he is nothing but a two bit race pimp and hustler who should never have left Chicago.

Not to consider that while obama is busy being an authentic black man Edward Snowden is going to continue dropping little pearls of further sleaze pooped out of the government's ass.
It's with it.

In South Florida, legal experts said it&#8217;s going to be a formidable challenge for Attorney General Eric Holder to press forward with a hate-crime case against Zimmerman under U.S. civil rights laws, because Florida jurors found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder.

Jurors found that prosecutors failed to prove that Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman at a Sanford gated community, possessed &#8220;ill-will,&#8221; &#8220;hatred&#8221; or &#8220;spite&#8221; in the fatal shooting of Martin. Instead, the six female jurors found that Zimmerman acted in self-defense.


&#8220;If the state jury had been persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman caused bodily harm to Trayvon Martin because of Martin&#8217;s race, it would have almost certainly convicted Zimmerman of second-degree murder, which requires proof of &#8216;ill-will&#8217; or &#8216;malice,&#8217;&#8221; said Scott Srebnick, a prominent federal criminal defense attorney in Miami. &#8220;So, to bring a federal civil-rights prosecution against Zimmerman, the attorney general would essentially be second-guessing the state jury&#8217;s verdict as opposed to vindicating a different or broader federal interest.&#8221;

Srebnick added: &#8220;I find it doubtful that the attorney general will pursue a prosecution on a civil rights theory simply out of displeasure with the state jury&#8217;s verdict.&#8221;

Brian Tannebaum, a Miami defense attorney and past president of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, agreed.

Miami Herald: Federal case would face

That may be true, but we won't know definitively until the DOJ/FBI conclude their investigation along with reviewing and combining evidence from the state trial. We'll see...
It's with it.
In South Florida, legal experts said it&#8217;s going to be a formidable challenge for Attorney General Eric Holder to press forward with a hate-crime case against Zimmerman under U.S. civil rights laws, because Florida jurors found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder.

Jurors found that prosecutors failed to prove that Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman at a Sanford gated community, possessed &#8220;ill-will,&#8221; &#8220;hatred&#8221; or &#8220;spite&#8221; in the fatal shooting of Martin. Instead, the six female jurors found that Zimmerman acted in self-defense.


&#8220;If the state jury had been persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman caused bodily harm to Trayvon Martin because of Martin&#8217;s race, it would have almost certainly convicted Zimmerman of second-degree murder, which requires proof of &#8216;ill-will&#8217; or &#8216;malice,&#8217;&#8221; said Scott Srebnick, a prominent federal criminal defense attorney in Miami. &#8220;So, to bring a federal civil-rights prosecution against Zimmerman, the attorney general would essentially be second-guessing the state jury&#8217;s verdict as opposed to vindicating a different or broader federal interest.&#8221;

Srebnick added: &#8220;I find it doubtful that the attorney general will pursue a prosecution on a civil rights theory simply out of displeasure with the state jury&#8217;s verdict.&#8221;

Brian Tannebaum, a Miami defense attorney and past president of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, agreed.

Miami Herald: Federal case would face

That may be true, but we won't know definitively until the DOJ/FBI conclude their investigation along with reviewing and combining evidence from the state trial. We'll see...

Fair enough, but I doubt it will ever be over...the DOJ will string y'all along, a politically motivated tactic to keep y'all appeased...

..."Don't give up hope...we're still investigating...still evaluating...still doing whatever...seriously, it's not over..."

...until the next big thing overshadows the last big thing, and this is forgotten.

Just my opinion, but an opinion based on shrewd observation.
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OMG people enough with the George Z crap!



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