Donald Trump Can't Find Enough Americans to Work at Mar-a-Lago

He dosen't hire legal immigrants.

He hires scabs that work cheap, save their money and send/take it home instead of hiring Americans and where the money is spent here in America.

He hires foreigners under the H-2B Non-Agricultural Visa program which is about hiring people temporarily, meaning lower pay, no benefits, etc. Verses hiring Americans in good paying, full-time jobs with benefits.

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H1 Visas are for legal immigrants
Westin is my favourite. Sheraton is OK, but at the Westin Hotels they seem to magically anticipate your every need.

I haven't stayed in a Trump Hotel, but I have been in Trump Hotel Toronto when he ran it. I wouldn't want to stay there. A travel industry friend invited me to brunch with her. $150 for two people, for a buffet brunch in 2014. I had one drink - an $18 Moscow Mule.

The food was adequate, at best. Any meal I've had at a comparable price was MUCH better than this. The Hot House (about 2 blocks away), has a much better Sunday Brunch at $30 per person, and more variety.

Thats outrageous.
Ive never seen a Westins hotel I dont think they have any over here.

Many years ago I went to Sofia to watch Wales play. We hadnt bothered to book a hotel but the taxi driver at the airport told us his cousin had a kittke place. It was an actual proper hotel but pretty rank.

We got bitten by bed bugs and breakfast was black bread and some kind of herbal tea. It was pretty horrific and I vowed to only stay at decent hotels when stopping in the third world.
It was cheap tho.
The Moscow Sheraton was lovely and so was the one in Fort Lauderdale.
H1 Visas are for legal immigrants

#1 Incorrect, his country clubs hire H2B non-agricultural foreigners in low skill, low education jobs. H1B Visa's are for the highly educated, high speciality skill (IT, Engineers, Doctors, etc.) areas. I work in HR and we get people inquiring all the time about applying for our openings using basically the H1B program. We turn them down and hire Americans instead.

#2 Incorrect the second, he's not hiring "immigrants" he's hiring temporary workers that have to return home. They save what money they can and either send it out of the country or take it with them when they leave. When hiring under the H2B program the period has to be defined in the application and can be up to 1 year.


Yes he article is from 2023. Heck it was reported in 2016 he hire legal immigrants

He routinely talks about how he supports legal immigrantion

He doesn't mention how he hires migrants over Americans though. He leaves that part out. And his supporters let him.
Hey Jackass, he isn't anti-immigration at all, most of his wives are immigrants! Can't you even f-ing be honest that he is just fighting ILLEGAL invasion/migration of undocumented people across our borders as required by law to protect the people of this country and the sovereignty of the nation?

Enough of the bullshit. If 2024 proved nothing else, we are not buying your bullcrap.

Due to the fact that he didn't secure the borders when he was president, makes your statement false.
He even chooses foreigners for his wives, instead of Americans.

What Trump proves time and again, is that he doesn't really support putting Americans first. He just says he does. And his supporters believe him. Even though he has a record of not putting Americans first.
/—-/ The same thing they do in the Hamptons and other resort areas. They snap up any locals and bring in illegals. Trump only hires legals.
You need to learn how things work in that industry.

There were 19 undocumented workers who proved they were working for Trump. And they weren't let go until AFTER the truth was found out.
Good grief. The amount of excuses and attempted subject changes by the Trump supporters are incredible.
FFS, just hold him accountable. Object to him for once.
It's not that hard. Is your loyalty that blind? Do Trump supporters not have any principles at all?
Good grief. The amount of excuses and attempted subject changes by the Trump supporters are incredible.
FFS, just hold him accountable. Object to him for once.
It's not that hard. Is your loyalty that blind? Do Trump supporters not have any principles at all?

They are afraid to be consistant.

See if you cross the cult leader you can't sit at the kewl kids table anymore.

Due to the fact that he didn't secure the borders when he was president, makes your statement false.
Hey asshole. He was blocked by democrats from funding a border wall but got most of it funded and built anyway by reallocating funds from elsewhere. He did more to close down illegal traffic at the border than the last 30 presidents put together. Joe Biden was just stopped from trying to sell off the unused portions of the wall yet to be installed for pennies on the dollar so go eat shit out of my shorts you lying fuck.

He even chooses foreigners for his wives, instead of Americans.
They are not foreigners you lying quack, they were LEGAL immigrants. But thanks for admitting he chooses immigrants which is so much as your calling yourself a liar that he opposes immigration! :auiqs.jpg: Wow are you some stupid piece of shit. :lmao:

What Trump proves time and again, is that he doesn't really support putting Americans first.
That is EXACTLY what he proves and does. Shove your lies up your ass, but thank you for them for helping get Trump reelected. America doesn't buy your bullshit anymore. Trump will be back in office in 19 days and he is going to slam the border shut, finish the wall and deport all of your friends so fast that your head is going to spin and there ain't a thing you can do to stop it.

Sounds like you're saying Americans are lazy and and don't want to work. Trump shares your opinion of American workers. Or maybe he likes workers who CAN'T QUIT and go elsewhere when he mistreats them.

How come Trump is the ONLY hotelier in the USA who has to import workers from Mexico??? Other hotel chains don't bring in foreigners on visas to do minimum wage jobs. Hilton doesn't do it. Sheraton doesn't do it. Westin doesn't do it. Of course they're much more successful than Trump. All of his hotels LOSEE money.

There’s not a single fact in your post. Just TDS.
Why don't all american businesses just flat out hire americans? It must be all about having to pay a higher wages for the same work.
Seems Trump isn't as anti immigration as his supporters might think. This is the same situation he got into back in 2016. And his supporters ignored it then too.
Saying you can't find American workers, now days, is like saying you don't want them. Especially when you only run a couple of small ads in the paper (that no one reads anymore)
One might think he'd try a little harder to get American workers.

Donald Trump Can't Find Enough Americans to Work at Mar-a-Lago

From 2023/24
Former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate hired more than 100 foreign workers in 2023, despite casting himself as an immigration hard-liner.

Here's the same excuses he was making 7 years ago.

There's H1 B visas all over Florida in the service industry.
Hey Jackass, he isn't anti-immigration at all, most of his wives are immigrants! Can't you even f-ing be honest that he is just fighting ILLEGAL invasion/migration of undocumented people across our borders as required by law to protect the people of this country and the sovereignty of the nation?

Enough of the bullshit. If 2024 proved nothing else, we are not buying your bullcrap.
/—-/ YoursTruly can’t be honest about it. He needs to push the anti Trump narrative.
There were 19 undocumented workers who proved they were working for Trump. And they weren't let go until AFTER the truth was found out.
/---/ OK, illegals were found out, and they were fired. What's your problem, other than it happened at a Trump property?
Why is it illegal for an emploter to ask about citizenship?

Can an employer ask for proof of citizenship?

Asking an employee for proof of citizenship or immigration status in the process of verifying a worker's employment authorization could violate the law that IER enforces. During both initial verification and reverification, a worker may choose which documentation to present from the List of Acceptable Documents. Q.Sep 25, 2024

IER's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Department of Justice​

Why don't all american businesses just flat out hire americans? It must be all about having to pay a higher wages for the same work.
/----/ How do you determine if someone is American if it's illegal to ask?

Can an employer ask for proof of citizenship?

Asking an employee for proof of citizenship or immigration status in the process of verifying a worker's employment authorization could violate the law that IER enforces. During both initial verification and reverification, a worker may choose which documentation to present from the List of Acceptable Documents. Q.Sep 25, 2024

IER's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Department of Justice​


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