Donald Trump is the David Blaine of politics . . . a master of misdirection and fakery. Where other people have a soul, Trump has black hole


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
We’ve had great presidents and awful ones. All had flaws. But never before has there been one so provably corrupt, impulsive, ignorant, incompetent, untruthful, work lazy, lacking empathy, antidemocratic, racist, sexist, ruthless, bullying, petty, arrogant, and endlessly self-centered and self-enriching. It’s not easy to meld all these different handicaps into one sentient human form. Yet in a feat worthy of a mass illusionist, the current Oval Office occupant has nonetheless convinced millions—though still a minority of Americans—to support him to spite themselves.
We’ve had great presidents and awful ones. All had flaws. But never before has there been one so provably corrupt, impulsive, ignorant, incompetent, untruthful, work lazy, lacking empathy, antidemocratic, racist, sexist, ruthless, bullying, petty, arrogant, and endlessly self-centered and self-enriching. It’s not easy to meld all these different handicaps into one sentient human form. Yet in a feat worthy of a mass illusionist, the current Oval Office occupant has nonetheless convinced millions—though still a minority of Americans—to support him to spite themselves.

Actually, it is YOU, who are the evil person.
David Dennison Donald J. Trump was sent by Jesus. Crooked Saint Donald is a modern day King Cyrus. He is our Lord and Savior who will deliver us seven showgirls apiece in Heaven if we bow to him as we hurdle the barricades of democracy in his holy name.
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You're a schizophrenic nutbag.....A wind sock is more anchored than you.
why? because i attack Dems and the GOP equally? we need more of that! folks who play it down the middle, who have no bias. i'm like a journalist, a well-researched journalist at that, i do my homework and know what i'm talking about, as you guys always attack me personally but rarely refute the points i make in a convincing way
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Masterly is usually good . . . but not when it applies a batch of awful traits that we wouldn’t accept in a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor. And certainly shouldn’t in a person chosen to govern nearly 330 million people in the world’s oldest democracy
i'm a humble son of a martyr. i attack politicians and people in power ruthlessly, but regular people and people who are catching hell? i defend them! i'm their voice!

You are a lying swine. You bear false witness against decent people.
Trump’s core weakness and political strength—the near complete shamelessness of a comic book villain who doesn’t morally flinch at mass lying or mass harm . . . while he invariably “doubles down” waiting for others to blink. And since a lifetime of cheating workers, consumers, bankers, and wives did not stop his ascension, is anyone surprised that he thinks he can get away with just about anything?
"I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute. I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy...Here's what you're buying. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesn't represent my party. He doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for."

"He doesn't have the temperament or judgement to control himself when he gets mad. This is kook land."

"I'm not gonna try to get into the mind of Donald Trump, because there's not a whole lot of space there. I think he's a kook. I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office. I'm a Republican, he's not. He's not a conservative Republican. He's an opportunist."


How quickly Lady Lindsey forgot her prescient words!
“I’m gonna tell you what I really think of Donald Trump: This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth, and in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everybody else of lying.”

How quickly Ted Cruz forgot the truth!
There’s a level of irony in all this that only a great novelist could imagine. Trump embraces corporate capitalism and the American flag yet imitates the dictator’s style of propaganda and intimidation. He is a Niagara of fake information yet attacks “fake news” for accurately reporting on him. Those comforted by the Sinclair Lewis phrase that “it can’t happen here”—“it” being a blend of Monarchy, Authoritarianism, and Kakistocracy, i.e., “government by the worst”—it is happening here.
without James Comey’s October 28th letter to Congress (released only ten days before the general election), which was interpreted as “reopening” the FBI probe of Clinton, Trump would have lost, according to polling specialist Nate Silver

another factor in 2016: "trust in government” (and therefore in the “party of government”) plunged from 70 to 17 percent from the 1960s to 2016 due to such shocks as Vietnam, Stagflation/Oil Embargo, the Nixon Watergate resignation, and the Iraq War
We’ve had great presidents and awful ones. All had flaws. But never before has there been one so provably corrupt, impulsive, ignorant, incompetent, untruthful, work lazy, lacking empathy, antidemocratic, racist, sexist, ruthless, bullying, petty, arrogant, and endlessly self-centered and self-enriching. It’s not easy to meld all these different handicaps into one sentient human form. Yet in a feat worthy of a mass illusionist, the current Oval Office occupant has nonetheless convinced millions—though still a minority of Americans—to support him to spite themselves.

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