Donald Trump Jr. Meeting. Yah?, So?. What About Hillary Clinton?,Hasn't She Met With Many Europeans?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: Isn't this what all of us "Normal Americans" have been saying ever since this latest "Non-Scandal" has leaked out?
And once the story hit all cable news outlets, most of them were making it sound as if President Trump has committed another laughable crime and needs to be impeached next week! :smoke:
But still,,What About Hillary? How did she and Bill come up with 250 Million dollars?
You would think that at least Hillary had to meet up with a few dozen leaders of all these European and Mid-East nations, right?:poke:
But god forbid one of Donald Trumps sons has a brief meeting with a Russian!,,God No! we just can't have this! Lets Impeach Donald Jr. For Now, and in two weeks, lets impeach President Trump, and his dog Toto too !!!!!
this is what they were saying on all the fox news shows,,,,whats the big deal? Hillary has done the same thing, and lots of times!
did any of u see how they were covering this on at least two of the laughable/pathetic networks? they were making it sound as if Trump commited a felony and is in deep deep doodoo,,,,,really? But it was Trump Jr. at the meeting,,,not the donald:oops-28:
What about Actual Ukrainian Collusion with The Clinton Campaign? Yah that happened. The Ukraine put all kinds of Fake News and false allegations out and The Democrat Party actually met with Ukraine officials to kick off their smear campaign in a Ukrainian

What about Podesta and Clinton ties to Russia and the Millions of Dollars they accepted from The Kremlin?

What about Russian Collusion with The DNC sending a Russian Lawyer to meet with Kushner about Russian adoptions who actually worked for the same people who created The Fake Dossier on Trump?

And how about this attorney being denied a Visa and someone in The Obama Administration overriding that denial for an unknown reason and then letting her in to The Country?

And how about The Obama Regime repeatedly sending Russians in arranged meetings or phone conferences toThe Trump Team or Trump Advisors and then Illegally Witetapping Everyone hoping to catch someone, anyone on tape saying anything remotely usable that they could use to impact the election and Trump Campaign and his Team
and advisors negatively?
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The majority of America sees the what's going on with the Democratic Propaganda Agency a.k.a The Media. I hope they stay on the Russia-Russia Impeach Trump train all the way to 2020.
The majority of America sees the what's going on with the Democratic Propaganda Agency a.k.a The Media. I hope they stay on the Russia-Russia Impeach Trump train all the way to 2020.
what about the DNC who wont turn over their server? I think Trump should order them to do it!..,maybe the DNC has to delete 35,000 emails first,,then hand it to the FBI,,right?:iagree:
:2up: Isn't this what all of us "Normal Americans" have been saying ever since this latest "Non-Scandal" has leaked out?
And once the story hit all cable news outlets, most of them were making it sound as if President Trump has committed another laughable crime and needs to be impeached next week! :smoke:
But still,,What About Hillary? How did she and Bill come up with 250 Million dollars?
You would think that at least Hillary had to meet up with a few dozen leaders of all these European and Mid-East nations, right?:poke:
But god forbid one of Donald Trumps sons has a brief meeting with a Russian!,,God No! we just can't have this! Lets Impeach Donald Jr. For Now, and in two weeks, lets impeach President Trump, and his dog Toto too !!!!!
As someone who has worked in politics,if someone says that they have first on other campaign...he'll yes you meet with them. As American as apple pie.
:2up: Isn't this what all of us "Normal Americans" have been saying ever since this latest "Non-Scandal" has leaked out?
And once the story hit all cable news outlets, most of them were making it sound as if President Trump has committed another laughable crime and needs to be impeached next week! :smoke:
But still,,What About Hillary? How did she and Bill come up with 250 Million dollars?
You would think that at least Hillary had to meet up with a few dozen leaders of all these European and Mid-East nations, right?:poke:
But god forbid one of Donald Trumps sons has a brief meeting with a Russian!,,God No! we just can't have this! Lets Impeach Donald Jr. For Now, and in two weeks, lets impeach President Trump, and his dog Toto too !!!!!
As someone who has worked in politics,if someone says that they have first on other campaign...he'll yes you meet with them. As American as apple pie.
and who did Obama meet with all throughout those miserable 8 years? not exactly respectable conservative leaders.
Al Queda, ISIS, Al Nusra, The PLO, Iran, Hezbollah, Al Shab, The Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter.

And he paid them to stage coups and Assasinations, gave them weapons and money.

No President has ever colluded with so many of our enemies for so long of a time.

:2up: Isn't this what all of us "Normal Americans" have been saying ever since this latest "Non-Scandal" has leaked out?
And once the story hit all cable news outlets, most of them were making it sound as if President Trump has committed another laughable crime and needs to be impeached next week! :smoke:
But still,,What About Hillary? How did she and Bill come up with 250 Million dollars?
You would think that at least Hillary had to meet up with a few dozen leaders of all these European and Mid-East nations, right?:poke:
But god forbid one of Donald Trumps sons has a brief meeting with a Russian!,,God No! we just can't have this! Lets Impeach Donald Jr. For Now, and in two weeks, lets impeach President Trump, and his dog Toto too !!!!!
As someone who has worked in politics,if someone says that they have first on other campaign...he'll yes you meet with them. As American as apple pie.
and who did Obama meet with all throughout those miserable 8 years? not exactly respectable conservative leaders.
i wonder if Al Green and Maxine Waters will attempt to impeach Trump again. with thier own powers that be,
Al Queda, ISIS, Al Nusra, The PLO, Iran, Hezbollah, Al Shab, The Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter.

And he paid them to stage coups and Assasinations, gave them weapons and money.

No President has ever colluded with so many of our enemies for so long of a time.

:2up: Isn't this what all of us "Normal Americans" have been saying ever since this latest "Non-Scandal" has leaked out?
And once the story hit all cable news outlets, most of them were making it sound as if President Trump has committed another laughable crime and needs to be impeached next week! :smoke:
But still,,What About Hillary? How did she and Bill come up with 250 Million dollars?
You would think that at least Hillary had to meet up with a few dozen leaders of all these European and Mid-East nations, right?:poke:
But god forbid one of Donald Trumps sons has a brief meeting with a Russian!,,God No! we just can't have this! Lets Impeach Donald Jr. For Now, and in two weeks, lets impeach President Trump, and his dog Toto too !!!!!
As someone who has worked in politics,if someone says that they have first on other campaign...he'll yes you meet with them. As American as apple pie.
and who did Obama meet with all throughout those miserable 8 years? not exactly respectable conservative leaders.
and who did Bill Clinton meet with after landing on some private island that we probably cant find on a map?
It's called "politics. " Happens all the time.
for all we know, Donald Trump Jr. could of met with the President of Guam to work on a solution to stop the island from sinking and the left would of demanded impeachment
:2up: Isn't this what all of us "Normal Americans" have been saying ever since this latest "Non-Scandal" has leaked out?
And once the story hit all cable news outlets, most of them were making it sound as if President Trump has committed another laughable crime and needs to be impeached next week! :smoke:
But still,,What About Hillary? How did she and Bill come up with 250 Million dollars?
You would think that at least Hillary had to meet up with a few dozen leaders of all these European and Mid-East nations, right?:poke:
But god forbid one of Donald Trumps sons has a brief meeting with a Russian!,,God No! we just can't have this! Lets Impeach Donald Jr. For Now, and in two weeks, lets impeach President Trump, and his dog Toto too !!!!!
As someone who has worked in politics,if someone says that they have first on other campaign...he'll yes you meet with them. As American as apple pie.
didnt Hillary meet with the Board Of Sasqutach a few times?

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