Donald Trump Tells The Story Of The Second Assassination Attempt

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Thank God for that woman. Otherwise that maniac would most likely still be on the streets somewhere.

Thank God for that woman. Otherwise that maniac would most likely still be on the streets somewhere.

Thank God for that woman. Otherwise that maniac would most likely still be on the streets somewhere.

I bet Trump gives her a nice reward. But WTF was this up in the corner of the video?

Screen Shot 2024-09-17 at 10.27.51 PM.png

Fact-checked? What makes these people fact-checkers? Amnd what makes their sources any better than the rest of us? Who do they use to check facts--- MSNBC and the NYT? I have never seen this for any person just talking to a crowd and DEFINITELY not if there was a democrat involved!

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