Donald Trump's name

This might be in the wrong forum. The only reason I'm putting it here is because I'm going to talk about this from a biblical perspective. Biblically, names are significant. There are many examples in the bible of a person's name expressing something about that person, either about their purpose, or something about their personality, etc.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that is the case with this one, this could be nothing, or it could be just coincidence. :dunno: But the other day I was reading something about Donald Trump's name that I thought was interesting.

So let's break it down.

The name Donald means 'world leader' or 'ruler of the world.' You can see that here.

The name Trump means either trumpeter or drum. You can see that here. A trumpeter is someone who proclaims or heralds something, in other words a herald. You can see that here.

So when you put it together, Donald Trump's name means "world leader herald".... or herald to the coming world leader.

I know that this site is very mainstream, so most here probably don't even believe that we're heading toward the New World Order. (That's a topic for another thread.) But to me it's obvious that we are, and in light of that, I think Donald Trump's name is interesting.

Amirite or amirite?
Thanks for posting that information. You did such a wonderful job explaining all of it. Often times on this site most people jump on the unbelieving bandwagon. No matter what their minds disbelieve everything; however; their are such as mess which means they put belief in all the wrong things.

You are correct as to the meanings of the names Donald and Trump. Understand that Donald Trump is already a world leader. He is mistreated and treated so horrible by the democrats that no one would ever know he was a world leader. The democrats plotted to assassinate him as he was running for office to become a world leader for the second time. Instead of him dying; the death came from their own party with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee dying. Donald Trump has remained alive but only by the power of God because God has chosen Donald Trump to be the next "WORLD LEADER" of the United States of America.

This angers; it burns the democrats up. They are already God-haters. They hate God with a passion. God Almighty refers to them in the Holy Bible as "God haters" God is all powerful. God raises up kings and He pulls down kings.

Also you can follow the leadership of Jehu in the Bible as Trump is the modern unfolding of Jehu.

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