Donald trump's "negatives" and the GOP's future

People are just entrenched in their ideologies.

And MAGA ideologies lost Bigly
Traditional Republicans won

Those spouting MAGA ideology lost, even in strong Republican districts

Lauren Boebert anyone?
That is nuts.

Even with the cheating, which is massive, the red wave was muted.

Trump "announcing" he will announce a week later did not help, it hurt badly, it made the midterms about trump, and when it did, faun rightwinger and candy SMILED.
Trump had no affect on this election. People will vote their party regardless of what he does.
That is nuts.

Even with the cheating, which is massive, the red wave was muted.

Trump "announcing" he will announce a week later did not help, it hurt badly, it made the midterms about trump, and when it did, faun rightwinger and candy SMILED.
There was no cheating. No fraud. No conspiracy.
You notice that those cries are just about gasping gurgles this morning?
That balloon is losing air..quickly. :)

If Republicans have any smarts, they will kick Trump to the curb....quickly.
And MAGA ideologies lost Bigly
Traditional Republicans won

Those spouting MAGA ideology lost, even in strong Republican districts

Lauren Boebert anyone?

I think you should run all brain-damaged candidates like Biden and Fetterman from now on.

Your people love it. Maybe that's why they think killing their own babies is a "cherished right"
This election was a direct repudiation of Trumpism

His candidates lost
Election deniers lost
MAGA lost

Trump will take it as a sign to run again
Republicans will sense weakness and run against him

DeSantis senses blood in the water
Absolutism is not playing well. We’ll if he starts positioning himself as more moderate. Because the CBA being done of the value being outrageously right wing (or left) in competitive elections is minimal…as last night demonstrated.

If DeSantis is on the ticket in the general and it’s a 2 way race…blob supporters are not going to stay home regardless of the moving to the middle
Now is the time for Republicans to show him the door. I think the party is ready to do that.
However, it's the MAGA voters that will have to be convinced.
So what you are saying is that we need to keep electing Repubs who suck the diks of the Progs. Including their women.
With Biden handing out free money, what fool living in a poor area would vote R?
Shockingly, in cheat states, they all appear to be losing...

In non cheat states they won.

This is really pathetic. Have a little bit of pride and lose with dignity.

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