Don’t Let the DNC Fool You—Democrats Love Racism

Are all your arguments going to rely on rhetorical pejoratives and baseless assumptions? Lol.

You say Democrats will recruit desperate brown people to run blacks out of their neighborhoods and rob them ex...

But Democrats includes black people, who vote democratic by 90% including black Democratic reps. In fact some of the most vocal in support of brown immigrants are those black Democratic legislators. Reality seems at odds with your claims.
I‘m not making anything up…all the data lies in public domain….look it up.
Democrats have recruited brown people right over the top of you. Everyone paying attention knows it.
But Democrats includes black people, who vote democratic by 90% including black Democratic reps. In fact some of the most vocal in support of brown immigrants are those black Democratic legislators. Reality seems at odds with your claims.
True….black voters are the most racist voters in America…they first vote for politicians with dark skin and then for those who promise the most free shit.
Ofcourse black Democrats support brown people…like all crooked Democrats they know brown people have kept the party relevant on a national scale.
ILMAO at diverse. You think hiring transvestites' for positions makes you diverse? Neat for appearances. How about hiring The Giggler as VP because "she's black"? Nothing like sporting the least character in Congress to represent blacks....What does Kamala say about blacks?
Did you suffer a bout of racist tourettes? Lol. None of that is an intelligent or intellectual counter to my point that the Democratic Party is the most diverse political party in the country with most minorities is leadership roles.
Do you think showering blacks with excuses, victim roles & segregation does them a favor, or is this more likely to "keep them in place" and entice them to commit more crime, and carry more dependence on welfare, which the left has used to devour their families of responsibility?
I think addressing the racism and discrimination of the past, especially the economic discrimination and the wealth gap created by it is the way to alleviate lingering disparities. Apart from slavery a lot of those racist disparities were built into FDRs New Deal which helped grow and solidify the white middle class but locked black Americans out of those same benefits. Recognizing that fact isn't showering black Americans with excuses, its doing what you pretended to do at the start of this, acknowledge racist Democratic policies that negatively affected black Americans.
Hey colonizer. It does not make me a traitor at all.
If the colonized parts of the world would have been better off without colonialism why does very nearly every country in Africa still speak English or French? Formal education, modern medicine, modern infrastructure and communications, all brought by Europeans.

Yes they exploited the natives. The entire course of human history has examples of that. They were exploiting their fellow white people back in Europe, just as Africans were exploiting other Africans.

The only reason to keep fanning the flames over something that happened generations ago is to divide and conquer.
I‘m not making anything up…all the data lies in public domain….look it up.
Democrats have recruited brown people right over the top of you. Everyone paying attention knows it.
No. Its your claim, you back up that nonsense claim with proof if you can cuck boy.
True….black voters are the most racist voters in America…they first vote for politicians with dark skin and then for those who promise the most free shit.
Ofcourse black Democrats support brown people…like all crooked Democrats they know brown people have kept the party relevant on a national scale.
Lol. Well that didn't take long. I don't know if you remember but this thread was supposed to be about how racist Democrats are to Blacks and it took nothing at all to rile you up so exposed your own racism. Lol. You are so easily played. My question is why even pretend in the first place? It's never convincing and it never takes long before you lash out with racist outbursts. Do you pretend because deep down you know you should be ashamed of yourself? Lol.
Democratic Party relies on the PoC vote so yes they love the racist narrative.

Yet how do they explain this?

Democratic Party relies on the PoC vote so yes they love the racist narrative.

Yet how do they explain this?

I explain it by laughing at it. I know the people who hate the fact that Republicans need minorities to win elections are the most avid racists of the Republican party. I'd like those cucks right now to know that victory at that cost isn't victory, it's surrender. Lol.
The only reason to keep fanning the flames over something that happened generations ago is to divide and conquer.
Hey colonizer. If you treated us like you treat white people there would be no need.
The white mans goal always has been to make us extinct. Our people, our culture. We will never allow that to happen.
I explain it by laughing at it. I know the people who hate the fact that Republicans need minorities to win elections are the most avid racists of the Republican party. I'd like those cucks right now to know that victory at that cost isn't victory, it's surrender. Lol.
Dumbass did you even listen? The district was 85% white and elected a black man. Only cuck here is you. When you shoot me, make sure you don’t miss. What distance does your water gun have?
Dumbass did you even listen? The district was 85% white and elected a black man. Only cuck here is you. When you shoot me, make sure you don’t miss. What distance does your water gun have?
So you do feel threatened. Lol. I knew a cuck like you would. Hahahahahahahahahahhaa
No. Its your claim, you back up that nonsense claim with proof if you can cuck boy.

Lol. Well that didn't take long. I don't know if you remember but this thread was supposed to be about how racist Democrats are to Blacks and it took nothing at all to rile you up so exposed your own racism. Lol. You are so easily played. My question is why even pretend in the first place? It's never convincing and it never takes long before you lash out with racist outbursts. Do you pretend because deep down you know you should be ashamed of yourself? Lol.
Hahaha…the truth is never racist Kunta Kinte.
A couple last questions for you…why / how have blacks allowed ALL other minorities to run right past them and achieve in America? Have they stayed too focused on whitey holding them back?
Why do blacks elect to stay in such a racist nation…why wouldn’t they return to Africa to avoid it?

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