Don’t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat? You Can Pay Me

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm seeing a lot of stories about this lately and I'm curious what everyone thinks. When I fly for personal reasons I generally buy a First Class ticket so this isn't an issue, but when I fly for work I have to fly coach and I usually do recline. I haven't had an altercation with anyone over it...... yet. ;)

Instead of counting their blessings, or buying extra-legroom seats with some of their extra income, the tall have the gall to demand that the rules of flying be reconfigured to their advantage, just as everything else in life already has been. Sometimes — one Upshot editor who shall remain nameless included — they even use the Knee Defender to steal from their fellow passengers.

Now that’s just wrong.
I always sit in an upright position even when I am driving because I have a thing about perfect posture. So this would not apply to me.
I would hate it if I was in a seat and someone reclined their seat so I couldn't move. Its just rude. The planes should just provide more leg room.
I'm seeing a lot of stories about this lately and I'm curious what everyone thinks. When I fly for personal reasons I generally buy a First Class ticket so this isn't an issue, but when I fly for work I have to fly coach and I usually do recline. I haven't had an altercation with anyone over it...... yet. ;)

Instead of counting their blessings, or buying extra-legroom seats with some of their extra income, the tall have the gall to demand that the rules of flying be reconfigured to their advantage, just as everything else in life already has been. Sometimes — one Upshot editor who shall remain nameless included — they even use the Knee Defender to steal from their fellow passengers.

Now that’s just wrong.

Only someone with a mental problem would recline their chair back when someone is sitting behind them. It's rude

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