Don't Want the Season to End


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Well, the wrestling season is officially over for us. After months of mercilessly grueling practices you'd think the kids would welcome a rest, but no. I've got the kids texting and emailing me begging to run practices this week. We cannot. So they will have to work out on their own until I run some camps this summer.
I always hated wrestling.
The gym stinks.
The lockerroom stinks.
The opponents stink.
My game was football.
Football is great too. When I was in HS pretty much everyone on the football team wrestled. Great way to stay in shape and gain skills applicable to football.
i'll wrestle anyone of any age, any discipline, anything, as long as it's a good looking muscular male, preferably blond. BRING IT ON!
I always hated wrestling.
The gym stinks.
The lockerroom stinks.
The opponents stink.
My game was football.
I have been on many sports teams durng my school years. Not that it was my focus (and it wasn't), but in no other sport did I receive cat calls from female fans and in no other sports was 80% of the crowd female. I still remember a home tournament to quaify for nationals that was televised and it happened to be at our home school. In the crowd, a girl who was out of my league and who I didn't even know liked me yelled down to me from the balcony, while I was on the mat wrestling lol "I love you (S.C)" ! It certainly gave me a boost I needed to win. Too bad I was always so shy and quiet around women (often due to my manners). If only we could turn back the clock...
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Football is great too. When I was in HS pretty much everyone on the football team wrestled. Great way to stay in shape and gain skills applicable to football.
I played RB, CB, DE, P, PK.
Most of the linemen were on the wrestling team.
When I was in Junior College I could squat as much as the linemen.
I have been on many sports teams durng my school years. Not that it was my focus (and it wasn't), but in no other sport did I receive cat calls from female fans and in no other sports was 80% of the crowd female. I still remember a home tournament to quaify for nationals that was televised and it happened to be at our home school. In the crowd, a girl who was out of my league and who I didn't even know liked me yelled down to me from the balcony, while I was on the mat wrestling lol "I love you (S.C)" ! It certainly gave me a boost I needed to win. Too bad I was always so shy and quiet around women (often due to my manners). If only we could turn back the clock...
Had a couple of girls whistle at me in the parking lot. Another ran her finger up the crack of my ass when I was bent over the freezer case.
When girls flirt with you it doesn't mean they'll go home with you.
They're just having fun.
Stay active. stay physical. you don't have to be wrestling to be active physically

Had a couple of girls whistle at me in the parking lot. Another ran her finger up the crack of my ass when I was bent over the freezer case.
When girls flirt with you it doesn't mean they'll go home with you.
They're just having fun.
Sure. I didnt even talk to her. I can tell you though, as groupies go, wrestling is unmatched. Once I had to change out of my double sided trunks because my opponent and I had the same colors, my teammates surrounded me for cover as I took my trunks off and switched them right on the mat. All the while the ladies whistled, lol. I bet they wouldnt even allow such a pragmatic approach today.
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Well, the wrestling season is officially over for us. After months of mercilessly grueling practices you'd think the kids would welcome a rest, but no. I've got the kids texting and emailing me begging to run practices this week. We cannot. So they will have to work out on their own until I run some camps this summer.
My younger son was a wrestler.

My wife and I loved going to his tournaments. We would sit on the hard bleachers in a gym for eight or ten hours somewhere and get to see our son wrestle for a combined maybe ten minutes or so. 15 if he made it the finals.

Of course High School was better. He would only wrestle one time in his weight class.
In my all-male Catholic HS ('63-'67) the wrestlers were the best athletes in the school. By far.

Also crazy as a fucking loon. Would do all sorts of crazy shit to make their weight. Coach would be jailed today.
In my all-male Catholic HS ('63-'67) the wrestlers were the best athletes in the school. By far.

Also crazy as a fucking loon. Would do all sorts of crazy shit to make their weight. Coach would be jailed today.
Sounds about right.
In my all-male Catholic HS ('63-'67) the wrestlers were the best athletes in the school. By far.

Also crazy as a fucking loon. Would do all sorts of crazy shit to make their weight. Coach would be jailed today.
I was already a skinny, though strong/ripped kid, but I would jog two miles wearing a plastic bag under my sweatshirt the night before a big meet to make weight. It's quite unhealthy. One thing about youth is one has plenty of energy but very little brains (as least for me)
Nowadays at the beginning of the season a physician has to check each wrestler and measure body fat or some other metric and then determine the minimum weight that the athlete could compete at. Then that’s it for the whole season. They’ve made a lot of rules over the decades to make things safer for the kids. I never really cut hard weight until I got to college anyway, but at least at the high school level it should be about keeping the kids healthy.

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