Dowd-A Gay Commander in Chief: Ready or Not- Wasn't this question answered?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
Dowd: A Gay Commander in Chief: Ready or Not?
I called Barney Frank, assuming the gay pioneer would be optimistic. He wasn’t. “It’s one thing to have a gay person in the abstract,” he said. “It’s another to see that person as part of a living, breathing couple. How would a gay presidential candidate have a celebratory kiss with his partner after winning the New Hampshire primary? The sight of two women kissing has not been as distressful to people as the sight of two men kissing.”
Because of the Defense of Marriage Act, he added, “it’s not clear that a gay president could use federal funds to buy his husband dinner. Would his partner have to pay rent in the White House? There would be no Secret Service protection for the paramour.”
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Loewen makes the claim in his new book, Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, which was recently published by New Press. Here's an excerpt:

Pennsylvania Lancaster: "You're Here To See The House"

Wheatland, Buchanan's house in Lancaster, is open to tourists, but visitors will never learn that he was homosexual or much else about him.

In life, Buchanan was not very far in the closet. For many years in Washington, he lived with William Rufus King, Senator from Alabama. The two men were inseparable; wags referred to them as "the Siamese twins." Andrew Jackson dubbed King "Miss Nancy," and Aaron Brown, a prominent Democrat, writing to Mrs. James K. Polk, referred to him as Buchanan's "better half," "his wife," and "Aunt Fancy . . . rigged out in her best clothes." When in 1844 King was appointed minister to France, he wrote Buchanan, "I am selfish enough to hope you will not be able to procure an associate who will cause you to feel no regret at our separation." On May 13, Buchanan wrote to a Mrs. Roosevelt about his social life:

I am now "solitary and alone," having no companion in the house with me. I have gone a wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them. I feel that it is not good for man to be alone; and should not be astonished to find myself married to some old maid who can nurse me when I am sick, provide good dinners for me when I am well, and not expect from me any very ardent or romantic affection.
King and Buchanan's relationship, though interrupted from time to time by their foreign service, ended only with King's death in 1853. While Buchanan was born and raised in Pennsylvania, William Rufus King was a Southern slaveholder. Buchanan's pro-slavery politics may have stemmed in part from their 23-year connection. Buchanan certainly thought highly of King: "He is among the best, purest, and most consistent public men I have ever known, and is also a sound judging and discreet fellow," as well as a "very gay, elegant looking fellow." - Archives - The Other Buchanan Controversy
Dowd: A Gay Commander in Chief: Ready or Not?
I called Barney Frank, assuming the gay pioneer would be optimistic. He wasn’t. “It’s one thing to have a gay person in the abstract,” he said. “It’s another to see that person as part of a living, breathing couple. How would a gay presidential candidate have a celebratory kiss with his partner after winning the New Hampshire primary? The sight of two women kissing has not been as distressful to people as the sight of two men kissing.”
Because of the Defense of Marriage Act, he added, “it’s not clear that a gay president could use federal funds to buy his husband dinner. Would his partner have to pay rent in the White House? There would be no Secret Service protection for the paramour.”

Baby steps.....

Loewen makes the claim in his new book, Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, which was recently published by New Press. Here's an excerpt:

Pennsylvania Lancaster: "You're Here To See The House"

Wheatland, Buchanan's house in Lancaster, is open to tourists, but visitors will never learn that he was homosexual or much else about him.

In life, Buchanan was not very far in the closet. For many years in Washington, he lived with William Rufus King, Senator from Alabama. The two men were inseparable; wags referred to them as "the Siamese twins." Andrew Jackson dubbed King "Miss Nancy," and Aaron Brown, a prominent Democrat, writing to Mrs. James K. Polk, referred to him as Buchanan's "better half," "his wife," and "Aunt Fancy . . . rigged out in her best clothes." When in 1844 King was appointed minister to France, he wrote Buchanan, "I am selfish enough to hope you will not be able to procure an associate who will cause you to feel no regret at our separation." On May 13, Buchanan wrote to a Mrs. Roosevelt about his social life:

I am now "solitary and alone," having no companion in the house with me. I have gone a wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them. I feel that it is not good for man to be alone; and should not be astonished to find myself married to some old maid who can nurse me when I am sick, provide good dinners for me when I am well, and not expect from me any very ardent or romantic affection.
King and Buchanan's relationship, though interrupted from time to time by their foreign service, ended only with King's death in 1853. While Buchanan was born and raised in Pennsylvania, William Rufus King was a Southern slaveholder. Buchanan's pro-slavery politics may have stemmed in part from their 23-year connection. Buchanan certainly thought highly of King: "He is among the best, purest, and most consistent public men I have ever known, and is also a sound judging and discreet fellow," as well as a "very gay, elegant looking fellow." - Archives - The Other Buchanan Controversy

Very good...

Assuming none were on the "down-low"

It is too bad
Frank Marshall Davis is not around anymore to talk to....

Frank Marshall Davis, pedophile and communist mentor to Obama, or “Frank” as Papa Obama calls him in his memoirs, was one of our greatest leftist heros in the fight against all norms in the bourgeois capitalistic system.

However, it seems strange Papa Obama ignoring some of the "special advice" he got from "Frank" has decided to support the Defense of Marriage Act.
As Candidate Papa Obama, he said ".....I opposed DOMA in 2006 when I ran for the United States Senate.”
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Don't get me wrong here Comrades. I support Liberty and Each's Right to have the opportunity to live their life to maximum potential. Don't confuse that with me being interested in any movement destructive to free will and self determination, or me wanting to take long warm showers with you. That ain't happening. I support each of us being true to who we are, not imposing will on others. The world is an imperfect play ground, all of us having baggage and shit to work out or through. ;)
Don't get me wrong here Comrades. I support Liberty and Each's Right to have the opportunity to live their life to maximum potential. Don't confuse that with me being interested in any movement destructive to free will and self determination, or me wanting to take long warm showers with you. That ain't happening. I support each of us being true to who we are, not imposing will on others. The world is an imperfect play ground, all of us having baggage and shit to work out or through. ;)

Agree, Libertarian calls for allowing each their own as long- assuming legal.

Of course, Marriage is still between a man a women. Allow for civil contract- sure. Gov't should be out of the marriage business (tax breaks and all)
How does anyone know we haven't had a "gay" Commander in Chief already?


January 2004. Mr. Bush wandered over during Mr. [Scot] Reid’s [senior strategist to Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin] chat with the Prime Minister. Mr. Reid introduced himself and shook hands with Mr. Bush.
The President chuckled. “Well, you got a pretty face,” he told the surprised Mr. Reid.
He wasn’t done. “You got a pretty face,” he said again. “You’re a good-looking guy. Better looking than my Scott anyway.”

“It’s been a fabulous year for Laura and me.”
– George W. Bush., three months after the World Trade Center towers went down.

“And we’ll prevail, because we’re a faaabulous nation, and we’re a faaabulous nation because we’re a nation full of faaabulous people.”
– George W. Bush., Atlanta, GA, January 31, 2002





Come Out of the Closet Chief The Celtic Rebel





If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's no horse.


Then again, he could have been a "Muslim".
Dowd: A Gay Commander in Chief: Ready or Not?
I called Barney Frank, assuming the gay pioneer would be optimistic. He wasn’t. “It’s one thing to have a gay person in the abstract,” he said. “It’s another to see that person as part of a living, breathing couple. How would a gay presidential candidate have a celebratory kiss with his partner after winning the New Hampshire primary? The sight of two women kissing has not been as distressful to people as the sight of two men kissing.”
Because of the Defense of Marriage Act, he added, “it’s not clear that a gay president could use federal funds to buy his husband dinner. Would his partner have to pay rent in the White House? There would be no Secret Service protection for the paramour.”

What a fucking bigot. Why does Frank automatically think of gay men when asked this question? I would bet that a lesbian couple would be able to win half the male votes simply by kissing on Prime Time TV. Not to mention that DOMA does not prevent using federal funds for SSM partners, it just sets it up so that states do not have to pay for benefits that are imposed by other states laws. Obama had no trouble issuing an executive order giving domestic partnerships full benefits under federal law.

I guess that proves, again, that Frank, like most progressives, is both an idiot and a bigot.
We already had a gay president... Buchanan.

That's what some historians say...

One has to wonder what future historians will make of Papa Obama's insistence of putting people like Kevin Jennings in power

Obama Picks a fellow community organizer, Kevin Jennings a Fistgate supporter, as Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools or Truth is stranger than Fiction

Jennings' puts on his resume his organization's role in the Fistgate Incident:
Wikipedia: Fistgate was a political controversy in Massachusetts in the early 2000s related to the proposed teaching of sexual education in public schools. The scandal involved issues offree speech, privacy and proper conduct in education

If you want to see the real horror behind this Fistgate then look here (CAUTION: This article contains graphic terms)


As a side note:

Here is a strange poem Papa Obama wrote in 1981 for a Occidental College journal:
The description in the poem seems to match with the description in his book of Davis (whiskey, poetry), and the black glasses at the end match this photo of Davis giving a reading.

Take a look; it is quite a disturbing document on many levels. Especially the lines that begin “points out the same amber stain…Makes me smell his smell, coming"

Sitting in his seat, a seat broad and broken?
In, sprinkled with ashes?
Pop switches channels, takes another?
Shot of Seagrams, neat, and asks?
What to do with me, a green young man?
Who fails to consider the
Flim and flam of the world, since?
Things have been easy for me; ?
I stare hard at his face, a stare?
That deflects off his brow; ?
I’m sure he’s unaware of his?
Dark, watery eyes, that?
Glance in different directions,?
And his slow, unwelcome twitches,?
Fail to pass.?I listen, nod,?
Listen, open, till I cling to his pale, ?
Beige T-shirt, yelling,?
Yelling in his ears, that hang?
With heavy lobes, but he’s still telling
His joke, so I ask why
He’s so unhappy, to which he replies...?
But I don’t care anymore, cause?
He took too damn long, and from?
Under my seat, I pull out the
?Mirror I’ve been saving; I’m laughing, ?
Laughing loud, the blood rushing from his face?
To mine, as he grows small,?
A spot in my brain, something?
That may be squeezed out, like a ?
Watermelon seed between?
Two fingers.?
Pop takes another shot, neat,?
Points out the same amber?
Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and?
Makes me smell his smell, coming?From me; he switches channels, recites an old poem?
He wrote before his mother died,?
Stands, shouts, and asks?
For a hug, as I shrink, my ?
Arms barely reaching around?
His thick, oily neck, and his broad back; ’cause
?I see my face, framed within
Pop’s black-framed glasses?
And know he’s laughing too.

Don't get me wrong here Comrades. I support Liberty and Each's Right to have the opportunity to live their life to maximum potential. Don't confuse that with me being interested in any movement destructive to free will and self determination, or me wanting to take long warm showers with you. That ain't happening. I support each of us being true to who we are, not imposing will on others. The world is an imperfect play ground, all of us having baggage and shit to work out or through. ;)

Agree, Libertarian calls for allowing each their own as long- assuming legal.

Of course, Marriage is still between a man a women. Allow for civil contract- sure. Gov't should be out of the marriage business (tax breaks and all)

What if a church wanted to marry two men? Would you be ok with that? There are plenty of Churches that support Gay Marriage.
I'm often amazed at the power of scapegoating. Evil requires a scapegoat for without them the mirror becomes a problem. Scapegoats can be religion, ethnicity, racial, class, or even the people who live across the tracks. Oddly even those who require help become scapegoats, especially in politics and economics. Something bad will surely happen, and when it does we know whose fault it is. Interesting phenomenon and one I would think is related to the conspiratorial nature of man. Causes must have culprits.


"In most of mankind's history, one of our more destructive propensities has been the need to find easy scapegoats whenever our lives become difficult. This is a process that the more radical leaders in each era have found very useful. It enables the few in power to distract the majority's attention away from the true causes of their distress, which is almost always the leaders themselves, and onto whatever minority these leaders believe are currently distrusted or disliked or that they can convince the many to distrust or dislike. The usual victims the leaders choose are the weak or defenseless or simply the minorities."
Dowd-A Gay Commander in Chief: Ready or Not- Wasn't this question answered?
Gee......Maureen Dowd.....jumpin'-on the most-current remind everyone she's still a columnist.

Whatta surprise.


(There must be a similar Annie "Bones" Coulter column, out there, as well.
We have an openly gay mayor here in Houston, it has never even been an issue. She was city controller before, she did a good job. In the campaign, it came up very briefly, the press stated early on Annise Parker has a girl friend she lives with. Most folks looked at it and said, "Yea, but can she govern effectively?". Her partner goes out with her, was on the stage for her acceptance speech and swearing in. There is nothing overt, but its right there. I have never heard anyone in Houston mention it in conversation. I'm proud of Houston for their objective approach.
Don't get me wrong here Comrades. I support Liberty and Each's Right to have the opportunity to live their life to maximum potential. Don't confuse that with me being interested in any movement destructive to free will and self determination, or me wanting to take long warm showers with you. That ain't happening. I support each of us being true to who we are, not imposing will on others. The world is an imperfect play ground, all of us having baggage and shit to work out or through. ;)
Is this supposed to qualify as some kind o' mea culpa?????

Who cares if our leaders are gay or straight?

All I care about is if they're on the level or not.

Imagine how much disappointment that means I have to live with.

Woe is me, eh?
Don't get me wrong here Comrades. I support Liberty and Each's Right to have the opportunity to live their life to maximum potential. Don't confuse that with me being interested in any movement destructive to free will and self determination, or me wanting to take long warm showers with you. That ain't happening. I support each of us being true to who we are, not imposing will on others. The world is an imperfect play ground, all of us having baggage and shit to work out or through. ;)

Agree, Libertarian calls for allowing each their own as long- assuming legal.

Of course, Marriage is still between a man a women. Allow for civil contract- sure. Gov't should be out of the marriage business (tax breaks and all).
A marriage-contract isn't a civil contract????? :eusa_eh:

You (supposed) traditionalists need to get-over the idea you own Marriage (as some kind o' Divine Right).

As hard as it might be (for you to believe), Marriage isn't another o' your Private Clubs.

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Don't get me wrong here Comrades. I support Liberty and Each's Right to have the opportunity to live their life to maximum potential. Don't confuse that with me being interested in any movement destructive to free will and self determination, or me wanting to take long warm showers with you. That ain't happening. I support each of us being true to who we are, not imposing will on others. The world is an imperfect play ground, all of us having baggage and shit to work out or through. ;)

Agree, Libertarian calls for allowing each their own as long- assuming legal.

Of course, Marriage is still between a man a women. Allow for civil contract- sure. Gov't should be out of the marriage business (tax breaks and all).
A marriage-contract isn't a civil contract????? :eusa_eh:

You (supposed) traditionalists need to get-over the idea you own Marriage (as some kind o' Divine Right).

As hard as it might be (for you to believe), Marriage isn't another o' your Private Clubs.


Thank God that assholes like Shaman and the way he thinks = fringe minority............THATS tradition for ya!!!:fu:


Here we have a board member...........Mr Shaman.........lecturing people on social change and the way it should be and meanwhile, spends 16 hours a day in front of his PC for the last 15 months:D:wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:
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How does anyone know we haven't had a "gay" Commander in Chief already?

Then again, he could have been a "Muslim".
No.....he was merely one-more average, ordinary, garden-variety, run-o'-the-mill asshole-fratboy. :rolleyes:

"Those who encountered Bush in Alabama remember him as an affable social drinker who acted younger than his 26 years. Referred to as George Bush, Jr. by newspapers in those days, sources say he also tended to show up late every day, around noon or one, at Blount's campaign headquarters in Montgomery. They say Bush would prop his cowboy boots on a desk and brag about how much he drank the night before.

They also remember Bush's stories about how the New Haven, Connecticut police always let him go, after he told them his name, when they stopped him "all the time" for driving drunk as a student at Yale in the late 1960s. Bush told this story to others working in the campaign "what seemed like a hundred times," says Red Blount's nephew C. Murphy Archibald, now an attorney in Charlotte, N.C., who also worked on the Blount campaign and said he had "vivid memories" of that time.

"He would laugh uproariously as though there was something funny about this. To me, that was pretty memorable, because here he is, a number of years out of college, talking about this to people he doesn't know," Archibald said. "He just struck me as a guy who really had an idea of himself as very much a child of privilege, that he wasn't operating by the same rules."
Here we have a board member...........Mr Shaman.........lecturing people on social change and the way it should be and meanwhile, spends 16 hours a day in front of his PC for the last 15 months:wtf::wtf::wtf:

Only on the internet............

Like Bigfoot getting ahold of a PC and starting a Dear Ann Landers column!!!!!!
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