Dr. Ajay Satan: Civil War Districts


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is there room in consumerism-lazy America for 'democracy-spirited' storytelling?


Dr. Ajay Satan had become the Supreme Minister of the New State of Allied Federal States of the Americas, devoted to turning the Trump Administration into the ultimate socioeconomic totem of modern-era consumerism-based and profiteerism-based 'couture' in geo-politics. However, Ajay did not start out as a 'beacon' of pro-capitalism propaganda. No, Ajay was an avid fan of the writings of Che Guevara (the egalitarianism-empathetic Cuban revolutionary who changed the way humanity contemplated guerilla warfare). Ajay attended Dartmouth College, where he did a lot of Yuppie-cocaine and learned about Cognitive Psychology (an 'education' he would later apply to global martialism-marketing meditation).

Ajay was very handsome and almost always had a girlfriend. They were like his little sisters, and he was scarred in the psyche. His alcoholic and abusive father made him turn women into 'dolls,' and Ajay showered favors upon them and drove them around the sunny beaches of southern California (in his young-man years) in his white Corvette. Ajay believed he was a 'Catholic vigilante' and fantasized about raising up one of his 'darling sister-like doll girlfriends' to the level of American Queen. Yes, Ajay was like a cross between Ted Nugent and Michael J. Fox, and it was lovely to know him; and no one ever doubted that Ajay threw the greatest college parties anyone had ever conceived. He was a real 'American Artful Dodger.'

It was during his Master's Degree studies at Yale University where Ajay met the prominent American movie star Tom Cruise. Cruise conversed much with Ajay (mostly online) and convinced him that the way of the future was to seize the psycho-sociological dominion of consumerism-gauged 'American etiquette,' and Cruise took Ajay to Auto-Shows (in California and New York) and told him, "One should not believe America's defeat in the automobile industry makes it unsympathetic towards the aesthetic wonders of transportation achievements!" Cruise was a big fan of the Subway restaurant chain in America and would buy Ajay sandwiches there, and it was then that Ajay started developing an intellectual fascination with Cruise's theories on 'consumer-based religion' and offbeat humanism theocracy (i.e., Dianetics).

Ajay and Cruise became media ad 'partners' on the World Wide Web, and they would both post comments about consumerism philosophy and the need to direct the ethical hygiene of fast-food America. Ajay had a PhD in Theology now (from Yale), and he was determined to create an anti-Reaganomics approach to social governance and cultural leadership in the USA. Ajay (now Dr. Satan) believed that he and Cruise could use the sway of the media and the popularity of movies (an arena where Cruise somehow always surprisingly shined) to build a new American Empire. However, at the height of their influence (when Cruise and Ajay were invited on the national pro-populism Charlie Rose Show to talk about Internet-bloggers vigilant about the moral compass of pedestrian bazaar etiquette), President Trump gave Dr. Satan and Mr. Cruise a special medallion with the title 'Pedestrian Democracy Vigilance Award' but demanded they 'humble' their 'sway' in media-chatter (e.g., Internet traffic).

Cruise felt there could be more done with this newfound power, and he initiated a Civil War against Dr. Satan. Both men had many allies and were considered the 'Castro and Guevara' of Generation X. Dr. Satan remained loyal to the needs of laisez-faire capitalism loyalists (e.g., pro-Reaganomists), while Cruise went on a campaign to champion the interests of Marxism-empathetic complete martial domination of American culture, using movies as a 'cultural radio signal' billboard. Cruise became the head of Planet Hollywood before Dr. Satan undermined his now ominously fascist popularity by writing one simple devastating Internet post: "Cruise is the New Isaac Asimov!" Cruise and Dr. Satan reconciled and began rebuilding their dream of an 'American Empire' together, and it was period known as 'Internet-Culture Reconstruction'.

Dr. Satan was assassinated by a fanatic loyalist of the Cruise Regime when Ajay was hyping the marketing of the relevant diaspora-allusory American film Captain America: Civil War, a movie Ajay intended to use as a 'symbolic totem' of pluralism-sociology in the USA. The epitaph on Dr. Satan's tombstone read, "A Real Eccentric Patriot," and Ajay was survived by his wife, mother, and children and his wife (Cassandra) found a note he had written for her, and it read, "I'll remember our Corvette ride in California and reading Walden." Would Dr. Satan be remembered as James Dean or Mark Antony? Either way, the Cruise Regime was now the supreme authority and Cruise became President of the Allied Federal States of the Americas. Cruise remarked in an interview in the last part of his crusading 'pro-consumerism' life, "I believe in the fullness of time, history will record Dr. Satan as the real 'master' of society mannerisms, and this notation will be embossed at my expense, though we will always remain the 'Batman and Superman' of American Dianetics.


Captain America: Civil War


The Leatherface Safari

Here's a yarn about the popular movie-star Tom Hardy who is promoting his frontiersman film The Revenant as a 'populism canvas' for 'Leatherface' (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic American horror film franchise The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) democracy. Hardy's goal is to evaluate through experience the value of free-speech in a society beset by political controversy.


Tom Hardy was very happy with his finished frontiersman-adventure/drama film The Revenant also starring Oscar-caliber actor Leo DiCaprio. Hardy had done some research about the mental consciousness required to 'rough it' in the old frontier of unexplored America, and DiCaprio played the protagonist Hugh Glass (a frontiersman). Hardy was familiar with DiCaprio's off-screen environmentalism work and was curious to see if his bright co-star wanted to advertise their recently-completed film (to some audience) as a 'presentation of Earth itself.' After all, some of the scenes in The Revenant boasted incredible landscapes of the rugged land.

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., a pro-liberal lobby was attempting to use movies to present arguments about the media controversy surrounding President Trump's sexist and racist campaign comments. This lobby wanted to argue that since movies reflect 'mass psychology,' there should be movies made about the requirement to 'censor' incendiary political contenders so as to avoid the problem of media-published hateful comments. One member of this lobby was actually an escaped convict who wanted to use this tide of 'political intrigue' to portray himself as a David Koresh-esque 'prophet' of modernism doom! This man, Thomas Hewitt, planned to 'copycat' the gory crimes presented in the American horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and then deliver the message, "If Trump can use the microphone and money to say whatever he wants, I can interpret American films however I want!"

Hardy read stories about Hewitt six months later and how he waived a chainsaw in front of the White House as policemen carried him away. Hewitt had become a 'media celebrity,' crying outlandish comments on the Charlie Rose Show and Larry King Live about the biased quality of media commentary in the modern age. Hardy was very intrigued by Hewitt and decided to call his former co-star Leo DiCaprio with a strange 'amusement park-oriented' pro-cinema campaign billboard/platform. Hardy wanted to 'recruit' Hewitt to dress up as 'Leatherface' and run around a field made to resemble one of the scenes/landscapes in The Revenant, while Hardy brought in groups of tourists to walk-through a 'Leatherface safari.' Hardy told DiCaprio, "The point of this 'Psychological Leatherface Safari' is to promote the notion that man is always close to nature ---- human nature and Mother Nature!" The eco-passionate DiCaprio loved the concept.

The Leatherface Safari was a huge hit. Hardy managed the operation with his girlfriend (Charlize Theron), and Dr. Ajay Satan's son (Ajay, Jr.) worked with Hardy on the set of the safari as one of the two main 'tour-guides.' Of course, there were multiple life-stipulations for the safari, and it had to be officially sanctioned by The Emperor Cruise (head of the Free State of America), so it could be canonized as 'an art symbol of pro-citizenry free-speech.' That's because Hardy intended to advertise the Safari as an 'amusement-park symbol' of hands-on democracy criticism. "Do we feel free to connect human nature with Mother Nature during the reign of this profit-minded 'token' Trump Administration?" "Does society art ever require any form of censorship?" These were some of the questions Hardy intended to address someday on Larry King Live. Ajay, Jr., meanwhile, felt like he was finally honoring the memory of his sainted father (Dr. Ajay Satan). Here is an excerpt from one of Hardy and Ajay, Jr.'s profitable safari tour presentations:

"My name is Tom Hardy, and you're here today (with me and Ajay, Jr) here to valuate the experiential intrigue associated with the exploration of nature --- human nature and Mother Nature! As you walk-through a recreated landscape from The Revenant, you will notice a 'Leatherface' copycat stalking in the hills, and you have the opportunity to ask, 'Does life in nature bring out the worst in human nature'? Remember to treat our 'Leatherface stunt-man' (Thomas Hewitt) with the same level of spiritual respect you would treat someone with mental illness, so you can better immerse yourself in this pseudo-intellectual safari experience. The #1 Law in assessing how to 'navigate' this frontier-like landscape to deal with our Leatherface-man (Hewitt) is to appreciate the fact that escaping such an 'anti-human monster' requires you to focus on an 'unpatriotic decoy' (a 'democracy scapegoat,' if you will), which will certainly test your free-speech faith in democracy (the individual in our group considered most likely to betray the others is the labelled 'scapegoat'). Use the decoy to draw Leatherface's attention so you have the chance to flee! So good luck, enjoy and please stay alongside me and Ajay, Jr. during the course of the safari as best you can!"


The Revenant (Film)

LEATHERFACE (The Main 'Attraction'):


SAFARI GUIDES (Tom and Ajay, Jr.):

Fahrenheit 411


When Emperor Cruise (EC) discovered that Capcom and Konami were working together to develop a new fight-themed X-Men (Marvel Comics) video game which allowed players to import characters from other fight-themed video games, he realized that youngsters were being exposed to too much violence-glorification in video games. EC decided to ban all video games, which motivated his Military Commander (MC) Tom Hardy to start a rebellion to overthrow the EC regime. The late Dr. Ajay Satan's son (Ajay, Jr.) joined MC Tom Hardy's rebellion and became his 'squire,' and Hardy called his 'army' the Rebels.

The video game in question was a scenario-adjustable fight game which presented two teams of 'super-mutants.' The heroes included the laser-vision Cyclops, the knuckle-bladed Wolverine, the fire-telepath Phoenix, and the explosive-card throwing Gambit. The villains included the magnetism-wielding Magneto, the beast-like Sabretooth, the sharp-shooting Mystique, and the stretching brute Gorgeous George. Players could arrange hero-villain fighting sequences between rivals (e.g., Woverine and Sabretooth) and also import iconic video game fighting character/warriors from other fight games such as Ryu (Street Fighter) and Kitana (Mortal Kombat). Ajay, Jr. thought the game was terrific, but MC Tom Hardy agreed that it promoted too much violence (even though he disagreed with EC's censorship initiative).

Hardy delivered the following address in front of the Lincoln Memorial (which motivated EC to devise more shrewd pro-capitalism strategies designed to arrive at a pro-empire resolution to the new split in American idealism):

"This new X-Men video game developed by Capcom/Konami is exciting for youngsters who want to see Wolverine and Sabretooth battle, but it promotes too much violence. Censorship is never the way to wisdom or wise governance, which is partially why my Rebels seek a more healthy dialogue-friendly alternative than all-out speech-furious Civil War against the EC regime. That is why I'm proposing that my squire Ajay, Jr. begin a political media-marketing campaign with the dutiful Trump Administration to market this X-Men video game (titled X-Men: Invitation) to audiences (and youngsters) as a billboard platform for the promotion of genetic ailment/birth defect awareness and research as applied to the HGP (Human Genome Project) organization. Kids should play with Wolverine and Magneto in the video game and feel free to make democratic comments such as, "If the genetic mutant Wolverine defeats genetic monster Sabretooth, he might win the affection of Phoenix who is currently married to Cyclops, so we should import Raiden (Mortal Kombat) to help Wolverine achieve the 'American Dream'! We do this in honor of the late great Dr. Ajay Satan."


X-Men Avatars: Heroes and Villains

heroes.jpg villains.jpg

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