The Fracturing of the Democrat Party

Not true. The Nazis at CNN just said Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's a Jew.

Chicago is going to be FUN!

And can you give us the time stamp in that video where anyone says that Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's jewish?

Because I'm pretty sure you're quoting you.
I'm not a party elite. And I wholeheartedly support this. As do many, many left leaning folks I know. Many on this board do.

The idea that within less than 24 hours, all democrats everywhere where have to be completely on board or the 'democratic party is falling part' is the kind of hysteric that may play well on American Thinker. But not the real world. They'll work it out in the convention.

Support for Harris is coalescing. Democrats are coming together.

Would you care to bet on polling with those democrats that support a Harris nomination exceeding those that believe Biden should stay in the race?

I have no doubt that most would prefer Harris over Biden at the end of the day, but what about someone else altogether? Cenk Uyger, for instance, is calling for an open convention and letting other candidates come forward who may be in a much better position to defeat Trump. Harris is a weak candidate. She has a lot of flaws. That doesn't mean she'll lose. She's running against Trump, after all, but there are other Democrats who could run away with this election unquestionably. That won't be her, even if she wins. She's unpopular among the electorate just like The Don. It's looking like a 2016 repeat now, but unlike 2016 when Clinton was elected by primary voters to be the nominee, Harris is being forced on them, someone who couldn't even rack up 15% of the primary vote in her own state. I'm not sure that's a recipe for success.
And can you give us the time stamp in that video where anyone says that Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's jewish?

Because I'm pretty sure you're quoting you.

Have you been in a coma during all the protests and protest votes against the current admin because they don't hate jews enough?
Harris doesn’t have the nomination.
Unlike Steve McCann, I see no fracturing at all. The Democrat Party following Biden's end of a pursuit for a 2nd term remains the same with the DNC core leaders asserting their dominance over the party and making it their way or the highway. Individual thought will not be tolerated.
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I have no doubt that most would prefer Harris over Biden at the end of the day, but what about someone else altogether?

Biden is endorsing Harris. That gives her a huge leg up over anyone else. Better yet, she was on the ticket that most democrats voted for. And her nomination has been met with pleanty of public support so far.

The Young Turks guy may like someone other than Harris. But there's no one else with the support that she has, nor the probable ability to gain that support in the next month or so. At least in my opinion.

I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea. I didn't support Harris in her initial presidential run, despite meeting her. So I've got no particular horse in this race, beyond wanting a democratic victor in the general election. Harris seems well positioned to secure the nomination.

I'm open to discussing other candidates. Who do you have in mind?
Have you been in a coma during all the protests and protest votes against the current admin because they don't hate jews enough?

So no time stamp in the video you offered where anyone says anything about how Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's jewish?

Well that was easy.
I have no doubt that most would prefer Harris over Biden at the end of the day, but what about someone else altogether? Cenk Uyger, for instance, is calling for an open convention and letting other candidates come forward who may be in a much better position to defeat Trump. Harris is a weak candidate. She has a lot of flaws. That doesn't mean she'll lose. She's running against Trump, after all, but there are other Democrats who could run away with this election unquestionably. That won't be her, even if she wins. She's unpopular among the electorate just like The Don. It's looking like a 2016 repeat now, but unlike 2016 when Clinton was elected by primary voters to be the nominee, Harris is being forced on them, someone who couldn't even rack up 15% of the primary vote in her own state. I'm not sure that's a recipe for success.
The only one with a chance to defeat President Trump is Michelle -
But she has never had a job, I doubt that she would want this one.
Are they? Who?
Scum always rallies around back-stabbers, liars and traitors. Just look at the current dimocrap scum party.

They knew that Joe was in decline 3 years ago, they knew he was getting progressively worse and that by this time, he would be a drooling, slobbering imbecile.

THEY KNEW IT!!! And they did nothing. As long as they could hide it from the General Public and get the Marxist Media to cover for him, they let it go.

But as soon as the American Public found out, that it was an absolute fact that couldn't be hidden from the public, that even the most dishonest motherfuckers on the Plane, the Marxist Media, couldn't cover up.....

They stabbed him in the back.

And the dim-on-the-street is fine with it.

People, you need to understand something...... It is they who are the real scum. Not Joey Shits Pants, not Hunter, not Kamala, not Nazi Pelousy or Ubercunt. People like that have always, and will always, be around.

But to vote for them? That takes a real scumbag. I'm talking 9th Circle of Hell-scumbag.
I have no doubt that most would prefer Harris over Biden at the end of the day, but what about someone else altogether? Cenk Uyger, for instance, is calling for an open convention and letting other candidates come forward who may be in a much better position to defeat Trump. Harris is a weak candidate. She has a lot of flaws. That doesn't mean she'll lose. She's running against Trump, after all, but there are other Democrats who could run away with this election unquestionably. That won't be her, even if she wins. She's unpopular among the electorate just like The Don. It's looking like a 2016 repeat now, but unlike 2016 when Clinton was elected by primary voters to be the nominee, Harris is being forced on them, someone who couldn't even rack up 15% of the primary vote in her own state. I'm not sure that's a recipe for success.
Why didn't they prefer her 3 years ago? Or 2 years ago, or even before the dimocrap primary.

The ONLY reason dimocraps 'prefer' kamaltoe over Joey Shits Pants is because they can no longer hide him from public view.

They thought that, with enough Adderall, they could get Joey by. Then the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Marxist Media would cover for him, they'd lie, deny, lie, obfuscate and lie some more. Their Stock and Trade.

Why couldn't they have just been up front about it?

You know the answer as well as i do...... The dimocrap party is run by aristocrats, big business and Party Royalty. The "People" can eat shit and die as far as they're concerned.

If you like that kind of thing, admit it. Some honesty from a leftist would be refreshing. If you can't or won't admit it then you're no different than they are..... disgusting

OBTW, if you think OMB is unpopular in the electorate, your capacity for self-delusion is on par with every other dim I've ever known. And keep in mind, I don't like him all that much. I'd rather have my Governor, DeSantis. RDS gets it done, OMB talks more shit than a dimocrap that's been pulled over by a Cop.

The DNC and its idiot followers are elated right now because they think they're "Back In The Game".

Wait until they all find out they're really not. Once reality sets in, t's gonna be Fun City
Biden is endorsing Harris. That gives her a huge leg up over anyone else. Better yet, she was on the ticket that most democrats voted for. And her nomination has been met with pleanty of public support so far.

The Young Turks guy may like someone other than Harris. But there's no one else with the support that she has, nor the probable ability to gain that support in the next month or so. At least in my opinion.

I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea. I didn't support Harris in her initial presidential run, despite meeting her. So I've got no particular horse in this race, beyond wanting a democratic victor in the general election. Harris seems well positioned to secure the nomination.

I'm open to discussing other candidates. Who do you have in mind?

I think Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear, even Gretchen Whitmer (who I find somewhat cringe) would be far better candidates for the Democratic Party, but they never even had a chance to step forward. I think Shaprio and Beshear would annihilate Trump. I think Whitmer would win also, but it would be more competitive. Harris may win, but she's a huge gamble, in my opinion.

Her poll numbers are no better than Biden's. That may change in the coming days now that she's the de facto nominee, but how will she distance herself from this administration? Biden's approval was in the toilet long before the debate. She is tied to his policies and the impression of the American people, right or wrong, is that we are headed in the wrong direction. This was already an iffy reelection for Biden even without the debate flap. A fresh candidate coming out of an open convention would be a much better option.

I guarantee you had Biden announced in the beginning he wasn't running for reelection Harris would not be your nominee.
No it doesn't. It means that Obama doesn't publicly put his support behind a candidate until after they have become the presumptive nominee.

He didn't publicly endorse Biden in 2020 either until after Sanders dropped out.

He didn't publicly endorse Clinton in 2016 until she become the presumptive nominee in her battle with Sanders.

You don't know what you're talking about.

he never know what he is talking about
I think Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear, even Gretchen Whitmer (who I find somewhat cringe) would be far better candidates for the Democratic Party, but they never even had a chance to step forward. I think Shaprio and Beshear would annihilate Trump. I think Whitmer would win also, but it would be more competitive. Harris may win, but she's a huge gamble, in my opinion.

Her poll numbers are no better than Biden's. That may change in the coming days now that she's the de facto nominee, but how will she distance herself from this administration? Biden's approval was in the toilet long before the debate. She is tied to his policies and the impression of the American people, right or wrong, is that we are headed in the wrong direction. This was already an iffy reelection for Biden even without the debate flap. A fresh candidate coming out of an open convention would be a much better option.

Shapiro and Whitmer are both strong choices. Whitmer in particular I would support. She's already thrown her support behind Harris. Shapiro has as well, seeming to be making a move for the VP slot.

Given the time frame, I think the democrats have (rightly) concluded that unity around a single candidate is more valuable to them than disunity for another month.

Which explains Shapiro and Whitmer getting behind Harris.
I guarantee you had Biden announced in the beginning he wasn't running for reelection Harris would not be your nominee.

You could be right. But that's a hypothetical alternate timeline. In this one, Biden's support makes Harris the most likely candidate and in all probability, the best chance of defeating Trump.
And can you give us the time stamp in that video where anyone says that Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's jewish?

Because I'm pretty sure you're quoting you.
Its 40 seconds long...

14 second mark. You wasted more time asking the question than you would have if you hit play.

And yes, that IS a problem for the left right now. I know the left likes to pretend there is no racism on their side but that is an asinine position. There is a lot of anti Jewish hate on the left atm because of the Israel-Palestine issue. There is a significant portion of the left that will not vote for Joe or Harris because of 'genocide Joe' rhetoric.

It was a really dumb thing for him to openly say but there is some truth to that sentiment. It could be argued that the statement he is Jewish and the following statement that there could be some problems with him are disconnected, and I would bet that would be the claim, but that quote is accurate and is not taken out of any context. The main problem is that there is almost no context because its modern TV where there is never time allotted to actually include context.
Its 40 seconds long...

14 second mark. You wasted more time asking the question than you would have if you hit play.

I did hit play. And this is what was said:

"He’s certainly under consideration, I know that from key Harris allies. He’s a first term governor. He’s jewish. There are certainly some risks in putting him on the ticket. But certainly some of our voters here in Pennsylvania say ‘Hey we like Governor Shapiro. Give him a look.”

And where did anyone say that Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's jewish?

And yes, that IS a problem for the left right now. I know the left likes to pretend there is no racism on their side but that is an asinine position. There is a lot of anti Jewish hate on the left atm because of the Israel-Palestine issue. There is a significant portion of the left that will not vote for Joe or Harris because of 'genocide Joe' rhetoric.

He never said any of this. You did.
What fracture.

Harris is going to clobber Trump.
In your Bizarro World maybe.

I think Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear, even Gretchen Whitmer (who I find somewhat cringe) would be far better candidates for the Democratic Party, but they never even had a chance to step forward. I think Shaprio and Beshear would annihilate Trump. I think Whitmer would win also, but it would be more competitive. Harris may win, but she's a huge gamble, in my opinion.

Her poll numbers are no better than Biden's. That may change in the coming days now that she's the de facto nominee, but how will she distance herself from this administration? Biden's approval was in the toilet long before the debate. She is tied to his policies and the impression of the American people, right or wrong, is that we are headed in the wrong direction. This was already an iffy reelection for Biden even without the debate flap. A fresh candidate coming out of an open convention would be a much better option.

I guarantee you had Biden announced in the beginning he wasn't running for reelection Harris would not be your nominee.
I think the worst part of this is the timing. This is to late to introduce someone entirely new to the race. Sure, she is the VP but, for the most part, I don't think anyone cares about or looks at the VP anyway. Who voted for Trump because Pence? I bet most Americans didn't even know who Pence was. The very little airtime Harris got was almost universally bad. I think Biden really fucked her over in the way they used her over his term. Saying she was going to address the border problem when EVERYONE in Washington knows that there is never a good solution to the border that people like was asinine. The only positives a candidate can pull out of the border as far as popularity goes is opposing the other guys plan. That was never going to be a political win for her. It never felt like they were setting her up to run after Biden finished his second term as they should have considering the position she had and her age.

Right now her polling numbers are basically Biden's numbers just carried over. I can only see them going down as she is dragged through the mud right before prime time. It is the generic candidate problem, generic always beats the current candidate because generic has no baggage. The right is going to be all hands on deck handing Harris as much baggage as possible.
I did hit play. And this is what was said:

"He’s certainly under consideration, I know that from key Harris allies. He’s a first term governor. He’s jewish. There are certainly some risks in putting him on the ticket. But certainly some of our voters here in Pennsylvania say ‘Hey we like Governor Shapiro. Give him a look.”

And where did anyone say that Harris can't pick Shapiro as a running mate because he's jewish?
They did not. Reding billys post again, I see where you take issue. I was concentrating on the quote in the tweet which was accurate and thought you were referring to that quote.

It seems I misconstrued your point as it was directed at the fact no one said he cant be the nominee because he is Jewish. That does not change the rest of my statement though. It is not a good look, and most on the left would immediately call racism, when you state he is Jewish and there may be problems putting him on the ticket. If a right wing pundit had said this is a "strong candidate, he is black, there are certainly some risks putting him on the ticket" would you really not see that as a racist statement? Why should we take this one differently.

No matter how asinine the right may exaggerate the statement, it was a dumb thing to say in the manner it was said.
He never said any of this. You did.
Did I say he said it? No. I expanded on why such a statement might have been said and specifically pointed out you could separate the two but no context was allowed to do so.

You seem to disagree with what I added. Expound.

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