Dr Jill is doing some negotiating and damage control

I call fake

Sounds like a list that Republicans would come up with

DNC can’t grant immunity or offer book deals
Presidential Libraries are privately funded
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Also a free ticket to pizza parlor basement child brain eating buffets, front row seats to Tupac's next show (we know he's not dead), and allowed to take a selfie on the stage of the fake moon landing. She's a good negotiator.
The dems need to use the carrot and stick approach with FJB.

Carrot......We will help you out with your library if you bow out.

Stick......Or we will send Hillary's people to have a "talk" with Jill and Hunter.
The Obamas are like... we got our two billion, we don't care how this mess turns out. They probably clear a billion of it for themselves.

.... because when Biden was VP he used Obams presidency, Ukraine and the American tax-payers money to earn him a billion dollars. The Obamas wanted their turn at bat to get there billions with Biden as prez, and they got it. Jill all by herself trying to drag Biden.

Gee, that amounts not only to mutant Trump Derangement Syndrome, but EXTORTION of the federal government and the taxpayers because unless they/we PAY UP unconditionally, she will keep him in office and allow him to LOSE to Donald Trump.

It also amounts to an admission of guilt that not only IS Joe unfit for office but that their family HAS been taking millions in bribes for years from hostile foreign countries to bankroll the Biden crime family of traitors.

Do not believe something just because it is in print .

It smells of BS , because unless you think Jill is a top CIA operative , Deep State decisions are not made by the likes of a Mrs Nobody .

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Do not believe something just because you didn't see it on CNN. They may not be a deep state op to be effective, just a vehicle.

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