Dr. Jill Stein:

That the Green Party are a bunch of commies? That's like saying Water is Wet.
Stein has been a proponent of safeguarding our electoral process, not just from abroad, but here at home as well.

Emergency Commission and Treaty Can Restore Confidence in our Elections & Act As Stepping Stone to International Dialogue for Peace, Nuclear Weapons Ban & Climate Action.

In short, we are endangered by interference in our elections, interference in our civil liberties, by unbridled militarism and needless warmongering. On all these counts, we must defend our imperiled future and the democracy it depends on.

A military-industrial-surveillance complex is now deeply entrenched within the bipartisan political establishment and much of the corporate media. This dangerous juggernaut must not be allowed to twist legitimate concerns about election interference into support for political repression, censorship and warmongering. Instead, we can begin restoring confidence in our democracy right now with a nonpartisan Emergency Commission for Election Protection & Voting Justice and international negotiations for an election non-interference treaty. These should be stepping stones toward broader international dialogue for nuclear disarmament as called for in the recent UN treaty to ban nuclear weapons, for major reductions in military budgets, and for steeply accelerated climate action. These actions would go a long way to actually begin reducing dire threats that endanger not only our democracy, but civilization as we know it. Time is short. We must not be diverted from this task.”
Stein breaks silence, completing handover of documents to Senate Committee. (Full Statement)
Stein has been a proponent of safeguarding our electoral process, not just from abroad, but here at home as well.

Stein and the whole fucking Green Party are pieces of shit. If we got rid of the hope they can get federal matching funds, you'd be amazed how quickly they'd lose interest in spoiling elections so Republicans can win.
Stein has been a proponent of safeguarding our electoral process, not just from abroad, but here at home as well.

Stein and the whole fucking Green Party are pieces of shit. If we got rid of the hope they can get federal matching funds, you'd be amazed how quickly they'd lose interest in spoiling elections so Republicans can win.

How is this country better off knowing we elected people like you who would suppress democracy for your brand?
How is this country better off knowing we elected people like you who would suppress democracy for your brand?

Except if we had "Democracy", Hillary would be president right now.

What we have is an awful system devised by slave rapists who didn't trust democracy and only thought the vote should be held by white men with property.

Stein, like Ralph Nader before her, knew damned well that there was no way she was ever going to win or get any more than single digits. But what she did do is siphon enough votes away from Hillary in key states to allow Trump to steal the election.

and surprise, surprise, surprise, the Russian Troll farms were promoting her.
How is this country better off knowing we elected people like you who would suppress democracy for your brand?

Except if we had "Democracy", Hillary would be president right now.

What we have is an awful system devised by slave rapists who didn't trust democracy and only thought the vote should be held by white men with property.

Stein, like Ralph Nader before her, knew damned well that there was no way she was ever going to win or get any more than single digits. But what she did do is siphon enough votes away from Hillary in key states to allow Trump to steal the election.

and surprise, surprise, surprise, the Russian Troll farms were promoting her.
The Green Party is under no obligation to support the Democrat Party. They have every right to participate in elections.

Sour grapes isn't going to solve the Democrat's problems. People are looking for another option.
The Green Party is under no obligation to support the Democrat Party. They have every right to participate in elections.

Sour grapes isn't going to solve the Democrat's problems. People are looking for another option.

If Stein was collaborating with the Russians, that was a crime, period.

And, no, frankly, the world would be better off if the Green Party just went the fuck away.
Blockchain voting would eliminate Russians, illegals, non-living and multiple voters.

Dems will, of course vehemently oppose it until they find a way to keep cheating
The Green Party is under no obligation to support the Democrat Party. They have every right to participate in elections.

Sour grapes isn't going to solve the Democrat's problems. People are looking for another option.

If Stein was collaborating with the Russians, that was a crime, period.

And, no, frankly, the world would be better off if the Green Party just went the fuck away.
Sounds like something McCarthy would say
Dr. Jill Stein is being investigated for possible Russian connection by the Senate.

Broadcast Exclusive: Jill Stein Says Senate Request for Docs on Russia Probe is “New McCarthyism” | Democracy Now!

Is it a Witch Hunt to silence the Green Party?

Her parents came from Russian Jews, so it figures she was in cahoots with Putin to get as many votes from Hillary as she could. I also infer that Trump promised Israel to move the embassy to Jerusalem if he won.
Blockchain voting would eliminate Russians, illegals, non-living and multiple voters.

Dems will, of course vehemently oppose it until they find a way to keep cheating

Except there's no evidence that voter fraud is going on.

the complaint here isn't that the Russians changed any votes, it's that they influenced how people voted. If that doesn't worry you, it should.
How is this country better off knowing we elected people like you who would suppress democracy for your brand?

Except if we had "Democracy", Hillary would be president right now.

What we have is an awful system devised by slave rapists who didn't trust democracy and only thought the vote should be held by white men with property.

Stein, like Ralph Nader before her, knew damned well that there was no way she was ever going to win or get any more than single digits. But what she did do is siphon enough votes away from Hillary in key states to allow Trump to steal the election.

and surprise, surprise, surprise, the Russian Troll farms were promoting her.

Just love it when those like you write stuff like that!

1. You never had any issue with the system until George W. Bush won and let be factual it was actually the USSC thay stopped the Florida count that allow the Bush to win the Electoral College in 2000.

2. The system was set up so that bigger states would not be the only States electing the President.

The system was created to give smaller states a voice into the system and works perfectly fine.

3. You were never suppose to vote for the President nor the Senator from your State and the voice of the people was suppose to be the House, so remember that when discussing this issue!

4. Trump won those States that Stein got votes in because of the Democratic Party treatment of Sanders and the fact it was shown the DNC was doing all it could to give Hillary the Primary!

Had the leadership in the DNC along with Hillary not have done what they did then maybe Hillary could have gotten the votes to win!

5. Also when you proclaim the Electoral College vote to be built on racism and is racist, well how the hell did Obama win twice?

Finally, Trump knew how to win and it was the DNC along with Hillary Clinton failure to understand that she was weak in many Purple States and she lost because of many factors that include decades of investigations to the fact she is just a rotten bitch!

Now as you argue that the Green is the enemy the fact is many felt disgusted in the way the Democratic Party treated Sanders and you should learn from that mistake but alas you will not because you see that popular vote total and truly believe Hillary was the winner but what you forget she lost so many states in the Electoral College which shows more States were against her than the Blue ones with large populations.

So in 2020 I really hope Hillary runs again and when she loses the Electoral College again then maybe you will learn just because New York, Illinois ( Chicago Region ) and California can give you the popular vote does not mean you will win the damn election and you have to run a candidate that can win purple states, and had you Sanders would have been President and not John Trump!


Trump did not steal the election and for anyone to make that claim clearly tell me that they have no interest in learning from their mistakes!
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Blockchain voting would eliminate Russians, illegals, non-living and multiple voters.

Dems will, of course vehemently oppose it until they find a way to keep cheating

Except there's no evidence that voter fraud is going on.

the complaint here isn't that the Russians changed any votes, it's that they influenced how people voted. If that doesn't worry you, it should.

They did not influence anyone!

Wikileaks releasing of the truth just did what should be done on any political party that is pretending to run a fair primary!

In the end Hillary Clinton and the DNC caused their loss and no one else!
The Green Party is under no obligation to support the Democrat Party. They have every right to participate in elections.

Sour grapes isn't going to solve the Democrat's problems. People are looking for another option.

If Stein was collaborating with the Russians, that was a crime, period.

And, no, frankly, the world would be better off if the Green Party just went the fuck away.

No, they should run stronger candidates that could win House and Senate seats.

I feel the same way with the Libertarian Party and it seem you believe America is best well ran by the one Party system which to me make you more of a threat to our Nation than those like Stein!
Just love it when those like you write stuff like that!

1. You never had any issue with the system until George W. Bush won and let be factual it was actually the USSC thay stopped the Florida count that allow the Bush to win the Electoral College in 2000.

again, I've always had a problem with the EC.

But in 2000, i was a pretty staunch Republican who voted for Bush.

2. The system was set up so that bigger states would not be the only States electing the President.

The system was created to give smaller states a voice into the system and works perfectly fine.

No, it really doesn't. What it does is disenfranchise voters. Look, guy, here's the thing. I don't have any particular loyalty to Illinois. It's not like I want IL to have more or less of a voice. The fact that IL hasn't voted GOP since 1988 kind of takes my vote away if I actually wanted to vote for the GOP candidate, which I did in every election from 1980 to 2008.

If you don't live in one of the six or seven swing states, you have no real voice under the EC>

3. You were never suppose to vote for the President nor the Senator from your State and the voice of the people was suppose to be the House, so remember that when discussing this issue!

I also wasn't supposed to vote if I were black, a woman, a native American or didn't own property... but we've evolved above that, I should think.

4. Trump won those States that Stein got votes in because of the Democratic Party treatment of Sanders and the fact it was shown the DNC was doing all it could to give Hillary the Primary!

Bullshit. Hillary got 3 million more votes than Commie Bernie in the primaries. That's why she won.

And why should the Democrats give any special treatment to a guy who ISN'T EVEN A MEMBER OF THEIR PARTY?

5. Also when you proclaim the Electoral College vote to be built on racism and is racist, well how the hell did Obama win twice?

Because bush fucked up everything so badly that even the racist EC couldn't hand the election to Crazy McCain or Magic Underpants.

Finally, Trump knew how to win and it was the DNC along with Hillary Clinton failure to understand that she was weak in many Purple States and she lost because of many factors that include decades of investigations to the fact she is just a rotten bitch!

Okay, a couple of things to unpack here. I don't think Trump ever expected to win. The Clown Show his presidency is shows he has no idea what he was doing and running for President was a just a branding excercise gone horribly wrong.

Second, here's the thing. We've had 25 y ears and hundreds of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons, and they've come up with exactly - nothing. If the government spent that kind of money tearing apart your life or my life, they'd get us on something.

Finally, you need to work on your misogyny. If you cant have a discussion about Hillary without using the B word or the C word, she isn't the problem, you are.
Now as you argue that the Green is the enemy the fact is many felt disgusted in the way the Democratic Party treated Sanders and you should learn from that mistake but alas you will not because you see that popular vote total and truly believe Hillary was the winner but what you forget she lost so many states in the Electoral College which shows more States were against her than the Blue ones with large populations.

which is MEANINGLESS. Nobody gets up in the morning and says, "I'm so glad to be an Alabaman!!!" No, they say, "I'm glad to be an American". This concept that the "States" are somehow important is silly.

Frankly, Sanders isn't a Democrat, why was there an obligation for the Democratic party to treat him well?

Hillary treated him a lot better than Trump treated his GOP Rivals. Holy fucking shit, he accused Ted Cruz's dad of killing JFK!!!! And yet we didn't hear of any Cruz supporters saying, "I'm going to vote for McCullah to show my disgust with Trump">

So in 2020 I really hope Hillary runs again and when she loses the Electoral College again then maybe you will learn just because New York, Illinois ( Chicago Region ) and California can give you the popular vote does not mean you will win the damn election and you have to run a candidate that can win purple states, and had you Sanders would have been President and not John Trump!

I think that by 2020, Trump will have us so deep into a recession that even the racist EC won't save him. I expect the GOP to impeach him long before that happens, though... kind of like they turned on Nixon when they realized he was a liability.

They did not influence anyone!

Wikileaks releasing of the truth just did what should be done on any political party that is pretending to run a fair primary!

In the end Hillary Clinton and the DNC caused their loss and no one else!

It wasn't just Wikileaks, it was all the fake news that the Russian Trolls put on facebook that people actually thought were true.

No, they should run stronger candidates that could win House and Senate seats.

No, they should just go the fuck away.

Here's the thing. When Ralph Nader handed the election to Bush in 2000, how did that advance the supposed goals of the Green Party. We got more war, more pollution, more of everything they say they are against. Al Gore would have given them maybe half of what they wanted.

Hillary would have given them half of what they wanted. Instead you have Pruitt rolling back all the environmental progress made in the last 8 years.

the Greens personify Santayana's definition of a fanatic... someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.

I feel the same way with the Libertarian Party and it seem you believe America is best well ran by the one Party system which to me make you more of a threat to our Nation than those like Stein!

I would love to see a sensible third party evolve.

It's not the Greens, and it's not the Libertarians. These people are just plain fanatics.

The ironic thing is the main reason why third parties are the domain of nuts is because of the EC. You see, normally a political movement starts as a bunch of nuts but evolves into the mainstream as it gains followers.

But the EC makes it impossible for a third party to win. Best case scenario it throws the election into Congress, where one of the two main parties elect their guy anyway. (which is what the Founding Slave Rapists intended, but the two party system evolved instead.)

If you look at the whole history of third party movements, it's the same cycle, they make a big impact, once, and the slowly die as they have little effect.
How is this country better off knowing we elected people like you who would suppress democracy for your brand?

Except if we had "Democracy", Hillary would be president right now.

What we have is an awful system devised by slave rapists who didn't trust democracy and only thought the vote should be held by white men with property.

Stein, like Ralph Nader before her, knew damned well that there was no way she was ever going to win or get any more than single digits. But what she did do is siphon enough votes away from Hillary in key states to allow Trump to steal the election.

and surprise, surprise, surprise, the Russian Troll farms were promoting her.
You wouldn't be saying that if Trump got more votes, but lost the electoral college.

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