Drill Baby Drill is a winner


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
President Obama said:
“Anybody who tells you we can drill our way out of this problem doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or just isn’t telling you the truth,” he said to whoops from the crowd of nearly 1,500.

Well, Mr President, we have drilled our way to lower gas prices.

Most of the drilling continues to be on private land.

The National unemployment is 5.6%.

State Unemployment Rates:
North Dakota 2.7% is the lowest: read the link for the rest of the States
Unemployment Rates for States

The Big Question: Why d0 some states have unemployment rates well below 5.6%?

Drill Baby Drill!
oh brother ... the only drilling needed is that for the lobotomy ... of the OP
We could deliver the death blow to Russia by increasing our drilling now. Their economy is in dire straits because of falling gas prices already and it would give a huge boost to our economy, which is why the libs are trying to stop it. I'm not surprised at the new gas tax. I figured it would happen the minute prices started to drop. Damn Democrats don't want the American people to benefit from anything.
Fracking, Drilling, same thing... if you're an idiot.
What "problem"?

High gasoline prices? Don't be so foolish.

Oil (and gasoline) prices will always be volatile no matter what our rate of crude imports or domestic production. True, the increase in U.S. production contributed to the dearth of crude already on the market but that isn't the only reason for the recent drop in prices.

BTW unemployment isn't 5.6%, it's more like 12+%.


btw ... Del, you're an idiot.

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