Drone Incident

p kirkes

VIP Member
Feb 26, 2006
NW Louisiana
The media is being spoon fed info about the drone incident in Iran that changes daily it seems. Now we are told that the drone was in Afghanistan air space and wasn't shot down. OK, so how does Iran come to possess our drone. Assume the drone was over Afghanistan
air space and suffered a failure that stopped it's ability to fly (electronics or power plant).

As the drone descended emergency chutes automatically deployed at a certain altitude. Prevailing winds then carried the drone the relatively short distance into Iran and thus they can claim any story that sells Iranian newspapers. This would account for the lack of blast, burn and smoke damage of a warhead explosion. It would also account for the "covering" of the bottom of the drone as it would come to rest on it's belly and suffer some impact or drag damage, albeit slight.

If this is so then we are entitled to have our drone back.

I offer as precedent the defection of a Soviet Union pilot who flew his then state of the art Russian MIG-25 to Japan. After we gleaned what we could we returned the plane.

Of course the Iranians are not gentlemen and don't abide by the unwritten code.

Some postulate that the craft in the pictures is not a real drone but a mock-up. If so, then who cares.
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A bigger problem than a downed spy drone...
Russians providing jamming equipment to Iran is worse news than downed spy drone: Bolton
Monday 12th December, 2011 - Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton has said that reports suggesting that Russia provided jamming equipment to Iran is even worse than the news of Tehran capturing an American spy drone.
"Some reports have said Russia sold (Iran) a very sophisticated jamming system a short time ago," Fox News quoted John Bolton, as saying. "Now, our military says that is not true, it came down because of a malfunction. I certainly hope that's right because if the Russians have provided Iran with sophisticated jamming equipment it means a lot else is at risk too," he added.

Bolton stressed that Congress needs to be concerned if the Iranians are in possession of jamming technology that can bring down missiles, planes and communications and guidance systems "for a whole range of our weapon systems." According to some earlier reports, President Barack Obama was given different options by the Pentagon to go into Iran and either retrieve the RQ-170 or destroy it, but he declined because, according to the sources, he didn't want such a mission to be seen as an act of war.

Bolton, however, pointed out that it was not an adequate excuse. "The Iranians, in saying they would not give it back, said the very act of sending it over Iran was an act of war, which undercuts the Obama administration's assertion that we didn't go into try and destroy the drone after it was captured for fear of the Iranians saying exactly that. So while there may be a lot of good reasons not to go in that is not one," he said.

Bolton also said that at this point it is more important to find out whether "the classified information and other intellectual property inside the drone was erased" before the Iranians got hold of it. "If they still got the electrons in there, that can reveal what was programmed into the drone it would be very bad news indeed," he added.

Russians providing jamming equipment to Iran is worse news than downed spy drone: Bolton

See also:

Iran threatens whole world - Israeli president
Mon 12 December 2011 : Shimon Peres has called for more international pressure on Iran to stop the country acquiring nuclear weapons.
"Iran is the centre of all corruption. They kill, threaten, and poison… They are a significant threat to the entire world, not just to Israel," President Shimon Peres said at the opening of the 2011 Globes Israel Business Conference in Tel Aviv.

Peres made the remarks in response to a question from CNN's Richard Quest, who asked whether Iran is the central issue that Israel is dealing with. "I want to see more actual results; President Barack Obama said that he will not allow Iran to become a nuclear power, as did President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Dmitriy Medvedev, and Chancellor Angela Merkel. Everyone thinks that Iran is dangerous," Peres said.

Asked what he expects the world to do, Peres said, "To tighten the economic and political pressure on Iran. I hope that responsible countries like the US will put enough pressure on Iran." Asked about Israel's plan for military action against Iran, Peres said, "Everything is on the table, but I don't want to get into this. We need to try everything else possible, and not use military action."

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Uncle Ferd says, "Yea - dey gonna send it back an' put one o' dem Hellfire missiles up Obama's wazoo...
Decoding done, Iran set to 'reverse engineer' US drone
Dec 13, 2011 : Iranian experts are in the final stages of recovering data from the US surveillance drone captured by the country's armed forces, the state TV reported on Monday.
Tehran has flaunted the drone's capture as a victory for Iran and a defeat for the United States in a complicated intelligence and technological battle.

Lawmaker Parviz Sorouri , who is on the parliament's national security and foreign policy committee, said on Monday that the extracted information will be used to file a lawsuit against the US for the "invasion" by the unmanned aircraft.

Sorouri also claimed that Iran has the capability to reproduce the drone through reverse engineering, but he didn't elaborate.

The TV broadcast a video on Thursday of Iranian military officials inspecting what it identified as the RQ-170 Sentinel drone. Iranian state media have said the unmanned spy aircraft was detected and brought down over the country's east, near the border with Afghanistan . US officials have acknowledged losing the drone.

What's worse is out traitor and chief let them have it. The fucking POS little muslim ass clown could have had special ops go in and retrieve it, or we could have blown it to bits. Both options were presented to him. But no, the shit stain in the black house chose to just let the Iranians, the Chinese and the Russians enjoy reverse engineering one of our most sophisticated stealth drone air craft. The mother fucker obama ought to be lead out of the black house in chains for treason and shot.
Dead Eye Dick givin' `em hell...
Cheney rips Obama over Iran drone capture
Dec 13, 2011 - Iran's capture of a U.S. surveillance drone has revived the feud between President Obama and former vice president Dick Cheney.
Cheney criticized Obama for merely asking Iran to return the drone, telling Erin Burnett of CNN last night that he should have ordered a airstrike to destroy the U.S. spy plane. The vice president for George W. Bush also suggested he has sources who say Obama rejected a recommendation for such a strike. "The right response to that would have been to go in immediately after it had gone down and destroy it," Cheney said. "You can do that from the air. You can do that with a quick airstrike, and, in effect, make it impossible for them to benefit from having captured that drone."

Cheney also said: "I was told that the president had three options on his desk. He rejected all of them. "They all involved sending somebody in, you know, to try to recover it or -- if you can't do that, and admittedly, that'd be a difficult operation -- you certainly could have gone in and destroyed it on the ground with an airstrike. But he didn't take any of the options. He asked nicely for them to return it and they aren't gonna do that."

Asked about that comment, White House spokesman Jay Carney, said "any steps that the United States has taken on this issue reflect the unanimous views of our national security team ... I'm not sure what information Mr. Cheney was basing his recommendation off of, but this was the course of action that was recommended unanimously by the entire national security team." Obama and aides have declined to comment in detail on the drone case, citing national security concerns.

"I can tell you that we're highly confident in our own unique capabilities," Carney said, declining to explain further. Asked about the incident yesterday, Obama said: "With respect to the drone inside of Iran, I'm not going to comment on intelligence matters that are classified. As has already been indicated, we have asked for it back. We'll see how the Iranians respond."

Yesterday an Iranian engineer published on the Internet that the drone was spoofed into landing in Iraq because the GPS was hacked and new commands given. This is good to know because the capability of Electronic Warfare by Iran and it's allies has taken a big jump and it's now in the open.

This puts at risk any remote controlled weapons system we have. During the Vietnam war the US and the NVA (read Soviet Union) played cat and mouse electronically continually.

We, of all people, should know that electronic advantages are perishable commodities.

Time for a counter-counter measure (so to speak).
Yesterday an Iranian engineer published on the Internet that the drone was spoofed into landing in Iraq because the GPS was hacked and new commands given. This is good to know because the capability of Electronic Warfare by Iran and it's allies has taken a big jump and it's now in the open.

This puts at risk any remote controlled weapons system we have. During the Vietnam war the US and the NVA (read Soviet Union) played cat and mouse electronically continually.

We, of all people, should know that electronic advantages are perishable commodities.

Time for a counter-counter measure (so to speak).

You are correct

Latest information seems to be that the drones control frequency was jammed. Once the drone loses it's control it reverts to ......return to base

Iran spoofed the GPS readings to make the drone think it was landing in Afghanistan instead of Iran

I don't see where our military knew where it had actually landed
How about transmitting data over an ENCRYPTION?

And have a built in GPS that can determine where it is at when the connection is shut off so it can get to a safe zone?
It's possible and can be accurate.
How about transmitting data over an ENCRYPTION?

And have a built in GPS that can determine where it is at when the connection is shut off so it can get to a safe zone?
It's possible and can be accurate.

The control signal to the drone is encrypted so that nobody else can take control. GPS does not send a signal, the drone triangulates off of GPS satellite positions. That is what was spoofed
How about transmitting data over an ENCRYPTION?

And have a built in GPS that can determine where it is at when the connection is shut off so it can get to a safe zone?
It's possible and can be accurate.

The control signal to the drone is encrypted so that nobody else can take control. GPS does not send a signal, the drone triangulates off of GPS satellite positions. That is what was spoofed

is there any way to make the drone determine if the GPS location was spoofed?
The drone mission is very important and its in America's interest to keep them flying and gathering the intelligence command authorities require. We can be certain that time and money can fix anything, until the next time, then more time and more money. It's the nature of the beast.

If anything this incident draws back the curtain a little on the cyber war we are fighting. Win some, lose some, and a few get rained out.
How about transmitting data over an ENCRYPTION?

And have a built in GPS that can determine where it is at when the connection is shut off so it can get to a safe zone?
It's possible and can be accurate.

The control signal to the drone is encrypted so that nobody else can take control. GPS does not send a signal, the drone triangulates off of GPS satellite positions. That is what was spoofed
Which means it's not such a big loss.
A highly speculative theory given we know that we have drones flying over Iran.

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