Drug mixed w/Tomato Load to U.S. caught by B.P.


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers Seize Almost 5,000 Pounds of Marijuana Mixed with Tomatoes - CBP.gov

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers Seize Almost 5,000 Pounds of Marijuana Mixed with Tomatoes

(Monday, January 03, 2011)

Nogales, Ariz. — As 2010 wound down to a close, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in Nogales made their last major marijuana seizure of the year after discovering almost 5,000 pounds of the drug hidden among green tomatoes being imported into the country.

CBP officers at the Nogales. Ariz. Port of Entry found nearly 5,000 pounds of marijuana hidden in a load of tomatoes.

“We’re out here every day working to keep our country and our way of life safe,” said Port Director Guadalupe Ramirez. “As long as the smugglers try to get drugs and other contraband past us, we’ll be here to stop them.”

At approximately 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 30, CBP officers screening commercial vehicles selected a tractor and trailer loaded with green tomatoes for inspection. During an X-ray inspection, officers found unusual images and decided to call for a full inspection with the help of a narcotics detection dog. While the pallets of tomatoes were being unloaded, the drug dog alerted to the odor of narcotics. As the CBP officers continued their inspection, they found several pallets with bundles of marijuana mixed in with the tomatoes.

A total of 210 bales of marijuana, weighing 4,984 lbs, were seized, along with the tractor and trailer. The estimated value of the marijuana is more than $4.2 million.
The driver, a 48-year-old man from Mexico, was arrested and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further investigation and prosecution.
Oh, I'd say, 99% get threw. The politicians have to allow the drugs to get through to give the 5 million lawyers in America something to do.
They also have to justify the DEA and their war on drugs.

I am not against pot per sie. However many other things get thru and we need more secure borders.
And since pot is illegal it does cause lots of problems.

I think it should be regulated just like Alcohol or ban alcohol as well.
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Jesus, I can't tell from your blathering if you want an increase in drug hunts, or just to eliminate them.
Fucking idiots:

"Here's evidence we have a serious and dangerous drug trafficking problem! Let's just stop monitoring it!"
About the same as alcohol I expect.

And which drugs?
Legal ones used illegally? That is a major problem in many areas. Oxycodone and such.
Didn't the other grandmother of Bristols child get busted for that in AK?
As I understand it is a big problem up there.
I know it is in KY.
A prohibition on alcohol has proven in the past unpopular with the U.S. citizens.
A ban on illegal drugs from Mexico would prove beneficial and would be popular with the Americans as, well as, closing the Mexican border. I believe it would have a positive impact and would be approved by 90% of the American people.
Mexican cartels have hired tunnel diggers from the Gaza strips to come help them design tunnels they can use to smuggle drugs into the US, I bet you alot of weight is getting in like that.
I think we should hire the Israelis to come and guard the Mexican border. With shoot to kill orders, torture optional. My bad…
My sister says we should provide illegal immigrants with citizenship and mobile homes along the border, and a paying job of patrolling the border.

Bet it would cease to be a problem if we did.
You can't trust an illegal alien as, far as, you could throw him. They're all liars and cheats they'll tell you, that they're the most honest people in the world. They'll tell you they can work hard and then they'll come back and rob you blind and steal your kid or your dog.

The United Nations list Mexico as the number one center for the supply of young children to international pedophile organizations. http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/mexico.htm
You know, farmers could grow the stuff as a cash crop, it could be regulated just like alcohol and tobacco and we would get rid of all the mexican drug lords and boost our tax revenue.
The solution to this problem is simple -- legalize it for personal cultivation here in the good old US of A.

I want to smoke dope grown in America, by Americans, for Americans.

Not only will the the dope be fresher and likely far superior to the mafia dirt weed, but it will give some Amercians a small business to cultivate, and help us with our imbalance of trade, too.
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From the article:

"The driver, a 48-year-old man from Mexico, was arrested and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further investigation and prosecution."

Mexican driver likely means Mexican truck...thank NAFTA cross-border trucking for this one.
I know of a kingpin, now doing life in an undisclosed location (after escaping once) who worked for a "trucking" company out of guatemala. They moved freely across the border, moving "merchandise".

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