DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected

President Trump's effort to block a lawsuit accusing him of profiting from doing business with foreign governments in violation of the Constitution.

The state of Maryland and the District of Columbia claim in a lawsuit that Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without congressional approval.

While Trump's attorneys argued that the clause was limited to outright bribes given to the president, U.S. District Judge Peter Missette, an appointee of President Clinton, wrote in a court order that the plaintiffs "convincingly argued" that the law applies to a broader range of potential violations.

"The Court determines that Plaintiffs have convincingly argued that the term 'emolument' in both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, with slight refinements that the Court will address, means any 'profit,' 'gain,' or 'advantage' and that accordingly they have stated claims to the effect that the President, in certain instances, has violated both the Foreign and Domestic Clauses," Missette wrote.

Trump is facing multiple lawsuits, both as president and as an individual, over alleged violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments without congressional approval.

The president has drawn scrutiny for failing to fully divest from his business interests after taking office. Instead, he placed his assets in a trust controlled by Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

:abgg2q.jpg::dunno:LOL! At this rate, the Great Douche will have to move to a none extradition country to stay out of jail

Hmm? I wonder which one the Great Douche will hide in? For its many crimes against America,

FFS! The Great Douche can't hide in Yugoslavia where the illegal
entry hooker FLOTUS came from...LOL...LOL!
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DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected

President Trump's effort to block a lawsuit accusing him of profiting from doing business with foreign governments in violation of the Constitution.

The state of Maryland and the District of Columbia claim in a lawsuit that Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without congressional approval.

While Trump's attorneys argued that the clause was limited to outright bribes given to the president, U.S. District Judge Peter Missette, an appointee of President Clinton, wrote in a court order that the plaintiffs "convincingly argued" that the law applies to a broader range of potential violations.

"The Court determines that Plaintiffs have convincingly argued that the term 'emolument' in both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, with slight refinements that the Court will address, means any 'profit,' 'gain,' or 'advantage' and that accordingly they have stated claims to the effect that the President, in certain instances, has violated both the Foreign and Domestic Clauses," Missette wrote.

Trump is facing multiple lawsuits, both as president and as an individual, over alleged violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments without congressional approval.

The president has drawn scrutiny for failing to fully divest from his business interests after taking office. Instead, he placed his assets in a trust controlled by Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

:abgg2q.jpg::dunno:LOL! At this rate, the Great Douche will have to move to a none extradition country to stay out of jail

Hmm? I wonder which one the Great Douche will hide in? For its many crimes against America,
View attachment 206924

FFS! The Great Douche can't hide in Yugoslavia where the illegal
entry hooker FLOTUS came from...LOL...LOL!
I so hope so. This imposter needs to go.
Hmmmm..and then..out of left field..under the radar...comes this:

"A federal judge on Wednesday rejected President Trump’s latest effort to stop a lawsuit that alleges Trump is violating the Constitution by continuing to do business with foreign governments.
The ruling, from U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte in Greenbelt, Md., will allow the plaintiffs in the case — the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia — to proceed with their case, which says Trump has violated the Constitution’s little-used emoluments clause.
The plaintiffs now want to interview Trump Organization employees and search company records to determine which foreign countries have spent money at Trump’s hotel in downtown Washington.
The Justice Department and Trump’s attorneys did not immediately respond to requests for comment. They could try to appeal the decision to a higher court and ask Messitte not to allow the attorneys general access to Trump Organization employees and books until the appeal is decided."

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed
Not hardly the "next big scandal." Even MSNBC hasn't picked this up yet.

So what you're saying is that we can look forward to weeks or months of the MSM freaking out that foreigners vacation in America.

It`s hard for a routine scandal to gain traction when there`s 3 bigger and better ones every week.
Hmmmm..and then..out of left field..under the radar...comes this:

"A federal judge on Wednesday rejected President Trump’s latest effort to stop a lawsuit that alleges Trump is violating the Constitution by continuing to do business with foreign governments.
The ruling, from U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte in Greenbelt, Md., will allow the plaintiffs in the case — the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia — to proceed with their case, which says Trump has violated the Constitution’s little-used emoluments clause.
The plaintiffs now want to interview Trump Organization employees and search company records to determine which foreign countries have spent money at Trump’s hotel in downtown Washington.
The Justice Department and Trump’s attorneys did not immediately respond to requests for comment. They could try to appeal the decision to a higher court and ask Messitte not to allow the attorneys general access to Trump Organization employees and books until the appeal is decided."

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed
Trump's Sheep don't care. They are already having to deal with a dozen other Trump scandals that get more attention, that they do not care about either.
Judge creates new headache for Trump, allows emoluments case to proceed

Law suits, Russia/Trump conspiracies, obstruction of justice investigations, tapes of porn stars , how does one sleep at night?

And now that the Emoluments Clause suit is going to get started about Trump profiting off his presidency, it makes you wonder not so much about Trump, because we all know Trump wanted to be elected to enrich him and his family, but the question remains, was it worth it for Trump supporters, who are sacrificing everything? They have gotten in bed with the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, illegal person to ever set foot in the office of the presidency, and they have sold their souls to the devil, right along with him. Never in the rest of my life, will I ever figure that one out.
So what you're saying is that we can look forward to weeks or months of the MSM freaking out that foreigners vacation in America.

Not exactly! More like Trump profiting off the government at the expense of the tax payers dime. This may come as a surprise, but if you are a tax payer, you're getting screwed too. Sucks to be a taxpayer getting ripped off by a criminal in the WH, don't you think?
Judge creates new headache for Trump, allows emoluments case to proceed

Law suits, Russia/Trump conspiracies, obstruction of justice investigations, tapes of porn stars , how does one sleep at night?

And now that the Emoluments Clause suit is going to get started about Trump profiting off his presidency, it makes you wonder not so much about Trump, because we all know Trump wanted to be elected to enrich him and his family, but the question remains, was it worth it for Trump supporters, who are sacrificing everything? They have gotten in bed with the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, illegal person to ever set foot in the office of the presidency, and they have sold their souls to the devil, right along with him. Never in the rest of my life, will I ever figure that one out.

Because he owns resorts and hotels and sell rooms to foreigners??? :auiqs.jpg: The Founding Fathers would be ROFLing about your tantrum.. That makes him corrupt, dishonest, disloyal and illegal? Get a grip. This is another Don Quixote CNN fairy tale waste of time. It ain't going nowhere.

They aren't even trying to make the case NATIONAL. They're focusing on the Trump Hotel right next to the WH which was THERE before he ever was a candidate. Good luck with this. Trump can afford the lawyers and YOU are wasting taxpayer money on nothing.

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