DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Judge creates new headache for Trump, allows emoluments case to proceed

Law suits, Russia/Trump conspiracies, obstruction of justice investigations, tapes of porn stars , how does one sleep at night?

And now that the Emoluments Clause suit is going to get started about Trump profiting off his presidency, it makes you wonder not so much about Trump, because we all know Trump wanted to be elected to enrich him and his family, but the question remains, was it worth it for Trump supporters, who are sacrificing everything? They have gotten in bed with the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, illegal person to ever set foot in the office of the presidency, and they have sold their souls to the devil, right along with him. Never in the rest of my life, will I ever figure that one out.

Because he owns resorts and hotels and sell rooms to foreigners??? :auiqs.jpg: The Founding Fathers would be ROFLing about your tantrum.. That makes him corrupt, dishonest, disloyal and illegal? Get a grip. This is another Don Quixote CNN fairy tale waste of time. It ain't going nowhere.

They aren't even trying to make the case NATIONAL. They're focusing on the Trump Hotel right next to the WH which was THERE before he ever was a candidate. Good luck with this. Trump can afford the lawyers and YOU are wasting taxpayer money on nothing.
"It ain't going nowhere"? Not according to a judge it isn't.
In December, Judge George Daniels of the Southern District of New York properly dismissed another emoluments case, CREW v. Trump (which I discuss here, here, and here), that advanced similar standing claims. Daniels correctly ruled that the emoluments controversy presents issues that the political branches must resolve.
DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected

President Trump's effort to block a lawsuit accusing him of profiting from doing business with foreign governments in violation of the Constitution.

The state of Maryland and the District of Columbia claim in a lawsuit that Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without congressional approval.

While Trump's attorneys argued that the clause was limited to outright bribes given to the president, U.S. District Judge Peter Missette, an appointee of President Clinton, wrote in a court order that the plaintiffs "convincingly argued" that the law applies to a broader range of potential violations.

"The Court determines that Plaintiffs have convincingly argued that the term 'emolument' in both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, with slight refinements that the Court will address, means any 'profit,' 'gain,' or 'advantage' and that accordingly they have stated claims to the effect that the President, in certain instances, has violated both the Foreign and Domestic Clauses," Missette wrote.

Trump is facing multiple lawsuits, both as president and as an individual, over alleged violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments without congressional approval.

The president has drawn scrutiny for failing to fully divest from his business interests after taking office. Instead, he placed his assets in a trust controlled by Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

:abgg2q.jpg::dunno:LOL! At this rate, the Great Douche will have to move to a none extradition country to stay out of jail

Hmm? I wonder which one the Great Douche will hide in? For its many crimes against America,
View attachment 206924

FFS! The Great Douche can't hide in Yugoslavia where the illegal
entry hooker FLOTUS came from...LOL...LOL!
Not trying to beat a dead horse here but...you got em now
Judge creates new headache for Trump, allows emoluments case to proceed

Law suits, Russia/Trump conspiracies, obstruction of justice investigations, tapes of porn stars , how does one sleep at night?

And now that the Emoluments Clause suit is going to get started about Trump profiting off his presidency, it makes you wonder not so much about Trump, because we all know Trump wanted to be elected to enrich him and his family, but the question remains, was it worth it for Trump supporters, who are sacrificing everything? They have gotten in bed with the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, illegal person to ever set foot in the office of the presidency, and they have sold their souls to the devil, right along with him. Never in the rest of my life, will I ever figure that one out.

Because he owns resorts and hotels and sell rooms to foreigners??? :auiqs.jpg: The Founding Fathers would be ROFLing about your tantrum.. That makes him corrupt, dishonest, disloyal and illegal? Get a grip. This is another Don Quixote CNN fairy tale waste of time. It ain't going nowhere.

They aren't even trying to make the case NATIONAL. They're focusing on the Trump Hotel right next to the WH which was THERE before he ever was a candidate. Good luck with this. Trump can afford the lawyers and YOU are wasting taxpayer money on nothing.
"It ain't going nowhere"? Not according to a judge it isn't.

Ruling today just meant they passed another checkpoint. Think for yourself here. Owning a Hotel that was there BEFORE you became a candidate is a crime? That's a long shot. It's a nuisance suit. Part of the resistance to entertain you partisan Battle Bots.

In the category of "Are you fucking kidding me"--- explain to me how the Clinton Foundation taking literally $BILLS of dollars in donations from foreign entities without providing them clean towels and a bed, is not "a violation of the emoluments clause...
So when are the leg irons going on? I'm just pointing out it's wrong when it's obviously pay for play. Spending a night at a hotel IMMEDIATELY adjacent to the WhiteHouse doesn't seem to be the pay for play that THIS is..

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

Under Clinton's leadership, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation, according to an IBTimes analysis of State Department and foundation data. That figure -- derived from the three full fiscal years of Clinton’s term as Secretary of State (from October 2010 to September 2012) -- represented nearly double the value of American arms sales made to the those countries and approved by the State Department during the same period of President George W. Bush’s second term.

The Clinton-led State Department also authorized $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation, resulting in a 143 percent increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration. These extra sales were part of a broad increase in American military exports that accompanied Obama’s arrival in the White House. The 143 percent increase in U.S. arms sales to Clinton Foundation donors compares to an 80 percent increase in such sales to all countries over the same time period.

Let's be sure we know the diff between choosing a convenient Hotel and having your staff granting ACCESS to your power for "donations" looks like. You outraged Bro???
Liberal judges/courts go against Trump. Conservative ones rule for him.

Note: Supreme Court is conservative.

Eventually >>

DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected

President Trump's effort to block a lawsuit accusing him of profiting from doing business with foreign governments in violation of the Constitution.

The state of Maryland and the District of Columbia claim in a lawsuit that Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without congressional approval.

While Trump's attorneys argued that the clause was limited to outright bribes given to the president, U.S. District Judge Peter Missette, an appointee of President Clinton, wrote in a court order that the plaintiffs "convincingly argued" that the law applies to a broader range of potential violations.

"The Court determines that Plaintiffs have convincingly argued that the term 'emolument' in both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, with slight refinements that the Court will address, means any 'profit,' 'gain,' or 'advantage' and that accordingly they have stated claims to the effect that the President, in certain instances, has violated both the Foreign and Domestic Clauses," Missette wrote.

Trump is facing multiple lawsuits, both as president and as an individual, over alleged violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments without congressional approval.

The president has drawn scrutiny for failing to fully divest from his business interests after taking office. Instead, he placed his assets in a trust controlled by Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

:abgg2q.jpg::dunno:LOL! At this rate, the Great Douche will have to move to a none extradition country to stay out of jail

Hmm? I wonder which one the Great Douche will hide in? For its many crimes against America,
View attachment 206924

FFS! The Great Douche can't hide in Yugoslavia where the illegal
entry hooker FLOTUS came from...LOL...LOL!
Not trying to beat a dead horse here but...you got em now

LMAO you got that right. These idiots are grasping at any straw they can find.

Hope they can swim.
Not hardly the "next big scandal." Even MSNBC hasn't picked this up yet.


With Trump, there about 3 scandals per day.

Not exactly. You people seem to have found at least three reasons per day to get all bent out of shape over practically nothing.

It must really suck being angry all the time. You know that's not healthy.
DrumpF Keeps losing: Judge rejects DrumpF attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit! YES!

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected

President Trump's effort to block a lawsuit accusing him of profiting from doing business with foreign governments in violation of the Constitution.

The state of Maryland and the District of Columbia claim in a lawsuit that Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without congressional approval.

While Trump's attorneys argued that the clause was limited to outright bribes given to the president, U.S. District Judge Peter Missette, an appointee of President Clinton, wrote in a court order that the plaintiffs "convincingly argued" that the law applies to a broader range of potential violations.

"The Court determines that Plaintiffs have convincingly argued that the term 'emolument' in both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, with slight refinements that the Court will address, means any 'profit,' 'gain,' or 'advantage' and that accordingly they have stated claims to the effect that the President, in certain instances, has violated both the Foreign and Domestic Clauses," Missette wrote.

Trump is facing multiple lawsuits, both as president and as an individual, over alleged violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments without congressional approval.

The president has drawn scrutiny for failing to fully divest from his business interests after taking office. Instead, he placed his assets in a trust controlled by Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit

:abgg2q.jpg::dunno:LOL! At this rate, the Great Douche will have to move to a none extradition country to stay out of jail

Hmm? I wonder which one the Great Douche will hide in? For its many crimes against America,
View attachment 206924

FFS! The Great Douche can't hide in Yugoslavia where the illegal
entry hooker FLOTUS came from...LOL...LOL!
I so hope so. This imposter needs to go.

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