Speaker Johnson: Biden just announced that he would veto our bill to prevent noncitizens from voting

I’m sorry you can’t substantiate your claims… pretty much ever
Hey moron, no one's here to do your work for you.

You've never substantiated anything the whole time I've been here. Three years now.

You just lie and make stuff up. You're a charlatan, a bullshit artist. (And not a particularly good one, since you keep getting busted).

The only trouble is, ALL leftards are like you. You clowns are completely full of shit. No honor, no integrity, you have the morals of a snake.

You're going to get destroyed in this election. The cat's out of the bag. All of America knows what you are. Low life scum. You'd sell your own mother for a vote.

Your right to vote should be taken away. People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You're dangerous for children and other living things.
You want o fix a problem that doesn’t exist… and on the process disenfranchise thousands of legal voters… by design because you think it will stop more Dems than republicans from votong
I keep hearing this bullshit for years from you people about how validating or proving citizenship is going to disenfranchise more Democrats than Republicans from voting.

Here’s what I never hear

1) The people themselves saying they will be disenfranchised from voting.
2) The people themselves complaining about not being able to access government buildings, get a job, get a loan, or get government services because they can’t validate their identity and US citizenship.
3) We never hear from Democrat leaders pushing to help these people or empower these people to be able to validate their citizenship.
I keep hearing this bullshit for years from you people about how validating or proving citizenship is going to disenfranchise more Democrats than Republicans from voting.

Here’s what I never hear

1) The people themselves saying they will be disenfranchised from voting.
2) The people themselves complaining about not being able to access government buildings, get a job, get a loan, or get government services because they can’t validate their identity and US citizenship.
3) We never hear from Democrat leaders pushing to help these people or empower these people to be able to validate their citizenship.

I've done it once, I'm not going to do it again.

But you are snipping off the rest of the 4 Amendments. (Age, Race, Sex and Poll Tax)

So for example the 26th says: "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."

That means the states can't discriminate against citizens based on age, it does not mean states don't have the power to allow non-citizens to vote in State/Local elections.

You are putting meaning in the words that just isn't there.

Every illegal vote abridges mine.
Leftards should be stripped of the right to vote.

What makes me "left"? My support of the 2nd Amendment? Being pro-life? Supporting a balanced budget? Supporting the electoral college? Support leaving the Supreme Court at 9?

Maybe it's because I support not making it harder for people to exercise their rights?
The “problem” would be non citizens voting and it doesn’t exist

I agree that it's largely a non-existent problem and already illegal, so why don't the Democrats just say that, vote against it, and be done with it? They're going out of their way to make incredibly stupid argument against this legislation and that's only throwing fuel on the fire that they want illegals to be able to vote.

1. You have to prove elections aren't honest.

Investigation after investigation, audit after audit, lawsuit after lawsuit. Nothing.

Not even the NINJA's could find any cheating.

Stop your whining because you lost.
I remember you fucks whining for four years because Trump beat your queen bitch Hillary.

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