Duck Dynasty Star Invited By Louisiana Congressman Will Attend 'State Of The Union'

Get out the Mission Accomplished Banner. Republicans LOVE theater. Where's Palin with a Big Gulp?
eh Willie isn't the controversial one. Phil or Si would have been a more interesting invite.
eh Willie isn't the controversial one. Phil or Si would have been a more interesting invite.

Agreed but it is Willie who used his college and marketing skills to turn his dads duck call making into a 400 million dollar business. He represents a part of America that built a small independent business into in a global corporation.
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Too bad brigham young and joseph smith jr. Did not know who god is or what his word is!
This should be something to see. Reading the comments of the article link below, liberals are freaking out over this. Louisiana's newly elected congressman Vance McAllister who invited him is starting out well since taking office.

State of the Union guests: ?Duck Dynasty? star Willie Robertson - Mackenzie Weinger -

Yes!!! Those that love god are mocked and scoffed at even hated but jesus says remember they hated me first!!!
Get out the Mission Accomplished Banner. Republicans LOVE theater. Where's Palin with a Big Gulp?

Well after Ted Nugent, who openly threatened the life of the President, loves to throat fuck 13 year girls, shit and pissed his pants to avoid the draft and adopted a 17 year old girl to have sex with..

How can you get any lower with invites?

Conservatives are scum.
Interesting i might have to watch it now. The liberal outrage will be entertaining. Especially if he prays before the speech. Liberals would piss all over themselves
Get out the Mission Accomplished Banner. Republicans LOVE theater. Where's Palin with a Big Gulp?

Well after Ted Nugent, who openly threatened the life of the President, loves to throat fuck 13 year girls, shit and pissed his pants to avoid the draft and adopted a 17 year old girl to have sex with..

How can you get any lower with invites?

Conservatives are scum.

Is that like the 50th time you have posted that in various threads this week? Weak Sauce :cool:
Get out the Mission Accomplished Banner. Republicans LOVE theater. Where's Palin with a Big Gulp?

Well after Ted Nugent, who openly threatened the life of the President, loves to throat fuck 13 year girls, shit and pissed his pants to avoid the draft and adopted a 17 year old girl to have sex with..

How can you get any lower with invites?

Conservatives are scum.

Did he forcibly rape them like Bill the rapist Clinton did?

I wouldn't vote for Ted Nugent in a million years, but you would, and did, vote for a rapist by the name of Bill the rapist Clinton.

You also voted for a racist named barack hussein obama.

Who's the scumbag?

Yeah. You are.

Big surprise there
Get out the Mission Accomplished Banner. Republicans LOVE theater. Where's Palin with a Big Gulp?

At least it might be worth watching, as it stands now, it will be Obama promising things he will never accomplish, just like the 4 years. Frankly, Obama's schtick is quite boring.
eh Willie isn't the controversial one. Phil or Si would have been a more interesting invite.

Agreed but it is Willie who used his college and marketing skills to turn his dads duck call making into a 400 million dollar business. He represents a part of America that built a small independent business into in a global corporation.

Not according to Senator Warren!
They should probably let Willie give the speech at least he might say something interesting.
Obama! Tonight with a humble heart and words confess and reprnt of your sins,god and most americans will forgive you and give you another chance,we want to see america great again,so confess and repent,put aside your false pride,ignorance and arogance,we want to give you another chance for the sake of the country. Pray for god to give you wisdom,knowledge,understanding and his help. You could yet go into history as a great president! Your choice!
Meanwhile, ratings for the show keep dropping.

Duck Dynasty Ratings Fall Even Further in Second Episode After Robertson Controversy | Mediaite
In the second episode of the show’s fifth season, the show’s ratings dropped even further to 6.6 million total viewers, the lowest the show has seen since December 2012.

Looks like their 15 minutes is drawing to a close. The bitter clingers, however, will cling to the bitter end, since that's what bitter clingers do.

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