E-Mail Treason


Sep 23, 2010

Huma Abedin is not about to fall on her sword:

Back in the seventies, Charles Colson of Watergate fame boasted he would “walk over my own grandmother” to assure the election of Richard Nixon. Hillary Clinton — who cut her teeth on the very Watergate investigation before she was “let go” by the House Judiciary Committee under disputed circumstances — now may have to demand the same kind of loyalty from longtime “girl Friday” Huma Abedin.


The question remains, however, what will Huma say or do when interrogated.​

Nixon’s Watergate guys abandoned ship —— including Republican rats in both Houses of Congress. Treason was not among the crimes in the Watergate Scandal. Of the 60 or so who were indicted, approximately 40 did time that amounted to a walk in the park.

NOTE: Everybody who betrays this country’s sovereignty for the United Nations is guilty of treason. Top secret information going out on Hillary Clinton’s server is plain, old-fashion, treason —— the kind of betrayal every American understands.

Everybody wrapped up in Clinton’s e-mails must know by now that treason is on the table. Frankly, I cannot see it coming to charges of treason simply because it will come down to Hillary Clinton ultimately being shielded by the MSM. There is no way a subordinate can be charged without painting Clinton with the same brush.

Clinton is not in office; so she cannot be forced to resign. Dropping out of the race would actually benefit Democrats because she is heading for a monumental defeat. The best the public can get out of her e-mails is to impeach her. She would lose her pension, her bodyguards, etc.

On the other hand, Huma Abedin is the one and only member of the Clinton team where treason is very plausible.

Abedin has hired a team of lawyers, one of whom is a former Clinton aide, who are responding to information requests from the courts and State. They’ve denied any wrongdoing on the part of their client and said Abedin is cooperating with requests for official emails in her possession, aiming to turn over all her correspondence by the end of August.​

One or both must be guilty:

Clinton controlled the entirety of her government email correspondence on her unsecured family server to which, as far as we know now, only she and Huma had access.

Will Huma Fall on Her Sword for Hillary?
by Roger L Simon
AUGUST 13, 2015 - 11:49 PM

Will Huma Fall on Her Sword for Hillary Diary of a Mad Voter

Guess which one will take the fall? Hillary testifying that she was duped by a trusted aide will clear her of all crimes and suspicions.

Finally, the Chicago sewer rat is probably Huma’s best hope of skating. He will never allow his attorney general prosecute a Muslim for treason.
Excellent take on the issue BUT Obama needs some one democrat in the White house to cover his and Holders ass.
I post on some Mexican boards as well and Mexicans are calling for an international warrant for Holder over F&F.
Excellent take on the issue BUT Obama needs some one democrat in the White house to cover his and Holders ass.
I post on some Mexican boards as well and Mexicans are calling for an international warrant for Holder over F&F.

Al Gore is mulling a run....ugh God help us all
Excellent take on the issue BUT Obama needs some one democrat in the White house to cover his and Holders ass.
I post on some Mexican boards as well and Mexicans are calling for an international warrant for Holder over F&F.

Al Gore is mulling a run....ugh God help us all
It will be Biden. Gore is to close to the Clinton's. Plus his global warming scam is starting to surface. It will be Biden.
Al Gore is mulling a run....ugh God help us all
To SassyIrishLass: The scourge of masseuses, Al Gore, will have to defend environmental claptrap.
It will be Biden. Gore is to close to the Clinton's. Plus his global warming scam is starting to surface. It will be Biden.
To DarkFury: Biden the Plagiarist never got anything right in his entire political life. He barely got 1% of Democrat votes in primaries each time he ran in the past, 1988 and 2008. He will not be any smarter in 2016. The sewer rat picking him as a running mate showed just how pathetic the Democrat bench was back then.

Several years before Bernie Screwball entered the race, I, too, said Clinton is the easiest one to beat:

Coulter argued, “I wish Fox News would go a little easier on Hillary Clinton. She’s the one we want to run against. Could you guys just back off? Because I feel like I’m living through this, I feel like this is dĂ©jĂ  vu again. We used to say, ‘Oh, the next president isn’t going to be a guy named Barack Hussein Obama.’ Our next president could be Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 16% if you people keep this up.”

Coulter: ‘Go A Little Easier’ On Hillary Because ‘She’s The One We Want to Run Against’
by Ian Hanchett12 Aug 2015

Coulter Go A Little Easier On Hillary Because She s The One We Want to Run Against - Breitbart

Hillary Clinton is the only reason so many Republicans entered. Today, I doubt if the Democrats have anybody that is not a running joke. Imagine the laughter when they arrive for a debate in a clown car:


Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Al Gore
Joe Biden
I don't know how even hard core Democrats can ignore the magnitude and number of crimes Hillary has clearly and undeniably committed. Her latest gem is handing over a professionally wiped server to the FBI. What is her justification for that? Tampering with evidence much?
I don't know how even hard core Democrats can ignore the magnitude and number of crimes Hillary has clearly and undeniably committed.
To MarathonMike: The New World Order crowd has so much time and money invested in her she can pretty much get away with anything. The goal has always been President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton saving the world together. See this thread:

God only knows how much treason she engaged in for the United Nations when she was secretary of state, and that was before the Vietnam War traitor got permission from the UN for the Iran Deal.
It will be a miracle if Clinton, or anyone on her team, goes to jail for espionage:

Not only did Ms. Clinton deliberately demonstrate disdain for the Federal Records Act and nullify the protections of the Freedom of Information Act, she violated the Espionage Act by having information relating to the national defense on her server at all. And her deliberate disregard for national security made the job of all hackers that much easier. As Andy McCarthy explained it in the National Review: In fact, the espionage act—which regulates the handling of intelligence by government officials — does not refer to classified information; it refers to information relating to the national defense.


Ms. Clinton, however, established her entire system to avoid the law and in violation of the Espionage Act—as she and her co-conspirators removed all records from the State Department from its inception.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean
By Sidney Powell | 08/13/15 4:17pm

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

Instead of charging her with espionage she should be charged with treason. Note that there is no mention of war in:

Article II, Section 4

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.​

If anybody is guilty of treason it is Hillary Clinton and her cohorts:

treason (noun)

1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

2. A betrayal of trust or confidence.​

Clinton’s e-mails will not rub off on Taqiyya the Liar, John Kerry, or any of the filthy sneaks in the Administration; at least not in a criminal sense.

My point: I’ll be much happier if somebody does the perp walk for treason rather than espionage.
Instead of charging her with espionage she should be charged with treason.
I’ll be much happier if somebody does the perp walk for treason rather than espionage.
Judge Napolitano is not a man to be trifled with; nevertheless, I am sticking with treason:

Judge Napolitano: "Let's Say Clinton Is Indicted For Conspiracy To Violate Espionage Laws..."​

God only knows how much treason she engaged in for the United Nations when she was secretary of state, and that was before the Vietnam War traitor got permission from the UN for the Iran Deal.
The Democrat party is responsible for that disaster known as Hillary Clinton. Typhoid Nancy is largely responsible for the Affordable Care Act. She is at it again:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been whipping votes in the House for the Iran deal​

The Democrat party is responsible for importing, and protecting, millions of illegal aliens not to mention permanently open-borders, importing diseases, sanctuary cites harboring murders, massive unemployment —— not the 5 or 6 percent Democrats claim —— and America’s defeat at the hands of known enemies. The list goes on and on; so I cannot agree with this:

. . . longtime Democratic pollster and strategist Pat Caddell says the party is at risk of an electoral disaster by propping up a deal the public hates and may well pave the way to a nuclear-armed Iran.

“If the question is that they have voted for something that the American people think is dire and ends up having dire consequences because the majority will of the Congress and the vast majority will of the country’s been ignored, I fear the Democrats will live with this issue of ‘they lost the Middle East.’ And that will be painful election after election,” Caddell said.

Democrat pollster: This 1 issue could kill the party
Posted By Greg Corombos On 08/26/2015 @ 8:39 pm

Democrat pollster: This 1 issue could kill the party

My point: Removing the Iran Deal from the equation leaves more than enough to destroy the Democrat party’s ideology for all time. So far that has not happened; at least not enough to give Republicans supermajorities in both Houses of Congress.

Bottom line: Americans who so despise their own country will cheer for Hillary Clinton —— after Iran drops nuclear bombs on American cities.
Is this guy serious:

Martin O'Malley, former Maryland governor and long-shot presidential candidate, said Thursday he feared Hillary Clinton's email scandal is tarnishing the Democratic Party.​

O'Malley: Hillary email questions defining Democratic 'brand'
By Sarah Westwood ‱ 8/27/15 12:06 PM

O'Malley: Clinton email questions defining Democratic 'brand'
The Democrat party is responsible for importing, and protecting, millions of illegal aliens not to mention permanently open-borders, importing diseases, sanctuary cites harboring murders, massive unemployment —— not the 5 or 6 percent Democrats claim —— and America’s defeat at the hands of known enemies. The list goes on and on
It's a brilliant source of speculation--an eventually, cover-up conspiracy theories-- because of course any potential evidence is classified, and unavailable for examination by the public and media.
After a series of questions about her emails from NBC host Chuck Todd, including a new charge that a recently released email exchange with former CIA Director retired Gen. David Petraeus occurred earlier than she acknowledged using her personal account, an exasperated-sounding Clinton asked Todd whether his next question would be about “another conspiracy theory.”

Hillary Clinton: 'Another conspiracy theory'
By Kyle Cheney
09/27/15 09:06 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton: 'Another conspiracy theory'

She better go easy on the conspiracy theory defense:
Judge Napolitano: "Let's Say Clinton Is Indicted For Conspiracy To Violate Espionage Laws..."

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