Eagles Fanfare: A Dragon-Media DR Tale


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-fable (my final one thank goodness) inspired by the film Switching Channels.



American celebrity Tara Reid was visiting Tibet and had a spiritual revelation and when she returned to the USA, she fell in love with the spirited patriotism-oriented pro-sports fanfare surrounding phenom-QB Carson Wentz and his hot Philadelphia Eagles (perhaps the NFC's best response to the Godzilla of titan-QB Tom Brady and 'Metal Machine' New England Patriots (so far the team of the new millennium). Reid started wearing Eagles jerseys and attending NFL games! Ironically, all the celebrity spotlight earned Reid a hot endorsement from Fiat Auto. Reid would become the Eagles-Departed Fiat Girl.


Would Wentz prove to fall to Brady in the Super Bowl the same way Cam Newton's Panthers did two seasons ago and Matt Ryan's Falcons (did) one season ago? Would the Eagles even go all the way to the Super Bowl? There were other motivated teams (at least motivated) such as the Minnesota Vikings and always unpredictable Dallas Cowboys. The only QB to defeat Tom Brady was of course Eli Manning and his NY Giants (in 2008 and 2012) in the Super Bowl. Now, Carson Wentz could convince someone to an otherwise seemingly sports-dissinterested celebrity such as Tara Reid to connect Eagles fanfare to newfound Tibetan mysticism.


If the Eagles failed, people would remember how they experimented with metaphysics, upstart-and-scrappy play, inner-circle good humors, teamwork strategem brain-intrigue, and of course the spirit of the City of Brotherly Love. If the Eagles toppled the Patriots in the Super Bowl, then perhaps other celebrities such as Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy would join in on Eagles cheerleading for this new millennium of media-fanfare. Would Tara Reid prove her theory that Tibetan mysticism was somehow connected to Eagles modern pedestrian poetics? She was now driving her new Fiat car to her office/classroom at Yale University --- she guest-lectured at a Comparative Literature Streamlining in Modern Commerce Course (i.e., Amazon/Kindle).



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