
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

There is a rumor Trump will soon begin compassionately speaking about altering American attitudes & restructuring social welfare policies that long ago opened the door to OUR expanding Epidemic of African American Child Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment nationally popular American recording artists and victims of Childhood Trauma Kendrick Lamar & the late Tupac Shakur repeatedly mention in their music, or speak about during interviews,

Word is Trump was surfing the Net & discovered a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview with Kendrick Lamar and began freaking out when he read paragraph eight, learning Kendrick revealed to the interviewer:

"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."


"My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"

Supposedly Trump instantly became concerned and incensed, realizing Kendrick, a recording artist he admired, was speaking about SIX-YEAR-OLD Kendrick experiencing Childhood Trauma, witnessing MASS CRIMINAL CHILD ABUSE & MALTREATMENT, HUMAN OPPRESSION, as well as violent felon family & community members who intentionally & recklessly ignored the well being of their children, depriving their OWN young children from enjoying a home environment where they feel safe, loved & cared for.

The Trump rumor states after taking a few moments to ponder what he just learned about Kendrick's abusive early childhood upbringing, Donald Trump wondered what is the point of sending these grossly abused children to Elementary School where they are being taught to be good citizens & to respect their neighbors, yet at home, UNDER DURESS OF BEING HARMED IF THEY OPEN THEIR LITTLE MOUTHS, families & communities are teaching their children anti-social 'people and community' harming values that often results with kids experiencing during a critical period of their childhood development a mentally debilitating condition known as Cognitive Dissonance?

The Donald Trump rumor suggested Trump's interest and concern grew deeper after reading Kendrick openly and seemingly casually admit he, his siblings and numerous cousins were raised and nurtured by seriously damaged "living wild" adults caretakers and other Violent Felon, Gun Violence embracing family & community members who impeded the emotional growth & IGNORED the well being of ALL these young American children in Kendrick's immediate & extended family.

According to the rumor, Trump used his common sense to figure out that PARENTAL INTRODUCED obstacles cause some developing children's minds to become tormented and go haywire, not knowing *OR NOT CARING ABOUT* right from wrong. Most likely becoming angry, confused and resentful because as they mature, children are smart enough to realize their single-moms and/or dads introduced them to a life of pain, struggle and government handouts, totally unlike the mostly safe, happy life the media showed them many American kids were enjoying.

Again, this is rumor, though when presidential hopeful Donald Trump read a December 30, 2015 Chron interview, in which Kendrick recalls being a five-year-old child witnessing gun violence & a drug related 'SHOTGUN' homicide right outside the home where he, his siblings and numerous cousins were UNJUSTLY & INTENTIONALLY being DENIED THEIR RIGHT to feel safe, loved and cared for...The Donald cried out, "I'm fvcking ending this madness!!!"

Kendrick Lamar witnessed murder at five years old

It's rumored after regaining his composure Trump searched YouTube, finding this shocking Kendrick Lamar MTV interview, convincing him that when Tupac Shakur said, “We don’t need no more rappers...," essentially Tupac was saying we don't need no more kids being exposed to Childhood Trauma that is responsible for many of my peers creating American rap poetry/artistry characterizing the MATERNAL HALF of our population as less than human ^itches and ^hores unworthy of respect, or rapping about gun violence, hard drug abuse and disrespecting our less fortunate neighbors.

Kendrick Lamar Talks About ‘u,’ His Depression & Suicidal Thoughts (Pt. 2) | MTV Video News April 2015

Supposedly Trump realized he's the man who can convince a majority of responsible, caring, concerned, loving American people that laws must be changed and some pain must be endured in order to PROTECT the RIGHTS of young developing children. Laws specifically focused on preventing OUR NATION'S most valuable, precious and cherished assets from being abused and neglected, which far too often results with a depressed child or teen unwilling or unable to experience their full human potential, resulting with OUR nation being deprived of an abused child's full human potential.

The Trump rumor implies Trump became rattled when learning details about Kendrick abusive childhood, swearing up and down, out loud, "This will be the last generations of supposedly responsible, caring, loving concerned Americans KEEPING THEIR MOUTHS SHUT while witnessing the VIOLENCE and other anti-social behaviors committed by depressed angry American people full of resentment for being introduced to a childhood of pain & struggle by grossly immature maternal caregivers who WILLFULLY IGNORE their parental duty & responsibility to their children, as well as their moral, ethical and societal obligation & duty to their neighbors & community to place the emotional well being of their children ABOVE ALL ELSE!!"

The Donald Trump rumor alleges he sat with his advisers, sincerely looked each in the eye firmly advising, "I WILL BE THE RESPONSIBLE AMERICAN TAKING ACTION to CORRECT this HORRIFIC INJUSTICE and OPPRESSION of AMERICAN CHILDREN."

"I will make my it my highest priority to institute laws and social programs protecting our Nation's most vital, valuable and precious assets from experiencing life-scarring Childhood Trauma that far too causes life scarring emotional harm"

Rumor says, immediately Trump advisers tried to persuade him that no amount of compassion and sincerity will offset the ROAR from a small population of Americans still dealing with the pain caused by the human ignorance of our distant and recent past. Nor will speaking the truth appease those Americans concerned solely with perpetuating the myth that racism is systemic in America.

Rumor has it Trump replied, "Ladies & gentlemen, beginning today the population of Americans WE are concerned about are the teen girls & women needing to do a much better job of raising kids maturing into fairly or wonderfully happy teens and adults respecting themselves, their peaceful neighbors and the authority responsible for maintaining peace in all American neighborhoods."

Trump continued, "Remember the eulogy for The Honorable Reverend Clementa Pinckney when President Obama asked, 'maybe we should examine what causes some of our kids to hate?'

"Unlike Mr. Obama, I will not allow that question to go unanswered. It has become impossible to ignore the wealth of evidence pointing to a significant number of American moms UNJUSTLY OPPRESSING our nation's young, as well as causing great emotional harm to innocent children."

The Donald Trump rumor suggests he closed this meeting with, "No matter how ugly or painful, the truth about our nation's growing Mental Health Crisis must be told if we wish to evolve into a more prosperous, peaceful nation of crazy & wild, though reasonably well adjusted people respecting ourselves and our peaceful neighbors."

"Now, either you agree with me or your fired."

Again, this is a contrived, unconfirmed Donald Trump rumor.


Doctors Ross and Dietz offer insights into how our Early Childhood Development plays a key role in determining the type of individual we mature into.

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of *Emotionally Troubled* and chronically ill American teens and adults.

At 2:12:25 in this documentary about Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Childhood Trauma/Abuse, Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why young Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man who did not give a frig about anyone else, including his wife and kids.

*(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)*

Kendrick Lamar Talks About ‘u,’ His Depression & Suicidal Thoughts (Pt. 2) | MTV Video News April 2015

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

Tagged: Jamyla Bolden, Julie Dombo
That's a pretty hilarious rumor considering the sefl-absorbed hoplessly narcissistic character of the central figure in it.

At least it gets Kendrick Lamar some exposure though. :thup:

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