Earthquake warning: Seismic unrest forecasted for weeks


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The position of the moon, Earth, Venus, Mercury and the sun in the coming weeks is set to pull on the planet and cause earthquake activity across Earth, he says. This will last for several weeks and could result in “larger” tremors thanks to “critical geometry”. This is according to new age earthquake forecaster website Ditrianum, run by researcher Frank Hoogerbeets, who made the bold prediction.
EARTHQUAKES could continuously rock the planet in the coming week as one tremor predictor believes that we are in for a prolonged period of seismic unrest.
Earthquake WARNING: Seismic unrest forecasted FOR WEEKS

I have totally forgotten about these planets that are suppose to line up which seems kind of shady when we think about it since, we see huge quakes take place right when meteorites are about to hit earth, or one is passing by earth there are often quakes associated with it passing by ..

With these lining up it leaves the thought of Hmmmmmm
Call up George Noory @ Coast to Coast

He's on this stuff big time

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