East Antarctica may be just as unstable as West

Ha ha ha, another misleading bullcrap article. Here is the reality based on actual data:




The odds have just been doubled at a catastrophic destabilization of the Antarctic ice shelf.

Yeah, it sucks to have volcanic activity creating most of this.

...volcanoes, caused by manmade global warming

Besides, CO2 was flat last year and will be flat again this year, we won the war against global warming!
Yeah, it sucks to have volcanic activity creating most of this.

Only the most brainless cult fanatics would read an article that says "there's been volcanic activity under Antarctic for a long time" and immediately conclude "DERPDERPDERP VOLCANOES ARE MELTING ALL THE ICE!".

The sad fact is that almost all deniers are just kind of slow.
It appears that Crick, did a drive by post, then vanish, what was that about?

Maybe my post #4 scared him, ReinyDays post #8 finished him off?
The odds have just been doubled at a catastrophic destabilization of the Antarctic ice shelf.

To pile it on Cricks misleading crap is this revealing background of Denman Glacier:

From: Not a lot of people know That

Selected excerpts:

It’s hard to know where to start with this nonsense.

For a start, it is implied that the recent retreat of the glacier is linked to a warming climate. However the climate has actually been getting colder in that part of Antarctica during the period of the study, which begins in 1979:




Johanus March 27, 2020 at 3:58 am

The Denman Glacier happens to be the location of a very deep canyon, under the ice. In fact, it is globally the lowest point on “land” not covered by liquid water, at 3,500 m (11,500 ft) below sea level.
Denman Glacier - Wikipedia
Extreme points of Earth - Wikipedia
So that’s what it’s like beneath Antarctica's ice sheet | Cosmos

So, it may be that parts of the glacier ice are closer to the mantle, which could cause melting of ice geothermally.

Here is a comprehensive (136 pages), but dated (1995), geological survey of the Denman glacier area.
J.W. Sheraton et al., “Geology of the Bunger Hills-Denman Glacier region, East Antarctica”,
https://d28rz98at9flks.cloudfront.net/7/Bull_244.pdf (1995)

There is a convenient chart on page 5 which shows the layout of Denman and Scott glaciers with respect to the surrounding features. Bunger hills to the east which can be seen on Google maps.


There is a lot more to show that this Glacier isn't a threat, and CO2 isn't the cause of the speculated melting.

As usual Crick fell for another dishonest article, which implies INHERENT inability to understand what he reads in front of him.
Yeah, it sucks to have volcanic activity creating most of this.

Only the most brainless cult fanatics would read an article that says "there's been volcanic activity under Antarctic for a long time" and immediately conclude "DERPDERPDERP VOLCANOES ARE MELTING ALL THE ICE!".

The sad fact is that almost all deniers are just kind of slow.

Brainless describes you to a T.
Volcanic activity is not warming the sea water washing up along Antarctica's ice shelf. I think, just as with their GHG emissions, you find it easy to picture volcanoes as unimaginably enormous sources of energy when, in fact, the volcanoes under the Antarctic ice sheet provide no where near the energy required to produce the observed ocean warming or ice melting. And then there's Greenland. Do you believe all that to be volcanic as well?
Volcanic activity is not warming the sea water washing up along Antarctica's ice shelf. I think, just as with their GHG emissions, you find it easy to picture volcanoes as unimaginably enormous sources of energy when, in fact, the volcanoes under the Antarctic ice sheet provide no where near the energy required to produce the observed ocean warming or ice melting. And then there's Greenland. Do you believe all that to be volcanic as well?
Exactly how much energy do volcanoes under the ice sheet provide? For that matter how much volcanic activity is happening under the Ice sheet. Enquiring minds want to know.

while you are at it, exactly how much volcanic activity is happening under the Greenland ice sheet?
Volcanic activity is not warming the sea water washing up along Antarctica's ice shelf. I think, just as with their GHG emissions, you find it easy to picture volcanoes as unimaginably enormous sources of energy when, in fact, the volcanoes under the Antarctic ice sheet provide no where near the energy required to produce the observed ocean warming or ice melting. And then there's Greenland. Do you believe all that to be volcanic as well?
Rigggght, because the ocean magically traps 90% of the excess heat. Sure.

If Bernie Madoff's accountant could tell investors that 90% of their were trapped in the oceans, he'd still be in the fund business.

AGW is the biggest fraud ever
AGW is the biggest fraud ever

I would like to see one of these climate warriors point out where the climate is actually changing. When you look at the globe by regional climate history, you don’t see much change, and nothing that could be characterized as unprecedented or even mildly unusual for that matter.

The only place global anything shows up is on the heavily infilled, manipulated, and meaningless global average temperature.
Volcanic activity is not warming the sea water washing up along Antarctica's ice shelf. I think, just as with their GHG emissions, you find it easy to picture volcanoes as unimaginably enormous sources of energy when, in fact, the volcanoes under the Antarctic ice sheet provide no where near the energy required to produce the observed ocean warming or ice melting. And then there's Greenland. Do you believe all that to be volcanic as well?

How about providing some actual facts and figures instead of your ignorant opinion.
Volcanic activity is not warming the sea water washing up along Antarctica's ice shelf. I think, just as with their GHG emissions, you find it easy to picture volcanoes as unimaginably enormous sources of energy when, in fact, the volcanoes under the Antarctic ice sheet provide no where near the energy required to produce the observed ocean warming or ice melting. And then there's Greenland. Do you believe all that to be volcanic as well?
So you have no answer to my two postings that directly address your crying "we are doomed" bullshit?


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