Easy targets, trumps supporters shooting themselves in the gonads

Breaking the law has consequences.

We will survive without the illegals.

Drive on........ :cool:
A bigger impact then they thought

Awww....warm and fuzzy. Thanks for sharing.
I’m drafting a very articulate email to send to the Pacific County Sheriffs Office and the Long Beach, WA police department.
I always find it mind blowing that people within law enforcement don’t have the balls to enforce the law and or respect the laws the American people voted on the books. The nutless pieces of shits have no business in law enforcement....they must set their fucking personal pussy shit aside and work for the fucking people...that’s your obligation you sack of shits!
FUCK “Mario” and fuck the beaner kids...send them all packing. a GOOD JOB iCE.....Keep the HAMMER DOWN!
Remember, for every one “pillar of the community” like Mario....there are 1000 of these. I like my odds...eradicate them all.


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