Ebola response ignores history’s lessons: Risks from AIDS were discounted and thousands died!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Just more wood to put on the COMMON SENSE reply to Obola, which many of our subversives think we overplay!

Washington Times ^

The last time we treated a deadly disease as a political problem instead of using time-tested medical precautions, we doomed many hemophiliacs to early deaths, along with hundreds of thousands of homosexual men. I was thinking about the HIV-AIDS epidemic while perusing the Obama administration’s latest rationales for rejecting mandatory, 21-day quarantines of health care workers and others coming from Ebola-stricken nations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the incubation period for Ebola is two to 21 days. Why not err on the side of safety? The similarities are striking. When HIV-AIDS erupted in the early...
With aids everyone was petrified because it was mostly gays getting sick. With ebola its mostly blacks so they're still petrified.
With aids everyone was petrified because it was mostly gays getting sick. With ebola its mostly blacks so they're still petrified.

5 minutes into the day on the east coast and we've already found the dumbest post of the day.

"Ebola response ignores history’s lessons: Risks from AIDS were discounted and thousands died!"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, HIV and ebola are not the same. This is nothing more than ignorant, unfounded partisan demagoguery.
"Ebola response ignores history’s lessons: Risks from AIDS were discounted and thousands died!"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, HIV and ebola are not the same. This is nothing more than ignorant, unfounded partisan demagoguery.

When did you change your MOS from shyster to doctor?

Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Tom Frieden compared Ebola with AIDS at a United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund forum held Oct. 9, in Washington, D.C. He stated: “I would say that in the 30 years I've been working in public health, the only thing like this has been AIDS,” Dr. Frieden is right asserts radio talk show host and author Chuck Morse. Ebola and AIDS are similar in terms of the politically correct approach by which both epidemics are being handled.
We should learn from the mistakes of history and recall that back in the 1980's the leaders of the gay community and their left-wing friends treated AIDS like a political football as opposed to what it was which was a communicable disease. Not to interfere with their sexual liberation free-love movement, gay leaders and their left-wing allies in government refused to take needed precautions to prevent the spread of AIDS such as shutting down gay bath-houses which were incubators of AIDS and asking people infected with the disease to give health clinics the names of their sexual partners. These leaders did not have the moral courage to warn gay men to stop engaging in sexual practices that spread AIDS. Back then AIDS was a death sentence and a terrible way to die. They have the blood of tens of thousands of victims on their hands, people who might have otherwise been saved by some simple and prudent actions. They didn't give a damn about the welfare of gay men, who made up the vast majority of AIDS victims, as they were more interested in advancing their political agenda.
The same dynamic appears to be in play now with regard to public policy as it pertains to the spread of the Ebola virus. The same type who refused to intervene when gay men were dying now wring their hands over whether airline flights coming from nations with Ebola epidemics should be stopped from entering the United States. Some of the same bizarre logic for this strange and inexplicable policy seems to be at play when they tell us that we are at greater risk of contracting Ebola by isolating those who have a greater risk of exposure than we would be if we took token measures. They also refuse to discuss the cause of a potential Ebola incursion into the US, not to mention the incursion of several other diseases that had not been here recently, which is the influx of tens of thousands of undocumented un-screened illegal aliens who have crossed the Mexican border in recent months.
To bring this up might compromise a strange and inexplicable agenda. In both cases, AIDS and Ebola, the bizarre agenda completely disregards the welfare and the lives of its victims and the safety of everyone.
"Ebola response ignores history’s lessons: Risks from AIDS were discounted and thousands died!"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, HIV and ebola are not the same. This is nothing more than ignorant, unfounded partisan demagoguery.
The diseases are not the same. The political response is very much the same.
Stupidity and selfishness lead someone who is IN the medical field to ignore the 21 day self isolation. I mean seriously. That's not political. Well, at least it shouldn't be.

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