Economic gloom builds for USA, Europe


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
'(Reuters) - The euro zone economy worsened markedly last month and U.S. employers cut back on hiring, according to two reports on Friday that dampened hopes for gradual recovery on either side of the Atlantic.'

Obama's failure is evident and pronounced. Here's hoping the Republican sweep in November can restore our competitiveness and vibrancy to the 'pre-Pelosi Era.

Gloom builds for euro zone, United States | Reuters
It is just a delayed response (In the US) to high fuel prices in March and April. The effects take a few months to shake out. People have less money to spend so inventory balloons and companies have decreased orders requiring fewer workers. Once fuel prices decrease, people will have more money to spend and decrease inventory and companies will get more orders and hire more workers.

It is just a delayed response (In the US) to high fuel prices in March and April. The effects take a few months to shake out. People have less money to spend so inventory balloons and companies have decreased orders requiring fewer workers. Once fuel prices decrease, people will have more money to spend and decrease inventory and companies will get more orders and hire more workers.


Not so simple. The story in Asia is quite different. From the link:

The story is very different in Asia where China's economy, which got off to a slow start to the year, is beginning to show signs of growing faster.

The HSBC China Services Purchasing Managers Index rose to 54.1 in April from 53.3 in March, its strongest reading since October 2011. That followed a small rise in HSBC's manufacturing PMI released earlier this week.
But many thanks to the do nothing Pubs and the fear mongering Pub Propaganda machine, especially since this is 100% their lying, cheating, thieving fault. Country be damned, the greedy assholes. BTW, you're a brainwashed moron.
But many thanks to the do nothing Pubs and the fear mongering Pub Propaganda machine, especially since this is 100% their lying, cheating, thieving fault. Country be damned, the greedy assholes. BTW, you're a brainwashed moron.

You're really blaming republicans for all of this? That's a very narrow minded view, and something I'm sure you love to call conservatives. Congrats on that.

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