Educated Response To Municipal Insolvency--$68 mil. Football Palace At U of Oregon


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Recently, anyone has to wonder at the "not-too-brightness" levels of U. S. college graduates anywhere. The educated people start off with debt-loads more than the entire United States of 1836, which was under $40,000.00, back then. Anyone now can graduate owing more money than even houses are worth. The adults all seem on-board with that, completely! The economists seem to be on-board with that completely.

Famously, the University of Oregon has now created a famous, "Duck Shoe-Box," called the "Fooball Performance Center." The founder of Nike was able to come up with $68.0 mil. for the "Imperial Roman" motif. Ancient gladiators would likely be jealous. Roman Emperors would likely be jealous. Brothel owners would likely. . . .well. . .and even from France!

Mostly, the state and local governments that hire these people have managed to show the outcome. Insolvency is easily regarded a new-normal, just as "under-water-housing" became the new normal. Anyone sees where they send the money.

Bankrupt Cities, Municipalities List and Map

These are an educated people.

The famous road-to-wealth-and-riches, in all the world: Famously still tends itself to remain, "California Civil Service." The U. C. Budget regularly provides an annual fixed percentage COLA, including to the $300,000 faculty and half million dollar level administration staff.

Those people then create and set priorities. Obama-Biden would eventually take what deficit there was, and send it off to them, the state and local bureaucrats instead, and the teachers. So again at University of Oregon, anyone sees the continuing myopia to bypass the tax base entirely! Even the Cal State University systems creates recreations centers all of China could envy. Then famously Cal State University closes them off to the public at large.

Next likely someone will propose creating a pedestrian bridge leading to the shoe box, designing it to wind up at the Willamette River bank instead: In the usual parody of planning.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Now Put "Reality Shows", Even on TV. . .instead of in Real Life, Really more of Jay Silverheels motif!)
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