Egypt Kidnapping: 2 Americans And Tour Guide Taken By Gunmen


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Why can't Americans stay the fuck away from Egypt? Newsflash Egypt is a third world shit hole with a growing Anti American sentiment, Americans need to stay away from Egypt right now. This fetish for seeing the stupid fucking Pyramids is going to get people killed, if you need to see the Pyramids and experience the Ancient Egyptian culture get a book or watch a fuckin documentary.:evil:

Egypt Kidnapping: 2 Americans And Tour Guide Taken By Gunmen

AL-ARISH, Egypt -- Gunmen intercepted a tourist minivan and snatched two female American tourists at gunpoint, along with their Egyptian tour guide Friday near St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai, the region's security chief said.

Maj. Gen. Mohammed Naguib, the head of south Sinai security, said the gunmen were driving a sedan and a pickup truck. Naguib said the abductors sped away into the mountains. A helicopter was leading a search and rescue mission, he said.

The bus was carrying three other people who were left behind, Naguib said. Their nationalities were not immediately known.

The tourists were returning from the monastery to the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, according to the state newspaper Al-Ahram.

Egypt has faced deteriorating security and a surge in crime since the popular uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak nearly a year ago. Protesters accuse the military council that has assumed power and the police force of negligence.

The unrest led to a sharp drop in the country's vital tourism sector, with revenues plunging almost 30 percent last year.

Egypt Kidnapping: 2 Americans And Tour Guide Taken By Gunmen

What did we expect? Ever since Mubarak stepped down Egypt has becoming more and more Anti American plus they are falling right into the arms of the Muslim Brotherhood, why would someone put their necks on the line to see some stupid Pyramids? the Egyptians themselves don't give a fuck about them but yet Americans are so infatuated with them.:evil:
Going to Egypt in the condition that it's in is as stupid as going to Mexico in it's current condition. Apparently these retreads that continue to go to these places anyway don't read the news or the State Department travel warnings.
Going to Egypt in the condition that it's in is as stupid as going to Mexico in it's current condition. Apparently these retreads that continue to go to these places anyway don't read the news or the State Department travel warnings.

They are probably niaeve little cock suckers that think the Egyptians and Mexicans are just misunderstood little angels and it is America that is the bad dangerous country, not Mexico or Egypt.:doubt:

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