Electric Buses- the Hottest Trend in Public Transportation


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
On Friday, the Connecticut Governor announced a new law requiring all new govt vehicles to be EV's.
On Saturday, a new electric bus burst into flames & burned to the ground in a parking lot in the state.
Apparently, lithium-ion batteries don't handle the heat well. Luckily, it was just sitting there empty when it decided "hey, why don't I just spontaneously burst into a massive fireball?"

Switching over to this technology is going to be a major disaster but that's just par for the course when it comes to proggy policies.
Could you imagine watching a city bus going down the road engulfed in flames while passengers try to escape the inferno?
How much pollution does a burning bus with a giant battery put out?
Gotta be more than a cow fart

Al Gore says he has proof it was simply sabotaged by Manbearpig & Polar Bear refugees from the Arctic but I have my doubts

“Lithium-ion battery fires are difficult to extinguish due to the thermal chemical process that produces great heat and continually reignites,” the fire officials said in a statement. “Exposures were protected at the scene.”

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I'm wondering how long it will take for homeowners insurance to go up for EV owners as the incidents of EV fires increase.
I loved Seattle's urban trolleys, which ran on overhead wires. Don't think I'd want to trust the lithium battery thing, however. The other kind of trolleys make sense on a grid like the Pacific Northwest where so much power is hydro.
This is a new law that includes a number of actions that will allegedly help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector, improve air quality and health outcomes for Connecticut residents, and help to mitigate impacts from the climate crisis

The irony is that one EV fire like this probably puts out as much climate and health damaging air pollution as 10,000 regular gas-powered cars in a year or ten years totally destroying whatever imagined gains they think they got by going electric!

See the source image
The irony is that one EV fire like this probably puts out as much climate and health damaging air pollution as 10,000 regular gas-powered cars in a year or ten years totally destroying whatever imagined gains they think they got by going electric!

See the source image
Exactly! They never want to acknowledge the environmental impacts associated with EV production put the total footprint much closer to ICE than they say.
Add in a certain percentage that seem to have Spontaneous Battery Combustion & it shows what a joke it is to believe this is about "saving the planet".
It is & always has been a wealth redistribution & collectivist power grab scam

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