Eliminating Don't Ask/Don't Tell? You Can't Be Serious!

hey Dave, was in in the late 60's, Folk Polk, lots of friends white and black and I didn't care what hole they poked as long as we each others had my back, what do you think! things haven't changed much but you biggioted MF's sure like to keep the ball rolling, BTW even then their were places that wouldn't serve a colored let alone a gay
While I believe that the US Military shouldnt necessarily be concerned with being some sort of vehicle for social equity but rather the most effective and efficient killing and destructive force ever created, do openly gay people really pose a threat to the effectiveness of the US Military? I think it is ridiculous to believe they somehow do.

Then you have not been in a military situation... much as you do not bunk men with women, because of inherent issues with logistics and morale... this would add even more of a monkey wrench in the gears of war

This is about the efficiency and effectiveness of our military... not some 'rights' issue

And I have been...and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" needs to go.
Ummm.. yeah.. 'more fires'.... that's exactly the key... just as I guess more enemies or more battles are the inherent result of this situation in military billeting :rolleyes:

flat out ignorance

Apparently, you drama queens seem to think that there is a correlation between the sexuality of the players and the utility of their roles. if you can't fire a gun as well because the guy shooting enemies next to you is a fag and all you can think about is how much he likes to suck cock then you clearly are not meant to fight anyway.

Try looking at what was stated AGAIN....

It is not about the roles or whether someone of straight or gay can shoot a weapon...

Much like we already have separation of the sexes because of logistics, morale, etc when it comes to billeting, etc.. this adds a whole other monkey wrench into the military gearing....

Those of us who actually have served and know how things work know a bit more about the situation, morale management, logistics, etc than the likes of you shog....

People like me who actually served and know that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is living a terrible lie and needs to go.
I really think that normal sexual harassment rules already in place in the military would protect soldier's concerns so I don't really care if they do but you have to give the military time to adjust because showering with a gay dude might be a violation of your privacy so there is going to be some adjustments made.

Why would it be different if you knew it or don't know it? Look at it this way, wouldn't you rather know instead of just suspecting it? But again, if they have time to worry about that anyway, then stop giving them pay. ;)

It would be different because when hetrosexuals are around people of the opposite sex there is the feeling that we are being evaluated sexually but when we are around people of the same sex we don't feel that way. Its the reason why women become "petite" when around men and men become "gentlemen" when around women. When they are with the same sex group women become nasty little whores and men become bear burping savages.

When you include a gay person in the same sex group it destroys the normal interaction between men and women within the group because everyone knows that the gay person is attracted to them.


Very funny..................whoa, wait a minute. You were serious, weren't you?
Obama wants to add if you are a terrorist you don't have to say it and the military can't ask you if you are a terrorist or check to see if you are a terrorist, talking to or sending money to terrorist groups. And If you are one he has a job for you in his administration, Contact Rohm or D Axelrod and they will get you appointed a new Czar

Link, please.
Apparently, you drama queens seem to think that there is a correlation between the sexuality of the players and the utility of their roles. if you can't fire a gun as well because the guy shooting enemies next to you is a fag and all you can think about is how much he likes to suck cock then you clearly are not meant to fight anyway.

Try looking at what was stated AGAIN....

It is not about the roles or whether someone of straight or gay can shoot a weapon...

Much like we already have separation of the sexes because of logistics, morale, etc when it comes to billeting, etc.. this adds a whole other monkey wrench into the military gearing....

Those of us who actually have served and know how things work know a bit more about the situation, morale management, logistics, etc than the likes of you shog....

People like me who actually served and know that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is living a terrible lie and needs to go.

It is a farce... but the government is too afraid to do the right thing and go back to just an outright ban
Try looking at what was stated AGAIN....

It is not about the roles or whether someone of straight or gay can shoot a weapon...

Much like we already have separation of the sexes because of logistics, morale, etc when it comes to billeting, etc.. this adds a whole other monkey wrench into the military gearing....

Those of us who actually have served and know how things work know a bit more about the situation, morale management, logistics, etc than the likes of you shog....

People like me who actually served and know that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is living a terrible lie and needs to go.

It is a farce... but the government is too afraid to do the right thing and go back to just an outright ban

Sure ... so only straight people can go get killed in combat ... you want America to be an "all gay" country, just admit it.
People like me who actually served and know that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is living a terrible lie and needs to go.

It is a farce... but the government is too afraid to do the right thing and go back to just an outright ban

Sure ... so only straight people can go get killed in combat ... you want America to be an "all gay" country, just admit it.

Again.. it is not about gay people not being able to fire a weapon or execute an order or align a satcom dish or whatever... it goes much deeper in to what MORE the military has than other jobs...
I gotta go with bodecca and rdean on this one - are there really guys out there who believe that they are so hot that if a gay guy gets one look at 'em in the shower, they just won't be able to control themself????

Too funny.

Good.. so a trio of idiots...

Again.. billeting, logistics, and morale are behind the reasoning to this just as women and men are not bunking together... it is not whether a gay person can shoot a weapon, fix a deuce and a half, or use a radio...

Unless you have actually seen how even the smallest things can effect efficiency in a field operation, in the barracks, or in day-to-day military living, you are just talking out of your asses

That's YOU talking out your butt.

"The smallest little sour apple can upset the apple cart". BS

You make soldiers sound so delicate and their lives following a perfectly prescribed path were any deviation could fry their little minds. Well, double BS.

I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. Referred to as the "Rock". The place no one wanted to go. It wasn't delicate. It wasn't "perfectly balanced".

And there were a few gays there. The only people "kicked out" for being gay, were straight guys that couldn't take it anymore. Cuz I remember two that I actually knew and I knew for a fact they weren't gay.

The gay guys I did know, everyone knew. There was one who dressed like "Elvis" on his off time.
Then there was this black guy and a white guy who went everywhere together. The way they looked at each other and acted, it was pretty obvious. Considering they were both giants, no one said anything where they could hear.

The real sissies are those that are "threatened" by something so ridiculous. Pussies, that's what they are.
It is a farce... but the government is too afraid to do the right thing and go back to just an outright ban

Sure ... so only straight people can go get killed in combat ... you want America to be an "all gay" country, just admit it.

Again.. it is not about gay people not being able to fire a weapon or execute an order or align a satcom dish or whatever... it goes much deeper in to what MORE the military has than other jobs...

How? Explain. As far as I see, it's no different than police, considering many military camps are now having their soldiers train at SWAT fields. Police departments are not effected by gay members at all.
Members of a military unit have to work in the closest possible physical proximity to one another, they share foxholes together, they shower together, etc.. For many heterosexual males, especially young ones, it is an uncomfortable experience being in such a close environment with openly gay men.

Instead they prefer to be in that SAME environment with the SAME gay male, except they are unaware of it.............ignorance is bliss...
While I believe that the US Military shouldnt necessarily be concerned with being some sort of vehicle for social equity but rather the most effective and efficient killing and destructive force ever created, do openly gay people really pose a threat to the effectiveness of the US Military? I think it is ridiculous to believe they somehow do.

Then you have not been in a military situation... much as you do not bunk men with women, because of inherent issues with logistics and morale... this would add even more of a monkey wrench in the gears of war

This is about the efficiency and effectiveness of our military... not some 'rights' issue

I have been. I shared a small room with 5 other men when I was deployed to Kirkuk, Iraq 5 years ago. One of them being as blatantly gay as it gets. Everyone knew yet nobody said shit and the mission went on. Spare me your logistics and morale nonsense ... they said the same thing when they integrated the armed forces decades ago.
While I believe that the US Military shouldnt necessarily be concerned with being some sort of vehicle for social equity but rather the most effective and efficient killing and destructive force ever created, do openly gay people really pose a threat to the effectiveness of the US Military? I think it is ridiculous to believe they somehow do.

Then you have not been in a military situation... much as you do not bunk men with women, because of inherent issues with logistics and morale... this would add even more of a monkey wrench in the gears of war

This is about the efficiency and effectiveness of our military... not some 'rights' issue

I have been. I shared a small room with 5 other men when I was deployed to Kirkuk, Iraq 5 years ago. One of them being as blatantly gay as it gets. Everyone knew yet nobody said shit and the mission went on. Spare me you logistics and morale nonsense.

you almost got a thanks out of me! :)
Most don't understand if you are not gay they usually know and they are not going to hit on you, especially over there. For one there is the fear of getting your ass kicked, plus I highly doubt it is a priority for them
Army dismisses gay Arabic linguists...

Olbermann hits it out of the park...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj95qNgUPYc]YouTube - Government offers $150k bonus to retain arabic linguists[/ame]
Try looking at what was stated AGAIN....

It is not about the roles or whether someone of straight or gay can shoot a weapon...

Much like we already have separation of the sexes because of logistics, morale, etc when it comes to billeting, etc.. this adds a whole other monkey wrench into the military gearing....

Those of us who actually have served and know how things work know a bit more about the situation, morale management, logistics, etc than the likes of you shog....

People like me who actually served and know that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is living a terrible lie and needs to go.

It is a farce... but the government is too afraid to do the right thing and go back to just an outright ban

Wrong...no ban. Open serving...funny how the military currently supports people living a lie just to make some other ego-driven people more "comfortable".
Members of a military unit have to work in the closest possible physical proximity to one another, they share foxholes together, they shower together, etc.. For many heterosexual males, especially young ones, it is an uncomfortable experience being in such a close environment with openly gay men.

Instead they prefer to be in that SAME environment with the SAME gay male, except they are unaware of it.............ignorance is bliss...

For some people, apparently. :eusa_whistle:
I don't think these activists really know what they are asking for. Maybe in some parts of the military a gay person can serve openly and not be bothered. But in the combat arms branches homosexuality is routinely mocked and derided. We are talking about guys from pretty conservative walks of life. Heck, some guys from the South that I served with were shockingly racist.
Combat units should stress unit cohesiveness. I believe that allowing gays in that part of the military would undermine unit integrity and mission readiness. Not to mention fearing for the safety of anyone that is homosexual in a unit like that. I am serious.
Maybe in the non-combat related jobs it could be something that can be accepted, but people have no idea of what they are dealing with when it comes to the combat units.
It is the last boys club. All the good, and the bad of such an organization.
A lot of grunts in the military are not the brightest of sparks and go for the lowest common denominator,, that is why they are grunts....

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