Elizabeth Warren Whores Out to Wall Street, Opposes Fed Audit


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
It would appear the powers that be are getting nervous. Yesterday, Fed Governor Jerome Powell (and Fisher and Plosser) stepped up the central bank’s push against what he termed congressional efforts to extend political influence over monetary policy, calling them "misguided" and "in violent conflict with the facts." Today we have Senator Elizabeth Warren trying to sound supportive of transparency but proclaiming that she opposes Rand Paul's "Audit The Fed" Bill because it promotes "congressional meddling in the Fed’s monetary policy decisions."

Elizabeth Warren Opposes Congressional Meddling Audit The Fed Bill Zero Hedge
Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on Senate Banking subcommittee on economic policy who has criticized the Fed for being too close to big banks, said she opposes the current version of Paul’s bill.

“It promotes congressional meddling in the Fed’s monetary policy decisions, which risks politicizing those decisions and may have dangerous implications for financial stability and the health of the global economy,” Warren said in a statement on Tuesday. She added that she will “continue to press for greater congressional oversight of the Fed’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities.”
Fed Boosts Audit-Bill Criticism as White House Joins Fray - Bloomberg Business

Sounds like a Goldman Sachs executive. Well, I guess if she knows where her bread is buttered if she wants to make a presidential run.
A 'Fed audit' is an example of libertarian lunacy.
A private owned central bank dictating monetary policy with no oversight is lunacy, unless you are a wall street banker who reaps the benefits at the expense of working people.
It would appear the powers that be are getting nervous. Yesterday, Fed Governor Jerome Powell (and Fisher and Plosser) stepped up the central bank’s push against what he termed congressional efforts to extend political influence over monetary policy, calling them "misguided" and "in violent conflict with the facts." Today we have Senator Elizabeth Warren trying to sound supportive of transparency but proclaiming that she opposes Rand Paul's "Audit The Fed" Bill because it promotes "congressional meddling in the Fed’s monetary policy decisions."
Elizabeth Warren Opposes Congressional Meddling Audit The Fed Bill Zero Hedge

Fauxcahontas is a liar and a hypocrite. The perfect Democrat candidate.
I have gone from really high on her to hating her as much as I hate Clinton.

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