Elizabeth Warren Wrong on Tech Co's


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Senator Elizabeth Warren's careful, calculated rise to the top of the Democratic field will be all for naught if she doesn't back off her silly idea of breaking up tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google. These tech giants need rules, and operation oversight just like any other publicly traded companies, but breaking them up, rather than regulating them is just plain wrong. Elizabeth Warren is a smart lady who's made very few errors so far, but this break up idea will cost her if she persists with it.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Says ‘It’s Time To Break Up Amazon, Google And Facebook’— And Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Fights Back
Actually, her supporters are wondering how the woman with "a plan for everything" had no coherent response prepared for the most obvious and predictable question asked of anyone at the most recent debate, to wit, "How ya gonna pay for dis fukkin' 'Medicare for All' thing?"

New, related topic:

I have had a large number of conversations with western Europeans about their various socialized medicine programs (of which they are quite proud), and in EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION I was told that "we pay a LOT for it, but..."

So why don't these Democrat candidates admit that if the American people want some form of "free healthcare for everyone," there will be a massive tax increase on EVERYONE to pay for it - just like in Europe and Canada? Indeed, as P.J. O'Rourke has famously said, "If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it's FREE!"

Must they continue to promote the ridiculous fiction that they are going to give out all these wonderful bennies, all paid for by SOMEBODY ELSE!

As I always end up asking, Are Democrats really this stupid?

Senator Elizabeth Warren's careful, calculated rise to the top of the Democratic field will be all for naught if she doesn't back off her silly idea of breaking up tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google. These tech giants need rules, and operation oversight just like any other publicly traded companies, but breaking them up, rather than regulating them is just plain wrong. Elizabeth Warren is a smart lady who's made very few errors so far, but this break up idea will cost her if she persists with it.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Says ‘It’s Time To Break Up Amazon, Google And Facebook’— And Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Fights Back
She has made numerous mistakes. Allmost her whole campaign has been nothing but mistakes.

Senator Elizabeth Warren's careful, calculated rise to the top of the Democratic field will be all for naught if she doesn't back off her silly idea of breaking up tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google. These tech giants need rules, and operation oversight just like any other publicly traded companies, but breaking them up, rather than regulating them is just plain wrong. Elizabeth Warren is a smart lady who's made very few errors so far, but this break up idea will cost her if she persists with it.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Says ‘It’s Time To Break Up Amazon, Google And Facebook’— And Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Fights Back

And you were expecting something less from a liberal?

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