Elon Musk Reveals Covid Tests Are A Sham


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Sure. I'm gonna listen to the nut bag who by rights should be in prison for his past attempts at stock manipulation and under investigation for potential securities fraud.
Guy is a genius, but he needs to keep his fucking mouth shut. If You-Know-Who would have taken his job seriously and put the full force of the DPA to work in January,
we might have been able to crank out enough tests to cover the absolute shit storm we find ourselves in now.

And these were antigen tests. That tells you if you've been exposed to the virus.
Sure. I'm gonna listen to the nut bag who by rights should be in prison for his past attempts at stock manipulation and under investigation for potential securities fraud.
Guy is a genius, but he needs to keep his fucking mouth shut. If You-Know-Who would have taken his job seriously and put the full force of the DPA to work in January,
we might have been able to crank out enough tests to cover the absolute shit storm we find ourselves in now.

And these were antigen tests. That tells you if you've been exposed to the virus.

Sorry, Puttski, as usual, you go off on your typical unhinged kook rant. The issue is not Musk at all but the fact that half the tests disagreed with the others! So that begs the question of how many of the "Covid cases" out there are erroneous tests as well and how widely used is the antigen test in reporting Covid infections.

Unless you have the answer to some of this, you should shut the hell up, save some face and get off my thread.
Sure. I'm gonna listen to the nut bag who by rights should be in prison for his past attempts at stock manipulation and under investigation for potential securities fraud.
Guy is a genius, but he needs to keep his fucking mouth shut. If You-Know-Who would have taken his job seriously and put the full force of the DPA to work in January,
we might have been able to crank out enough tests to cover the absolute shit storm we find ourselves in now.

And these were antigen tests. That tells you if you've been exposed to the virus.

Sorry, Puttski, as usual, you go off on your typical unhinged kook rant. The issue is not Musk at all but the fact that half the tests disagreed with the others! So that begs the question of how many of the "Covid cases" out there are erroneous tests as well and how widely used is the antigen test in reporting Covid infections.

Unless you have the answer to some of this, you should shut the hell up, save some face and get off my thread.

S'Matter snowflake. I slip under that cool exterior of a BS facade of yours again? You really need to grow a thicker skin.
Those numbers you see every day on places like Worldometer are confirmed infections. Meaning they've been tested and confirmed to have the virus.
You twits have been crowing non stop about Bill Gates opening his mouth about vaccines. But you take this knucklehead's testing bloviate at face
value..because it fits in with your narrative that the whole thing is a hoax.
Those numbers you see every day on places like Worldometer are confirmed infections.

SO YOU CLAIM, Jack. Who is "certifying" them? I've seen a thousand cases since Spring by people INSIDE THE SYSTEM where people are being ASSUMED to die from Covid, etc., because it is the easy excuse. Hi Covid numbers play right into the hands of the Democrat Elite.

Here we have a Covid test with an apparent 50% accuracy error.

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