Elon Musk: The Unsung Hero of the 2024 Election and Free Speech for all Americans

Elon made his billions ethically, honorably and the better American way by using his intuition, imagination, aptitude, work ethic, intellect to come up with products and services that people wanted and would pay for. That is the finest example of free market capitalism. He is one of those rare people willing to take huge risks with investments to see if he can do it better, more profitably, more excellence. And he has the ability to imagine and make happen things that actually work. He refuses to be confined to anybody's idea of status quo or what cannot be done.

He and Trump share those qualities though Elon has been more financially successful that Trump just because of the directions his curiosity and intuition and intellect take him. Both men are willing to think outside the box, try a lot of trail and error until something is found that succeeds.

If the hateful deep state gives them half a chance, we can expect some amazing things this next four years. But yes both are hated by those who can't fathom doing things different for the benefit of the people instead of for the benefit of government or those favored by government.
Yup, those that have never achieved anything in life always berate entrepreneurs
Elon made his billions ethically, honorably and the better American way by using his intuition, imagination, aptitude, work ethic, intellect to come up with products and services that people wanted and would pay for. That is the finest example of free market capitalism. He is one of those rare people willing to take huge risks with investments to see if he can do it better, more profitably, more excellence. And he has the ability to imagine and make happen things that actually work. He refuses to be confined to anybody's idea of status quo or what cannot be done.

He and Trump share those qualities though Elon has been more financially successful that Trump just because of the directions his curiosity and intuition and intellect take him. Both men are willing to think outside the box, try a lot of trail and error until something is found that succeeds.

If the hateful deep state gives them half a chance, we can expect some amazing things this next four years. But yes both are hated by those who can't fathom doing things different for the benefit of the people instead of for the benefit of government or those favored by government.
So, the 41 billion dollars he gets in government subsidies should be the first thing eliminated from the budget. And when he was on the verge of bankruptcy, that 465 million dollar loan from the US Department of Energy, pulled his ass out. And the billions of dollars in government contracts that SpaceX has, that should be eliminated as well.
So, the 41 billion dollars he gets in government subsidies should be the first thing eliminated from the budget. And when he was on the verge of bankruptcy, that 465 million dollar loan from the US Department of Energy, pulled his ass out. And the billions of dollars in government contracts that SpaceX has, that should be eliminated as well.
Don't blame the businessman for taking advantage of what the government hands him, for taking advantage of the tax code that the government votes into law, for utilizing the opportunity that bad government provides. When I was running my business I took advantage of every single thing I could however stupid it was for the government to make that possible.
Don't blame the businessman for taking advantage of what the government hands him, for taking advantage of the tax code that the government votes into law, for utilizing the opportunity that bad government provides. When I was running my business I took advantage of every single thing I could however stupid it was for the government to make that possible.
Wow, then explain to me how it is any different when a single Mom takes advantage of federal programs. Some poor person gets a free cell phone, courtesy of the federal government, they get condemned. But Elon, he gets over a 400 million dollar loan from the government, oh, he is just a good businessman. The hypocrisy here is unbelievable. I don't see how your brain doesn't shut down from the cognitive dissonance. Sorry the vocabulary exceeds your understanding.

I like how I get condemned. One poster here seems to be absolutely absorbed about it. Damn right, I have been on Medicaid, I have been on food stamps, when my half dozen kids were young and I was self-employed--uh, I think they call that being a businessman. I wasn't going to pay a marginal tax rate of 85%. I was just using the opportunity that "bad government" provides. And quite frankly, the results of that speak for themselves. I raised DOCTORS.
Had Elon not purchased Twitter and turned it into a free speech platform X, many many Americans never would have been educated enough to vote for free speech, liberty, and a better America in this election. They might have continued to fall for the dishonest and misleading propaganda spewed by most of the Democrat controlled MSM.

Elon Musk is the unsung hero of this election.

IF by "educated" you mean brainwashed, you'd be right.

Folks like yourself are the furthest thing from educated.
Wow, then explain to me how it is any different when a single Mom takes advantage of federal programs. Some poor person gets a free cell phone, courtesy of the federal government, they get condemned. But Elon, he gets over a 400 million dollar loan from the government, oh, he is just a good businessman. The hypocrisy here is unbelievable. I don't see how your brain doesn't shut down from the cognitive dissonance. Sorry the vocabulary exceeds your understanding.

I like how I get condemned. One poster here seems to be absolutely absorbed about it. Damn right, I have been on Medicaid, I have been on food stamps, when my half dozen kids were young and I was self-employed--uh, I think they call that being a businessman. I wasn't going to pay a marginal tax rate of 85%. I was just using the opportunity that "bad government" provides. And quite frankly, the results of that speak for themselves. I raised DOCTORS.
I wouldn't hold my breath. She can't explain the difference. Foxy has shit for brains.
Wow, then explain to me how it is any different when a single Mom takes advantage of federal programs. Some poor person gets a free cell phone, courtesy of the federal government, they get condemned. But Elon, he gets over a 400 million dollar loan from the government, oh, he is just a good businessman. The hypocrisy here is unbelievable. I don't see how your brain doesn't shut down from the cognitive dissonance. Sorry the vocabulary exceeds your understanding.

I like how I get condemned. One poster here seems to be absolutely absorbed about it. Damn right, I have been on Medicaid, I have been on food stamps, when my half dozen kids were young and I was self-employed--uh, I think they call that being a businessman. I wasn't going to pay a marginal tax rate of 85%. I was just using the opportunity that "bad government" provides. And quite frankly, the results of that speak for themselves. I raised DOCTORS.
Loan are repaid and if the government authorizes them, no businessman who qualifies for one can be criticized for taking out the loan.

Hand outs are not repaid. We choose to give them to the needy out of genuine compassion or to curry favor and buy votes. I am not saying we should never give them.

But to compare handouts/charity/entitlements/welfare/emergency relief or whatever to a loan that will be paid back is just frankly nuts.
Loan are repaid and if the government authorizes them, no businessman who qualifies for one can be criticized for taking out the loan.

Hand outs are not repaid. We choose to give them to the needy out of genuine compassion or to curry favor and buy votes. I am not saying we should never give them.

But to compare handouts/charity/entitlements/welfare/emergency relief or whatever to a loan that will be paid back is just frankly nuts.
Loans are repaid? You mean like those Paycheck Protection Plan loans? And if you can't see the government loaning money to a company that is about bankrupt and can't raise private capital to any significant degree, for 25 years, at the current Treasury Rate is little more than corporate welfare, well that is frankly, nuts. I bet Tesla is still paying on that loan, I know I sure would be, at that insanely low interest rate.

I also notice you did say one word about subsidies, which is the exact same thing as "welfare". It is a damn handout, plain and simple. It is picking winners and losers.
I think he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. For numerous reasons.

Coincidently, I just muted him from my x feed (because his tweets kept showing up on my feed even though I'm not following him) just minutes before seeing this thread. lol
This is worth watching.

FYI - James Corbett is the one playing 'devil's advocate' in that video, for the fun of it....just in case that wasn't clear from the start.
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Loans are repaid? You mean like those Paycheck Protection Plan loans? And if you can't see the government loaning money to a company that is about bankrupt and can't raise private capital to any significant degree, for 25 years, at the current Treasury Rate is little more than corporate welfare, well that is frankly, nuts. I bet Tesla is still paying on that loan, I know I sure would be, at that insanely low interest rate.

I also notice you did say one word about subsidies, which is the exact same thing as "welfare". It is a damn handout, plain and simple. It is picking winners and losers.
Have a nice day Winston.
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