Zone1 Elon Musks questions the Media's racial bias

OK. I am still waiting for credible evidence of your claim. FOX News is not good enough.
FOX News will report what Comer reported. That’s not good enough - coverage of Comer’s presentation? The lib media will be suppressing the news, like they did with Hunter’s laptop.
FOX News will report what Comer reported. That’s not good enough - coverage of Comer’s presentation? The lib media will be suppressing the news, like they did with Hunter’s laptop.
The Guardian

Fox News paid out a record $787.5m to settle a defamation suit for broadcasting lies about the 2020 US presidential election. The case had been brought by Dominion, a company that makes voting machines and which objected to Fox News airing, for instance, the wholly false claim that Dominion devices had deleted millions of votes for Donald Trump, replacing them with votes for Joe Biden – aided by an “algorithm to calculate the votes that they would need to flip”.

The last-minute deal came as a surprise to those who were looking forward to a blockbuster courtroom drama, but the bigger shock might be that Fox didn’t settle earlier. Given that the judge had already gone into caps-lock mode when he ruled in March that it “is CRYSTAL clear that none of the statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true”, the chances of a Fox win were always dicey.

The Guardian

Fox News paid out a record $787.5m to settle a defamation suit for broadcasting lies about the 2020 US presidential election. The case had been brought by Dominion, a company that makes voting machines and which objected to Fox News airing, for instance, the wholly false claim that Dominion devices had deleted millions of votes for Donald Trump, replacing them with votes for Joe Biden – aided by an “algorithm to calculate the votes that they would need to flip”.

The last-minute deal came as a surprise to those who were looking forward to a blockbuster courtroom drama, but the bigger shock might be that Fox didn’t settle earlier. Given that the judge had already gone into caps-lock mode when he ruled in March that it “is CRYSTAL clear that none of the statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true”, the chances of a Fox win were always dicey.

Yeah, I know…..that doesn’t negate the fact that if and when they cover Comer’s reporting on the emails showing the shell companies and the money laundering that it isn’t the truth.

But I can see what will happen: Biden’s decades-long corruption will be revealed, but the lib media will suppress it - and FOX, which is willing to cover it, will have libs yelling “It’s FOX News!” as a way to discount it.

Straight out of Alinsky.
Yeah, I know…..that doesn’t negate the fact that if and when they cover Comer’s reporting on the emails showing the shell companies and the money laundering that it isn’t the truth.

But I can see what will happen: Biden’s decades-long corruption will be revealed, but the lib media will suppress it - and FOX, which is willing to cover it, will have libs yelling “It’s FOX News!” as a way to discount it.

Straight out of Alinsky.
The matter deserves to be investigated. I will not take FOX News' word for it.
FOX News will report what Comer reported. That’s not good enough - coverage of Comer’s presentation? The lib media will be suppressing the news, like they did with Hunter’s laptop.
Forbes, May 9, 2023

Fox Corporation disclosed an eight-figure loss in its hotly anticipated quarterly earnings release Tuesday morning, revealing just how deep the recent costly wounds from its news division cut...

Fox reported a $54 million loss for the first three months of the year, a staggering drop from its $283 million profit during the same period last year.

In the report, the company attributed the loss “primarily” to “legal settlement costs” at Fox News, a nod to its $787.5 million settlement for a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems related to the network’s 2020 election coverage.

Fox CEO Claims $787.5 Million Dominion Settlement Was Merely A âBusiness Decisionâ As Profits Tank

Lisa558, FOX News is paying the price for its lies, and you expect me to believe what it says about President Biden.
Forbes, May 9, 2023

Fox Corporation disclosed an eight-figure loss in its hotly anticipated quarterly earnings release Tuesday morning, revealing just how deep the recent costly wounds from its news division cut...

Fox reported a $54 million loss for the first three months of the year, a staggering drop from its $283 million profit during the same period last year.

In the report, the company attributed the loss “primarily” to “legal settlement costs” at Fox News, a nod to its $787.5 million settlement for a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems related to the network’s 2020 election coverage.

Fox CEO Claims $787.5 Million Dominion Settlement Was Merely A âBusiness Decisionâ As Profits Tank

Lisa558, FOX News is paying the price for its lies, and you expect me to believe what it says about President Biden.
I expect you to believe what Comer says when FOX covers his presentation tomorrow. There is no logical reason for Biden’s deliberate weakening of America other than he and his family has been paid well for doing do by our adversaries.
FOX News will report what Comer reported. That’s not good enough - coverage of Comer’s presentation? The lib media will be suppressing the news, like they did with Hunter’s laptop.
FOX lost all credibility by losing the Dominian case.
FOX lost all credibility by losing the Dominian case.
So if the Comer presentation, in Comer’s own words, is played on FOX, you’re going to discount the evidence Comer provides because it is FOX who is showing it?
So if the Comer presentation, in Comer’s own words, is played on FOX, you’re going to discount the evidence Comer provides because it is FOX who is showing it?
Yes. This is just a distraction from Trump's coming conviction of rape. Right now Trump is slightly ahead of Biden in the polls, so the Democrats have to throw something at him that sticks, and they need to do it quickly.
Yes. This is just a distraction from Trump's coming conviction of rape. Right now Trump is slightly ahead of Biden in the polls, so the Democrats have to throw something at him that sticks, and they need to do it quickly.
OMG. You have already decided AHEAD OF TIME that you are going to discount whatever evidence Comer is going to show because a woman from 40 years ago has come out of the woodwork to allege rape against Trump. Just shows how desperate the Dems are getting as the truth about Biden’s selling out America to its adversaries is coming out.

I am disappointed that you are as bad as every other Democrat on this forum.
And P.S. The distraction is the fake rape case against Trump.
TrumpSexAbuse 2.jpg
Eh. Accusations are a dime a dozen. Look at how the Democrats brought out that woman with the little girl’s voice to try to crucify Kavanaugh with some fake story.

And Trump never bragged about sexually assaulting anyone.

Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women​

: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.


Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women​

: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

That just means that (some) women allow physical advances when it’s from a rich guy. And he doesn’t wait to kiss them? So what? I’ve had guys just zoom in, unwanted, for a smooch, not waiting for a green light. Happens to every woman.

And how does that “not waiting to kiss” compare with Biden trapping an unwilling woman against the wall, forcibly separating her legs, and sticking his fingers up her…..uh…..special place.
The root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism. When a nation doesn't speak the truth it makes change nearly impossible. And that's the problem with right wing whites. They post bs like this quote having never lived as a person of color, nor in a community of color to see the obstacles placed in front of them. The opinion comes from sitting in Pleasantville.

This guy wants to talk about placing all the facts on the table, but he can't face all the facts. He only wants to use the information that makes him feel comfortable and that's not facing the truth.

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